
发布 2021-05-22 19:53:28 阅读 9190





1) 简单句的类别。



3.祈使句 4.感叹句(how + adj. (s + v) !what + n. (s + v) !

2) 简单句的基本词序。


ibought a hatyesterday.

the children ranhome.

the taxi driver shouted at meangrily.

weate our mealin silence.

the carstoppedsuddenly.

a young girl walkedconfidently on the stage.

2)、并列句:由两个或两个以上等立而又相互独立的简单句构成,两个简单句由并列连词连在一起。 其结构是: 简单句+并列连词+简单句。

1. i help him and he helps me .

2. he failed many times but he wasn’t discouraged.

3. we must hurry, or we shall miss the train.

4. not only did he write to us but also he came here yesterday.

5. either he didn’t speak clearly or i didn’t hear well.



1) what he said just now is right. 2) he said that he had seen the film.

3) this is why he didn’t go to school.

4) the news that he has passed the exam made me happy.


that, which, if, whether, who, whom, whose, when ,how, where, why, ever.


1) the man who is standing there is white.

2) the building which was built is a school. 3) this is the place where i lived.


that, which, who, whom, whose, when, where, why.

3. 副词性从句:状语从句。



when, while, as, as soon as, after, since, until, till, where, if, unless, because, in order that, so…that…, though, wherever, whenever, as …as, not so…as, than

二。 句子成分划分。

1>. 讨论题: 找出下列句子中相应的成分:

(主语the sun rises in the east.

谓语we study english.

3. object(宾语we love china.

4. predictive(表语we are chinese.

定语this is a difficult problem.

补语we elected him monitor.

状语he runs fast.

同位语this is miss zou, my teacher.

插入语to be frank, i don’t agree with you.

2> 句子成分的分类。

1. 主语: 主语表示句子要说明的人或事物。一般由名词、代词或相当于名词的词或短语充当。

1) the students study hard.

2) he usually goes to school at 7:30.

3) one and one make two.

4) to tell a lie is wrong.

5) learning a foreign language takes a long time.

6) who taught you english last year?

2. 谓语:说明主语的动作或状态。谓语和主语在“人称”和“数”两方面必须一致。

1) 由动词的各种时态语态表示。

1) he goes to school every day2) they are swimming.

3) she caught up with the others very quickly.

4) this kind of machine is made in china.

2) 由“情态动词+动词原形”表示。 we must work hard at english.

the recorder can be repaired in two days.

3) 由“连系动词+表语”表示。my father is a doctor.

he feels better today.

3. 表语: 表语和连系动词一起构成谓语,表示主语的性质、特征、身份等。一般由名词、形容词或相当于名词、形容词的词或短语充当。

1) her uncle is a teacher. 2) he became angry.

3) the weather is getting warmer and warmer.

4. 宾语: 动作的承受者。

1) the child needs help. 2) they all helped us. 3) i hope to see you again.

4) tom likes swimming 5) he g**e me a map of the world. 6) i’ll lend it to you tomorrow. 7) my mother bought a skirt for me.




1) we found the story quite interesting. 2) we asked him to help us.

3) i saw a child playing on the grass.

6. 定语: 定语修饰名词或代词。

1) our classroom is clean and bright. 2) the book here is very interesting.

3) the man in a brown jacket is my father.

4) this is the house where i lived three years ago.

5) the students’ reading-room is on the second floor.

英语中放在被修饰词(中心词)前面的成为前置定语放在被修饰词后面的称为后置定语。一般来说,当定语修饰some, any, every, no等所构成的复合不定代词时,定语需后置。

1) i h**e something important to tell you.

2) there is nothing wrong with the sentence.



he was born in shanghai in 1970.

the meeting is to be held in room 401 tomorrow evening.

8. 同位语。


一 英语词法。1 实词与虚词 6 4 10 1 名词 n.表示人或事物的名称。如 boyfriend house book 2 动词 v.表示动作或状态。如 love read see 3 形容词 adj.或a.表示人和事物的性质和特征。如 beautiful primary elementary ...


第一章英语句子成分和英语句子结构。复合句 复合句对英语学习和考试有极大的决定性作用。其实复合句是简单句的扩展,只要借助简单句的句型结构分析推理出复合句的主干结构,弄清从句是何种从句,然后再根据从句相应知识点解决语法问题或理解句子。第一章英语句子成分和英语句子结构。复合句 复合句对英语学习和考试有极大...


句子是由一个个不同类别的词构成的,所以,首先得认识英语的词类,见下表 认识句子的成分。为了掌握句子构成的规律,把句子 这里指简单句 中的一个词或一群词,按照其功能的不同,而分解为不同的层次,就是句子的成分。一般有八种成分 li lei,my best friend,found the book ve...