
发布 2021-05-24 15:31:28 阅读 6747


纵观历届高考,从单项选择、完形填空、短文改错、单词拼写乃至阅读理解的考查无一不是对词汇的考查 。到了高三,仅仅英语一科就有厚厚九本书(新版教材),两千多单词,数不清的习语搭配和同义词,加上复杂的语法、语音, 的确使英语复习显得很难而又"漫无边际"。怎样才能花较少的时间取得较大的复习效果呢 ?






go on doing(继续干同一件事) go on to do(接着去干另一件事) stop doing sth.(停止正在干的事) stop to do sth.(停下来去干某事) regret doing(后悔干了某事) regret to do(相当于be sorry to do) forget/remember doing(忘记/记得已做过的事) forget/rem-ember to do (忘记/记得要干的事) mean doing(意味着干…) mean to do(想干…) try doing(尝试做) try to do(设法做)

95高考)"you were br**e enough to raise objections at the meeting.""well,now i regret___that." do be doing h**e done done

92高考) "i usually go there by train.""why notby boat for a change?"

try going to go try and go going


某些动词如forbid, advise, allow, permit, admit, consider等直接接动词作宾语时要用动名词,但接宾补时 ,宾补要用不定式。如:

we forbid smoking here.(宾语) we forbid you to smoke here.(宾补) you are forbidden to smoke here.


87高考)they would not allow himacross the enemy line.

a. to risk going b. risking going c. for risk to go d. risk going


有些词如need, require, want, deserve等后可接不定式(要用被动形式), 可接动名词(要用主动形式表被动意义),可与worth, worthy一并记忆。两种形式意义相同。如:

the room requires to be cleaned/cleaning.

85高考)this sentence needs

a. an improvement b. improve c. improving d. improved


只接不定式作宾语的词和词组有: decide, expect, refuse, wish, hope, order, promise, pretend, offer, happen, seem, make up one's mind, used, be about, be able, h**e等。如:

89高考)she pretendedme when i passed by.

to see seeing not see not seen


mind, risk, **oid, enjoy, except, keep, suggest, appreciate, practise, delay, finish, feel like, look forward to, can't help, keep(on), miss, be used to, excuse, be worth, imagine ,put off, give up等。如: (92高考)i would appreciateback this afternoon.

a. you to call b. you call c. your calling d. you are calling

87高考)the squirrel was lucky that it just missed___

a. catching b. to be caught c. being caught d. to catch ──


半系动词后可用名词、不定式、分词和形容词等作表语,这类词有: 表感观的系动词:look, sound, taste, smell, feel(这些词用形容词作表语),seem, appear 表变化的系动词:

become, get, turn, grow, make, come, go, fall, run 表依旧的系动词:remain, keep, stay, continue, stand, rest, lie, hold 可带名词作表语的系动词:be, become, make, look, sound, fall, prove, remain, turn(该词后接的单数名词前多不用冠词。

如:he turned teacher.)

91高考)these oranges taste

a. good b. well c. to be good d. to be well


有些动词,如 sell,open,close,wash,teach,burn,measure,cut,lock,cost,read,write,tear ,wear, pull, clean, add, cook, let(出租)等,它们的主语是事物,且又是表示主语的固有特征和状态,与行为方式状语连用时,要用主动形式表被动意义:

my pen writes smoothly.我的笔好写。

oil burns easily.油易燃烧。

88高考)that suit___over 60 dollars. costed cost ──97高考)"is this raincoat yours?""no,mineth-ere behind the door.

" hanging hung ──



hang,hanged,hanged(绞死) hang,hung,hung(挂起) light,lit,lit(点燃,作谓语) light,lighted,lighted(过去分词作形容词用时,意谓"燃烧着的",作定语) drink,drank,drunk/drunken(喝,饮;过去分词作形容词同时,意谓"醉的",drunk多作表语,drunke n多作定语) sink,sank,sunk/sunken(下沉;过去分词sunken作形容词用时,作定语) bear,bore,born(出生) bear,bore,borne(结果;生育) lie(撒谎),lied,lied,lying lie(躺,卧,位于),lay,lain,lying (89高考)do you know the boyunder the big tree? ─the woman,who was born in 1940,has borne five children. ─





in no time(立刻,马上),on time(按时),in time(及时、迟早),at a time(一次),behind the times(落伍),behind time(不及时,晚点),at one time(曾经),for a time(一度),at othe r times(其它时候,平素),at times (有时候),at all times(一直,经常) (93高考)if you keep on,you will succeed

time on time ──time the same time (94高考)don't all speak at onceplease. at on time by one time for each time at a time



look,take,make,give,get,h**e,go,do,turn,put,set,come等。复习时我们要尽量将具有相反意义的介词、副词与同一动词的搭配罗列在一起对比记忆,如 turn一词:

turn on(打开),turn off(关上),turn up(放大音量等;出现),turn down (放小音量等;拒绝) ,turn in(上交),turn ag-ainst(反对),turn out (生产),turn away(避开) (81高考)would you mindyour radio a little? off off turn down down ──


高二上学期英语词汇。unit 1 phrases 1.练习描写人 practise describing people 2.有所作为 make a difference 3.来自 be from 4.因 而闻名 be known for 5.使一位科学家成功 make a scientist suc...


作者 王静。散文百家 下旬刊 2014年第03期。摘要 词汇是学生提高英语成绩的根本,很大程度上影响学生的阅读,听力和写作,在高三英语教学中更是有着举足轻重的地位。本文简析了词汇教学在高三英语教学中的现状及地位,并结合笔者高三的教学实践,分述了一些有效词汇教学的方法,进而说明教师在高三的教学过程中要...


作者 窦益琴。文理导航 2012年第13期。摘要 外语学习的关键之一是词汇学习,而词汇学习的关键就是如何有效地记忆和使用词汇,本文将就对高三英语词汇复习策略粗浅的认识,从 点 到 线 再连 线 到 面 讲述笔者在词汇教学实践中得来的经验,以期共同 词汇教学中最有效的方法。关键词 高三 英语词汇 复习...