人教版高一英语单元习语Unit11 Unit

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人教版高一英语[上]单元习语unit 11-unit 12

unit 11习语必会。

warming up & speaking

1. a piece of music一支曲子。

2. can you help me to decide what to buy?3. what do you h**e in mind?你有什么主意?

4. dance to (a song/music)伴着(歌曲/**)跳舞5. what can/do you suggest?suggest sth

suggest (sb) doing sthsuggest that...

suggest +虚拟语气(建议)insist +虚拟(坚决要求)suggest +陈述语气(表示)insist +陈述(坚决认为)6. h**e you considered doing...你考虑过。

吗?consider...as/to be)..


consider sb to h**e done sth认为。做过某事。

the sound of the world

5. a musical instrument乐器6. musical styles**风格。

in style流行的out of style过时的7. h**e much/nothing in common with和…有许多/没有相同之处8. along with和…一起。

9. a variety of各种各样的varieties of = various

language study

10. pick out挑出choose; selectpick up; pick on; pick

11. the style is the man.文如其人。

12. the key to the classroom教室的钥匙the answer to the question问题的答案。

the solution to the problem问题的解决办法the entrance to the station车站的入口。

13. give/put on a performance表演/上演节目14. golden pen金笔gold necklace金项链15.

a two-room house一个两室的房子。

a four-storey building = a building of four storeys/stories16. make a record录制唱片set a record创纪录record a song录一首歌。

17. turn into变成;译成turn...into; turn to

pop versus rock

18. become more and more similar变得越来越相似19. make music one's career把**当事业20.

on the other hand另一方面20. satisfy sb.使得某人满意be satisfied with对…感到满意be pleased with; be content with

satisfactory = satisfying; satisfaction

21. satisfy one’s inner desire满足某人的内心欲望21. make people feel easy让人们感觉轻松/悠闲22.

forget about忘记了。

american country music23. h**e a hit风靡一时。

24. over the past twenty years经过了过去的20年 common for对。很普通的25.

think…to be….认为…是26. turn to转向;求助于;翻到。

turn writer成为作家turn 20过了20岁27. think well of(be well thought of)=think highly of =speak highly of= sing high praise for对…评价很高28. make fun of取笑;拿某人取乐29.

bring in带来(收入);引进(技术)30. on their tr**els在旅行时31, in the open air在户外31. for free免费a free meal

he is free with his money.

all these books are given away (for) free/free of old woman has never been free from pain.

you are free to do anything you like, within the law.

the success of this project is up to us.这个项目的成败取决于我们。36.

become extinct = die out37. keep…as a pet把…当宠物养。


usual adj通常的;寻常的;惯常的(多指”习惯性的,遵循常规的,一贯如此的"强调时间角度。ordinary通常的;普通的,也指普遍的,但不是因为大家所共有而普遍常见,而是因为符合事物的正常法则及一般规律而十分普遍;也可带贬义,指低于一般标准的事物或人。popular普及的;通俗的,指为广大群众所接受或深受喜爱的。


unit 12必会习语。

warming up & speaking

1. match…with…把….和….相配2. action film动作片。

3. romantic comedy浪漫喜剧4. shootings and fights枪战。

5. at the art festival在艺术节上/期间。

harry potter

6. magical power魔力7. magic tricks魔术技巧。

8. welcome to + n.欢迎到…. welcome home!give sb a warm welcome热烈欢迎。

9. a world of magic and wonders充满魔力和神奇的世界10. a series of一系列的。

11. seem like =look like看起来像。

12. treat sb to sth请某人(吃…)treat sb badly虐待treat ..as/like...

13. in trouble在困境中get into trouble陷入困境。

ask for trouble自找麻烦make trouble捣乱put sb to trouble给人添麻烦。

take trouble to do sth不辞辛苦的做某事14. do the right thing做得对15. come across1. be understood;

he spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across.2. make an impression;

she came across well/badly in came across as a sympathetic person.

3. meet or find sb/sth by chance = run intoi came across some old photos in a drawer.

16. fight against与…作斗争/打架/打仗fight with; fight for17. believe和believe in

believe in信仰(真理;宗教;原则)信任= trust in;trust;h**e trust in信赖=rely on

i believe him, but i don’t believe in/trust (in) him.我相信他所说的话,但我不信任他/相信他的人格/能力。do you believe in god?


believe sb/what sb said相信某人(所说的话)believe ..to be...认为。是。

believe...to h**e done认为/相信。做过某事believe that...相信;认为。

trust that...


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