
发布 2021-05-20 10:47:28 阅读 2382

7年级下unit 3 welcome to sunshine town!

comic strip & welcome to the unit


目标定向】1. 认识并会写:mine, nothing, wait a minute, exchange student, pizza, tin.

2. 能简单介绍如何接待友人,介绍城市中各种游览活动。

3. 将活动和地点联系起来并建议到不同的地点活动或游玩:shall we take / invite them to …?i’d like to take them to …

个体学习】1. 师生自由交谈,利用实物或**学习生词:tin, nothing, order, pizza。

2. 听comic录音,回答问题:

is there any food in the fridge?

how much money do they h**e?

3. 阅读漫画后,抢答更多细节问题:

how many tins of dog food can they buy with that?

what does eddie want to do with five yuan?

do you think he can order a pizza? why or why not?

4. 跟读录音,注意模仿语音和语调。

5. 朗读对话,注意声情并茂。男女生分角色扮演。

6. 围绕兴趣爱好,两人一组,自编对话。

7. 完成p31的part a。核对答案。

8. 组内成员讨论话题:if our friends visit us, we can take them to h**e dinner with us.

what else can we do? do you h**e any good ideas?

9. 听p31 part b录音,回答问题:

who is coming?

what can the class 1, grade 7 students do for the exchange students?

10. 跟读录音,注意语音语调。

同伴互导】1. 朗读对话。

2. 角色扮演part b。注意语音、语调,充分发挥想象添加适当内容。

教师解难】1. 分组讨论,解析疑难。

2. talk about how to use “how many” and “how much” correctly.

3. 征求意见的句式有哪些?


⑴ 交换生5) 看电影。

谈论6) 邀请他们吃晚饭。

3)中国食物7) 带他们去电影院。

4)喜欢购物8) 好主意。


1. there is nothing in the fridge.=there isin the fridge.

2. there is a bottle of milk in the kitchen. (对划线部分提问)

of milkin the kitchen?

3. let’s go to the supermarket. (同义句)

补充学习】1. 熟读两对话。

2. 完成《课课练》对应练习。


7年级下unit 3 welcome to sunshine town!



目标定向】1. 读懂文章,了解阳光镇的基本情况。

2. 掌握有关生活方式和活动的词汇。

3. 能用适当的方法介绍所生活的城市。

个体学习】1. free talk:talk about different lives between the city and the town.

would you like to live in a modern city or in a small town?

2. 学习生词:quiet, air, fresh, local, jogging, underground, famous, western, opera, theatre, miss, forward, soon.

3. 快速阅读课文,完成课本p33 b1练习。核对答案。

4. 默读课文,完成p34 b3。核对答案。

5. 仔细阅读短文,回答问题:

where’s sunshine town?

what can people do in the park?

are there many nice shops in sunshine town?

what can the exchange students buy in the shops?

what is very famous?

where can we enjoy beijing opera?

6. 跟读录音,完成p33 b2练习。核对答案。

同伴互导】1. 自由朗读课文,完成b4 对话。核对答案。男女生分角色朗读。

2. 迅速默读课文,补全空缺的词。

sunshine town is a __place. the air isit takes 40___fromof beijing by

there'reshops in the town. people can __presents __friends.

beijing duck is verypeople can also h**e somefood there.

if you want tochinese art, you can enjoyat the

教师解难】1. 组内讨论,解析疑难。

2. it takes us only 40 minutes to the centre of beijing by underground.另外一种表达是什么?


1. there’s no aor water on the moon.

2. get up early, go out for some fair and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

3. i’d like to stay in a qtown. i can hear birds sing.

4. huai’an is very ffor zhou enlai.


dear mum,

i watched a video about sunshine town. it is a new town in beijing. it is only 40 minutes from the centre of beijing by underground.

there is less air pollution(污染)there than in other areas of beijing. most of class1, grade 7 students live in flats because they love to be close to(靠近)each other. there are some shopping malls in sunshine town.

you can find all your souvenirs there. if you want to eat chinese food, you can go to star shopping mall, and there are some western restaurants too. if you like beijing opera, you can go to the local theatre.

how do you like sunshine town, mum? i really enjoy my stay here.


1. how far is it from the centre of beijing to sunshine town?

2. why do the students live in flats?

3. where can you buy souvenirs?

4. are there any western restaurants in sunshine town?

5. what can you enjoy in the local theatre?

补充学习】1. 熟读课文。

2. 完成《课课练》对应练习。


7年级下unit 3 welcome to sunshine town!



目标定向】1. 复习阳光镇的基本情况。

2. 理解并学会运用reading中的重要短语和句型。

3. 拓展延伸, 学以致用。

个体学习】1. 读课文,抢答问题:

1)where is sunshine town?


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