英语词汇正误辨析 2

发布 2020-01-03 12:49:28 阅读 6961

achieve◆他实现了他的目标——写一本书。误:he reached his aim—to write a book.

正:he achieved his aim—to write a book.

析:表示“实现目标”,通常用achieve an aim,不用reach。◆车速达到了每小时100英里。

误:the car achieved a speed of 100 mph.正:the car reached a speed of 100 mph.


on the test drive he achieved the speed of 200 mph.(在驾驶测试中他开车的速度达到了每小时200英里---因为在驾驶测试中,车速也是测试的项目之一)。arise


误:accidents often arise in carelessness.正:accidents often arise from carelessness.

析:表示“起源于”、“起因于”,arise后通常接介词from或out of。■有需要时就使用这笔钱。

误:use this money when the need is arisen.正:use this money when the need arises.

析:arise(出现,发生)是不及物动词,没有被动语态。另外when the need arises是一个常用结构,也可说成should the need arise。

如:should the need arise for extra staff, we will contactyou.(如果还另外需要人员,我们将与你联系)。



误:the book aroused at my interest in politics.正:

the book aroused my interest in politics.



误:the speaker aroused the audience with anger.正:

the speaker aroused the audience to anger.

析:表示激励或唤起某人做某事,通常用arouse sb to sth,注意通常用介词to,其实此句也可说成:the speaker arousedthe anger of the audience.

又如:he tried to arouse her to action.(他试图要使她采取行动)。



误:please arrange us an interview with the workers.正:

please arrange an interview with the workers for us.析:arrange(安排)通常不跟双宾语。


误:i’ve arranged him to attend the meeting.正:i’ve arranged for him to attend the meeting.


i’ve arranged that he (should) attend the meeting.(注意从句的谓语形式)

他们是按大小排列的。误:they arranged in size.

正:they were arranged in size.


suspect◆我猜想他就是那个扒手。误:i suspect him the pickpocket.

正:i suspect him to be the pickpocket.


注:以上结构中的不定式通常是tobe,若用其它动词,则通常是完成式或进行式,如:we suspect him to h**e said so.

(我们猜他是那样说过),i suspect him to be dying.(我看他快要死了)。◆她怀疑他拿了她的钱。

误:she suspected him for taking her money.正:

she suspected him of taking her money.析:suspect sb of (doing) sth=猜测某人做某事(注意其中用介词of,不用for)。

如:we suspecthim of telling lies.(我们怀疑他说谎)。

比较:i suspect him to be the thief. /i suspect him of beingthe thief.

/i suspect that he’s the thief.(我怀疑他就是那个贼)。◆我对他的动机甚为怀疑。

误:i’m very suspect about his motives.正:i’m very suspicious about his motives.




英语词汇正误辨析 afford正误用法。他卖不起小车。误 he doesn t afford to h e a car.正 he can t afford to h e a car.析 afford 担负得起 通常要与 can,be able to 连用。那样的东西许多人可以买得起。误 such t...


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英语词汇辨析 中考

12.aloud loud 和 loudly 都可以表示 大声地 但在用法上有区别。aloud loud二者作为副词,都有 大声地 响亮 的意思,有时可以通用。但aloud与read,think连用时,表示 出声 而loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口语中代替lo...