2019届中考英语试题复习专题综合检测 七

发布 2021-05-18 20:25:28 阅读 4160


模拟一。1. 工人们正在建一条隧道, 它将穿过这座山。

the workers are building a tunnel, and it will the mountain.

2. 多吃豆制品对健康有益。

it’s your health to eat more bean food.

3. 身体健康取决于你是否有好的饮食习惯。

good health whether you h**e good eating habits.

4. 我们正期盼着暑假的到来。

we arethe coming of summer vacation.

5. 在过去的几年里, 我们曾经习惯了的生活发生了大变化。

the life we were used to a lot in the past few years.

模拟二。1. 如果你想身材苗条, 就不要放弃锻炼。

don’t exercise if you want to be slim.

2. 看! 他正在等早班车!

look! he is the early bus!

3. 约翰性格外向, 和新同学相处不错。

john is outgoing andhis new classmates.

4. 昨晚辛迪和吉娜都没有和我们一起去参加派对。

cindy gina went to the party with us last night.

5. 近来人们谈论的热门话题是空气污染问题。

the hot topic that people are is air pollution.

模拟三。1. 玛丽喜欢看《快乐大本营》。我弟弟也是。

mary likes watching happy campmy young brother.

2. 侯逸凡擅长下棋。

hou yifanplaying chess.

3. 我总是认为和同学们很好地相处很重要。

i always think important on well with classmates.

4. 史密斯先生爱那帮孩子, 并已习惯了农村艰苦的生活。

mr smith loves the children, and hethe hard life in the countryside.

5. 河水太脏, 人们无法饮用。

the water in the river is dirty for people drink.

模拟四。1到目前为止), i h**e learnt five english songs.

2. don’t嘲笑)disabled people. instead, we should help them as much as possible.

3. he will go to paris to study for a month; it’s a好机会)for him.

4. lang lang’s piano music always me (引领)a colorful world.

5. when we are away, our baby可以被照顾)by my mother.

模拟五。1. i believe our school以……为自豪)us some day.

2事实上), many people are afraid of ****** a speech in public.

3. some people宁愿步行)to work than drive a car.

4. i’m sorry i took your bag错误地).

5. many teachers go on working即使)they are sick.

模拟六。1. 有时汤姆会生朋友的气。

2. 孩子们有太多作业要做。

3. 谢谢你借给我你的自行车。

4. 当李明到达学校时, 他意识到他把背包忘在家了。

5. 李娜是世界上最受欢迎的体育明星之一。

模拟七。1. 他太害羞了, 不敢在课堂上说话。

2. 为了孩子健康成长, 家长应该对孩子严格要求。

3. 没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

4. 无论你做什么, 我都同意。

5. 对青少年来说, 尽可能花时间与父母交谈是有必要的。

模拟八。1. the ruler is 20 centimeters long. (对画线部分提问)

is the ruler?

2. ted is tall. mark is taller than ted. fred is taller than mark. (合并为一句)

fred is of the three.

3. jenny made great success in her research because she put her effort into it. (改为简单句)

jenny made great success in her research her effort.

4. the children h**e never been here before. (改为反意疑问句)

the children h**e never been here before

5. the knife in the box is his. (改为复数句)

those in the boxes his.

模拟九。1. 他是一位在处理青少年问题方面有丰富经验的医生。

he is a doctor lots of experience in teenager problems.

2. 我班有58名学生。

58 students in my class.

3. 昨天因为大雨, 我们不得不推迟了聚会。

we had to the party because of the he**y rain yesterday.

4. 莉莉给我打**时我正在洗头。

i my hair when lily called me.

5. 琼在我们中最心灵手巧了, 但她从来不炫耀自己。

joan is the most practical of us, but she never

模拟十。1. 这首歌总能让我想起我的英语老师。

the song always me my english teacher.

2. 我长大了想当一名汉语教师。

i want to be a chinese teacher when i

3. 这则消息使他非常高兴。

the news him very .

4. 新教学楼的设计图样将在校园展出。

designs for the new teaching building will be in the school yard.

5. 本学期初, 这个男孩变得对学英语感兴趣。

at the beginning of this term, the boy became learning english.

模拟十一。1. 我认为青少年应该把更多的注意力集中在学习上。

i think teenagers should more their study.

2. 迈克, 你要多做户外运动而不是整天在网上聊天。

mike, you should do more outdoor sports chatting online all day.

3. 昨天早晨我八点才起床。

i get up 8: 00 yesterday morning.

4. 老师告诉我们不要在衣服上花费太多钱。

the teacher told us not to too much money clothes.

2019届中考英语试题复习专题综合检测 八

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