
发布 2021-05-24 08:58:28 阅读 7003



baby, child, infant, youngster



例如:don't be a baby and cry over that littlescratch.(别那么孩子气,擦破点皮就哭个不停。)


例如:children, be careful not to drop your drinks.(孩子们,留神点,别洒了你们的饮料。)


例如:the sole survivor of the crash was an infant.(这次撞车的惟一幸存者是一个婴儿。)


例如:her lively youngsters keep her on the jump.(她的那些活泼好动的孩子使她忙个不停。)

cigar, cigarette, tobao


cigar :指雪茄烟。

i lit a cigar to calm my nerves.(我点燃了一支雪茄烟使自己的神经平静下来。)

cigarette :指纸烟。

he crushed out the cigarette.(他把烟灭了。)

tobao :指烟草,烟叶、烟丝。

this shop is licensed to sell tobao.(这家商店获准经销烟草商品。)

this is amild tobao.(这是一种味淡的烟。)

1. when there are small children around, it isnecessary to put bottles of pills out of .

a. hand

b. place

c. hold

d. reach


2. in spite of the wide range of reading materialspecially written or for language learning purposes, thereis yet no prehensive systematic program for the readingskills.

a. adapted

b. acknowledged

c. assembled

d. appointed


3. the river is already its banks because of excessiverainfall, and the city is threatened with a likely flood.

a. parallel to

b. level in

c. flat on

d. flush with


4. the bedcover has because of long wear.

a. fainted

b. lightened

c. weakened

d. faded


5. the matter was soon forgot and never .

a. put into operation

b. taken into aount

c. kept in sight

d. brought to mind


6. when i spoke to him about our trip to china, hedidn't make any to your ing with

us.a. ments

b. references

c. inquiries

d. remarks


7. they were forced to production for lack of rawmaterials.

a. cut across

b. cut in

c. cut off

d. cut back


8. the of new scientific discoveries to industrialproduction methods usually makes jobs easier to do.

a. addition

b. association

c. application

d. affection


9. i'm happy to see you've made such a swift from yourillness.

a. recovery

b. restoration

c. renewal

d. retreat


10. the new traffic regulations will e into in may.

a. efficiency

b. affection

c. effect

d. influence


11. the student couldn't what the teacher was tryingto explain.

a. grip

b. seize

c. grasp

d. snatch


12. a person of 18 should stop on his parents.

a. dependent

b. independent

c. dependence

d. independence



raise 意义 vt.举起 提高 提升 筹集 征集 唤起 引起 养育 饲养 种植 提升,增加 工资 搭配 raise one s hand 举手 raise one s hat to sb.向某人举帽致敬 raise doubts in people s minds 引起人们的怀疑 raise a...


beneficial 有益的。beneficent 多多行善的。childish 幼稚的 ish的形容词后缀常带有贬义 childlike 孩子般的,天真的。classic 一流的。classical 古典的。clean 干净的。cleanly 有干净习惯的 are cats cleanly ani...

英语词汇辨析 中考

12.aloud loud 和 loudly 都可以表示 大声地 但在用法上有区别。aloud loud二者作为副词,都有 大声地 响亮 的意思,有时可以通用。但aloud与read,think连用时,表示 出声 而loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口语中代替lo...