
发布 2021-05-19 03:22:28 阅读 8095



1. i don’t know if it will increase . if 引导宾语从句。

if . when 等引导状语从句时,常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。

例:1). please tell me if you comes ( come ).

2).i will call your father when hecome back ).

3).he doesn’t know when your fathercome back )

2. i wonder if that’s a lot of people for the size of the country .

wonder : want to know .

size : 大小 , 尺码, 号码。

例: 1)我想知道他们要到哪儿去?i __where they are going.

2) 你要多大号码的鞋子of shoes do you want ?

3. what can be done to slow down the population increase ?

slow down 减慢,使慢下来。

before you reach the crossing . 到达叉口前要减速。

the fast train has快车已减慢速度。

4. so ithour after hour . 所以她一小时接一小时的向前发展。

5. _this __356. 用356乘以这个数。

she __three __six and __eighteen.她用6乘3,得18。

6. what willa hundred years .一百年之后将会发生什么?

an accidentli ping yesterday .昨天李平发生了一起事故。

7. the world population世界人数正急剧增长。

of the world . 世界有多少人口。

8the twentieth century ..在20世纪初。

last term , i got a letter from my penfriend .


9.people say that2010, it may be seven billion .


he had learnt more than seven thousand new words


10 there arepeople inthat country. 那个国家由数十亿人。


11. there will beonly on the earth . 在地球上将只有站的地方。

you h**ebut i h**e only你有睡觉的地方,但是我只有站着的地方。

12. there will be几乎没有足够的地方可供给其他任何人。

tom hasto buy the new book .有足够的钱买新书

mary isgo to look for a job .mary够大了可以去找一份工作。

13. do you know that people’s life ismore of them will buy cars.


14.theybuy a new one rather __it.


he prefersin the countryin the city .


i prefers __to __同骑车相比我更喜欢步行。

15. it can cost50,000 yuan and3000000 .


16.that is __more than two million yuan in china. 那相当于中国的两百万元。

the bike is这辆自行车值得买。

the report is这个报告值得听。

the book is这本书很值得读。

17.she didn’t agree __her mother .

she didn’t agree __that idea.

she didn’t agree __that thing .

1. are yougoing to beijing ? 要去北京你很激动吗?

you are sothe english exam . 你英语考试过关了,感到如此激动。

the film is very __这部电影很动人。

i’m verythe film . 这部电影是我很感动。

2they areexpensive , i will __it . 虽然他们有点贵,我还是要买。

you are better ,you mustn’t go to work today.


the man didn’t buy the machinehe took much money with him.


3.after shemore information ,she asked her father .


when ihome , my fatherhome. 当我回家的时候,我父亲已经到家了。

yesterday after my sonhis homework , he


4. this camerathe most


it __rain tommorrow . 明天好像要下雨。

younow .

ityou are better now .你现在看起来好多了。

younow .

5. she enjoyed her visit to beijingshe took a lot of photos with the new camera.

它非常喜欢她的北京之行, 所以它用新照相机照了许多**。

i’mi can carry the big stone. 我很有力气,能搬动这块大石头。

the room isit can hold one hundred people . 这个房间很大,它能容纳一百人。

she got up earlyshe could catch thhe early bus. 为了能够赶上早班车,她起的很早。

she got upshe caught the early bus. 她起的很早,结果她赶上了早班车。

6.we went to the hotel by taxi andour things.


pleaseyour coat . 请脱下你的大衣。

she __her shoes when she went to bed. 她睡觉的时候,脱下了她的鞋子。

a big stonefrom a hill. 一块大石头从小山上掉了下来。

the little boy __a footballthe fifth floor of a building.


7. we __the whole afternoon there. 我们在那里玩了一整下午。


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