
发布 2021-05-19 04:26:28 阅读 5084




2.熟读topic1sectiona 1a、sectionb 1a、2a、 topic2 sectiona1a、sectionb1a、 topic3 sectiona1a 、sectionb1a课文内容,背诵划线主要句子———下一次课听写背诵句子。





topic 1

section a

1、i saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer

during the summer 在暑假期间此处during 表示:在、、、期间。

辨析] during for

during 强调事件在什么期间发生 for 则用于描述动作或状态延续的时间。

例如:i stay in london for a week 我待在伦敦一周了(此处强调呆在伦敦的时间长短)

2、would you like to come and cheeer us on

cheer sb up (以欢呼)激励某人为某人欢呼。

如果后面接名词,则可放在cheer on的中间和后面,如果后面接人称代词,则必须放中间。

例如:our friends will cheer us on 我们的朋友会为我们欢呼。

3、i hope our team will win

ⅰ hope to do sth 希望做某事。

xiaohong hopes to study english in jiamei 小红希望在家美学习英语。

ⅱ hope +that 从句,that可以省略。

i hope(that)you are coming to the party 我希望你来参加聚会。

i hope(that)it will be fine tomorrow 我希望明天天气会变好。

注意:不能用 hope sb to do sth 要表达希望某人做某事,需用hope +that 从句。

或者用wish sb to do sth

4、which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing

prefer 更喜欢,相当于 like、、、better

prefer doing sth \to do sth

do you prefer watching tv\ to watch tv at home


例如:i prefer apples to banans

5、are you going to join the school rowing club

be going to do 结构,表示即将要发生的事、有迹象表明会发生的事或者打算、计划、决定要做的事;它的一般疑问句形式直接把be动词提到句首。

例如:i going to play baskeball tomorrow

→are you going to 、、

练习:1、 mike prefers__(play)basketball. i prefer football

2、is mary going to __join) the city club?

3、i__ him to __the game

a:hope; win b:wish;win c: hope; winning d: wish ;winning


1、 what are you going to be when you grow up

: grow—grew grow up

grow 生长、 种植的意思。

: 此句为be going to 表示一般将来时的特殊疑问句式。

结构为:特殊疑问词+be+主语+going to+动词原形+其它。

例如:what are you going to do next month

2、 liu xiang took part in both the athens and beijing olympics.

辨析] take part in join join in

take part in 表示参加某项活动相当于join in

join 表示加入某个团体或组织并成为其中一员。一般有:jion the army\pary\league\team(参军、入党、入团、参加队伍)

练习:1、 my daughter is going to be a teacher when she___

a: gorw b:grew c:grows up d:grew up

2、 do you know why your teacher did not___the party

a: join b:took part c:join in d:joined

topic 2


1、 could you please(not) do me a f**or

: do sb a f**or 帮某人忙,相当于help sb 或 give sb a hand

:could you please、、、请你、、、好吗 ?后接动词原形,相当于would you please、、、表示有礼貌的请求通常用sure 、certainly 、of course作肯定回答。

例如: could you please poen the door for me 请你帮我开门,好吗。

2、 but one of my teammates fell ill

辨析] be ill 意为:有病的,得病的。强调的是一种状态。

fall ill 意为:生病,得病。强调的事动作,由健康到生病的过程。

feel ill意为:感觉不舒服,重在强调一种身体感受。

例如: she is ill now

do not too hard, or you will fall ill

are you feeling ill

3、 would you mind teaching me?

:would\do you ming doing sth 意为:你介意做某事吗?请你、、、好不好?表礼貌请求。

回答此类问句如果表示可以,要说not at all(完全不介意)\of course not\ certainly not(当然不反对)如果表示介意、反对,则常说:yes,please don’t\better not \sorry,iam afraid youd better not.


如:do you mind my brothers coming with us

: mind not +动名词。

如:would you mind not smoking here

: would \ do you mind +if从句,可以用 would\ do you ming doing sth 来替换。

4、 but i can manage it myself

manage to do sth 设法做成某事(结果成功了)

try to do sth 设法做某事(结果未必成功)


1、 you missed a good chance

by chance 偶然地。

a chance of sth\ to do sth 一个、、、的机会\做某事的机遇。

例如:please give me a chance to explain

2、what do you mean by saying that ?

what do you mean by 、、what does、、mean =whant is the meaning of 、、是什么意思。

例如:what do you mean by this words=what does this word mean

=whant is the meaning of this word 这单词是什么意思。

3、 do not be angry with michael

be angry with sb 对某人生气。

be angry at \about sth 对某事生气。

be angry with sb for doing sth 因某人做某事生气。

例如:liming was angry with hing for coming to school late

4、 we are sure to win next time

be sure to do sth 确信做某事。

辨析】be sure that、、、表示确信,如果sure后面的主语和前面的主语是同样的,就用be sure to do sth ,如果不是同一个主用就用be sure that

例如:we are sure that they can win

be sure of\about、、、对、、、确信、肯定、有把握,后面可以接名词或是代词。

5、 never mind ,i h**e another one

辨析】:another 又一个,再一个。


can i h**e another cup of tea, please


would you like another


another two hundred workers

:other 意为另外,其它,作限定词(后接复数可数名词)


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