
发布 2021-05-23 22:12:28 阅读 2134

aabandon ['bndn] vt.&n.放弃;抛弃;沉溺。

搭配】abandon an attempt/a notion/one’s friends/the search 放弃一次尝试/放弃某种观点/抛弃朋友/停止搜查。

练习】he abandoned medicine for literature in his early days.他早年弃医从文。

the sailors abandoned themselves to drinking.水手们恣意酗酒。

abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎于。

abolish ['bl] vt.废除;取消。

搭配】abolish sl**ery/abuses of power 废除奴隶制/铲除滥用权力的现象。

above ['bv] adv.①在……上面;在上头②上文,前文。


搭配】 as is stated above 如上所述。

a voice above the noise 超过噪音的声音。

be respected above all others 最受尊敬。

value honor above life 珍惜荣誉胜过生命。

词组】 above all 尤其,首要。

be above doing sth 不屑于做某事。

练习】 and then, above the evidence of intelligence some proof of personality is required.而且除了智力方面的证据,还需要性格方面的某些证据。

he is above seeking profits for himself.他不屑于谋求私利。

i’m not in charge of the department, and there are two people above me.


absence ['bsns] n.缺席,不在,缺乏。

搭配】 absence from school 缺课。

during/in sb’s absence 在某人不在时。

练习】 absence increased as a result of the snow.由于下雪,缺课情况增加了。

in the absence of anybody more experienced, i took command.由于找不到其他更有经验的人,只好由我来指挥。

absorb [b'zb] vt.吸收;使全神贯注。

he eyed the coming tide with an absorbed attention.他聚精会神地注视着**的海潮。

he was completely absorbed in technical innovations.他专心致志地从事技术革新。

abundant ['bndnt] adj.充足的;丰富的;富有的。

搭配】 live in abundance 过着丰衣足食的生活。

an abundance of fruit/sunshine/evidence 果实累累/充足的阳光/大量的证据。

be abundant in marine products 海产品丰富。

abuse ['bjuz] vt.&n. 滥用;辱骂;虐待。

搭配】personal abuse 人身攻击。

the abuse of privileges/one’s authority/ sb’s trust


accelerate [k'selret] v.(使)加快;(使)增速。

搭配】 accelerate one’s steps/economic growth/world peace


access ['kses] n.接近;进入;入口。

搭配】 a place of easy access 易于进入的地方。

a man of difficult access 难接近的人。

gain/h**e access to 获得/拥有接近……的机会或权利。

accident ['ksdnt] n.事故;意外的事。

词组】 by accident 偶然;无意中。

辨异】 accident与 incident 都表示“事故”,但与政治或军事有关的事故多用incident,一般事故则用accident

accommodation [km'de()n] n.住处;膳宿。

搭配】 get accommodation for the night 找个过夜的地方。

supply accommodation for 为……提供食宿。

reserve the accommodation in advance 预订房间。

accompany ['kmpn] vt.伴随,陪同,伴奏。

搭配】 accompany a singer on the piano 用钢琴为歌手伴奏。

accompany one’s speech with gestures 边说边做手势。

accompany a guest to the door 送客到门口。

account ['kant] n.叙述,说明,账户。

搭配】 settle accounts with 与……结账;解决与……的争执。

take into account 考虑到……

account for 解释。

练习】he takes no account of my warning. 他不理会我的警告。

farmers account for 30 percent of the population.农民占人口的30%

the match was postponed on account of the weather.由于天气关系,比赛延期了。

accuse ['kjuz] vt.职责,指控。

搭配】 accuse sb of theft 控告某人盗窃。

make an accusation about 就……提出控告。

accustomed ['ks***] a.习惯的,适应了的。

词组】 be accustomed to 对……习以为常。

acquire ['kwa] vt.取得,获得。

acquire experience through practice 通过实践获得经验。

acute ['kjut] adj.剧烈的,严重的,敏锐的,急性的。

搭配】 acute pain/diseases 剧痛/急性病。

an acute sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉。

an acute shortage of water 严重缺水。

adapt ['dpt] v.使适应;改编。

搭配】 adapt oneself to new conditions 使自己适应新的情况。

adapt one’s thinking to the new lifestyle 使思想适应新的生活方式。

books adapted for beginners为初学者改写的书。

add [d] v.加;增添。

词组】 add up to 合计达到。

in addition 另外。

in addition to 除……之外。

addict ['dkt]

搭配】 be addicted to/addict oneself to 沉溺于。

adequate ['dkwt] adj.充足的;能胜任的。

练习】 the quality of the product is quite adequate for local purposes.这产品的质量可充分满足当地的需求。

the supply is not adequate to the demand.供不应求。

adjust ['dst] vt.调整,使适应。

搭配】 adjust oneself to new surroundings 适应新环境。

adjust the watch to local time 把手表校正的与当地时间一致。

administration [d,mn'stren] n.管理,经营,**。

搭配】 efficient administration 高效率的管理。

练习】 the company developed under his wise administration.


the administration of justice must be the same for rich and poor.


adopt ['dpt] vt.收养,采取,采纳。

搭配】 adopt a positive attitude/a policy 采取积极态度/采取一项政策。

advance [d'vns] v.前进,提前,擢升。

练习】 his educational ideas were far in advance of his time.他的教育思想远远超出了他处的时代。


高二上学期英语词汇。unit 1 phrases 1.练习描写人 practise describing people 2.有所作为 make a difference 3.来自 be from 4.因 而闻名 be known for 5.使一位科学家成功 make a scientist suc...


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