
发布 2021-05-23 03:37:28 阅读 1788



误:we are all tired. how about to h**e a rest?

正:we are all tired. how about h**ing a rest?

析:how about...在此用于征求意见,意为“……怎么样”,其后要接动名词(因为 about 是介词)。


误:i accepted his present but i didn’t receive it.

正:i received his present but i didn’t accept it.



误:the lake was frozen, so we walked through the ice.

正:the lake was frozen, so we walked across the ice.

析:across 和 through 都可表示从一边到另一边的意思,但前者主要涉及平面(与on有关),而后者则主要涉及立体空间(与 in 有关)。


误:he wouldn’t get my advice.

正:he wouldn’t take (follow, accept) my advice.

析:表示接受意见或忠告,通常用动词 take, follow, accept, act on 等,但不能用 get。另外:

提出建议或忠告,通常用动词 give;表示向某人请教或征求意见,一般用动词 ask (for)。

“你自己能修吗?” 恐怕不行。”

误:“can you repair it yourself?” i’m not afraid.”

正:“can you repair it yourself?” i’m afraid not.”

析:比较:i’m not afraid. 意为“我不怕”;i’m afraid not. 意为“恐怕不行”“恐怕不会”“恐怕不是”等(表示委婉的否定)。


误:after reading the letter, tears ran down his cheeks.

正:after he read the letter, tears ran down his cheeks.

正:after reading the letter, he burst into tears.



误:five students in our class joined the league again.

正:five more students in our class joined the league.

正:another five students in our class joined the league.

析:again 表示“又”“再”,指动作的反复;more 或 another表示“再”“又”,指数量在原有基础上的增加。若以上误句要视为正句,则表示:



误:it is ten years ago since she joined the party.

正:it is ten years since she joined the party.

正:she joined the party ten years ago.

析:“it is + 一段时间 + since...是一句型,意为“……有一段时间了”,注意不要在该结构的 since 前用 ago。


误:they agreed me to do it.

正:they agreed to let me do it. /they agreed to my doing it.

析:不要按汉语习惯用 agree sb to do sth 来表示“同意某人做某事”,要表达此意,需改用其他结构。


误:if he said so, and he is a liar.

正:if he said so, he is a liar.

析:if 引导的是条件状语从句,后面的句子为主句,其前不能用并列连词 and(否则全句为并列句)。


误:the teacher was angry to me.

正:the teacher was angry with me.

析:表示对某人生气,一般用介词 with (有时也用 at)。 表示对某事(物)生气,通常用介词 at, about(在美国英语中也可以用 with)。


误:h**e you had an answer of your letter?

正:h**e you had an answer to your letter?

析:表示“对……的回答(答复)”,其后通常接介词 to。类似地,要表示“……的答案”,其后也接介词to:the answer to the exercises 练习答案。


初中英语常见错误之n系列。nname 误 she was named of a flower.正 she was named after a flower.析 以 命名应为name after,又如给某人取名应为the father named his son tom.near 误 we came ...


name 误 she was named of a flower.正 she was named after a flower.析 以 命名应为name after,又如给某人取名应为the father named his son tom.near 误 we came near to hit hi...

初中英语辅导 初中英语典型例题

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