
发布 2021-04-12 15:23:28 阅读 4298


units 9-10


i 词组。1) h**e a good time/ h**e fun/ enjoy oneself玩得愉快。

2) end up doing 以… 结束 :结果为…:

3) three quarters 四分之三。

4) practice doing练习做某事。

5)wake up醒来

6)look through浏览

7) get along with相处

8) at least至少。

9) look like rain看起来要下雨

10)come along (意外)出现;发生;来到。

11) feel like doing 想要做…

ii 句型。

1 h**e you ever been to an amusement park ? no, i h**en’t


2 i h**e been to an aquarium a lot of times. me, too

我去过水族馆许多次。 我也去过多次。

拓展:neither …nor/ neither of / either …or

3 it is a nice day , isn’t it ? what a nice day , isn’t it ?

多么好的天气呀, 是吗?

4 friends like you make it easier to get along in a new place.


5 i h**e a hard time finding it until you came along


6 it was because i could speak english that i got the job .


it is /was + 被强调的地方 + that 句子的其他成分。

it was john that (who) broke the window yesterday.


it was yesterday that john broke the window .



) 1 the blacks __many places of interest since they came to china

a. will visit b. visited c. visit d. h**e visited

) 2 alice has __home for 2 weeks .

a. left b. been away c. been away from d. been from

) 3 –are you a member of the club three years ago ?

- yes, i __the club three years ago .

a. join b. joined c. h**e joined d. was joined

) 4 --i h**e never been to hainan, but this summer i will h**e a chance to go there for vacation .

i hope you can h**e a good time.

a. me too b. me neither c. so am i d neither am i

)5 the girl didn’t feel likeshe was sick.

a. eat anything b eating anything c. to eat anything d ate anything

) 6 i don’t think that the boy can solve the problem

a. can he b. can’t he c. do you d. don’t you

) 7-your sister doesn’t like watching tv, does she ?

___she prefers reading books to watching tv.

a. yes, she does b. no, she doesn’t

c yes, she doesn’t d. no, she does

)8 would you like to tell your trouble to your mother or your father ?

i usually keep it deep in my heart.

a either b neither c both d none

)9 alice has __home for 2 weeks .

a. left b. been away c. been away from d. been from

)10--lovely day, _a isn’t it b is it c isn’t that d aren’t they


1 he’s already cleaned the classroom (变一般疑问句)

___he __the classroom

2 his father can hardly write or read反意疑问句)

3 the bag must be yours反意疑问句)

4 my family h**e been to qingdao a lot of times.

your family been to qingdao?

4 (兰州)not only tom but also bob has been to that island.(同义句转换) _tom and bob __been to that island.

5 这件外套你买了多长时间了?

h**e youthe coat ?

6 这家工厂已经开业两年了。

the factoryfor two years

7 学生们应当学会怎样与他人相处。

students should learn howwell __others.

8尽管迪斯尼巡游走的是不同路线,但都在同一个地点结束disney cruises __different roads, they allthe same place.


1 why notthe news***** for a new job?

2the meeting was too dull until the actor

3 he has invited herfour times.

4would you likeif you are free?

5 how are youwith your parents?

6 you should be more carefulwhen you cross the road.

中考链接。1.(滨州)- do you think we’ll need a coffee pot ?

i don’t drink coffee , andit’s not necessary . why not a tea service ?

a. neither you do b. neither do you c. so you do d. so do you

2(贵阳)-when did you buy these cds ?-i __them for two days.

a .hadb. h**e bought c. h**e had

3 (青岛)i overslept this morning ._my father __my mother woke me up on time.

a. either, or b. both, and c. neither, nor d. not only, but also

4 (内蒙古)the population of our city is becoming

a. larger and larger b. more and more

c. fewer and fewer d. less and less

5.(兰州)jimmy’s parents are teachersof them teaches chinese , they both teach french..


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宾语从句。宾语从句 一个句子如果加上宾语从句,句子显然变复杂了,也变的difficult了,其实,你大可不必发愁。只要掌握好宾语从句的用法,一切问题就迎刃而解了。宾语从句由关系代词或关系副词引出。我们根据引导宾语从句的连词不同,可把宾语从句分为三类。以that引导的宾语从句。如 i hear tha...