
发布 2021-05-18 20:24:28 阅读 3692




.根据下列句子及所给的首字母提示,完成单词 is theeighthmonth of a year.2.—how much are these books?

five dollars if you buy two,you could get the third oneforfree.

live next door to a couple whose children often make too muchnoise.

the way to school,i found a walletlyingon the policeman ran after the criminal and me,friendship seems morevaluable

the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking theteaitself.

winter,it is warm in hangzhou andseldomsnows always love their kidswhateverhappens.导学号33404287

is stronglyagainstkeeping animals in the

zoo,because he thinks animals should also h**e the right to enjoy thefreedom.



friendly and you will make more friends and fewerenemies(enemy).

very important to teach young children about roadsafety(safe).

gates is one of thewealthiest(wealthy)man in the hasn’t been found yet.

1989,audrey made her finalappearance(appear) in films.ⅲ.20xx江苏常州中考模拟)

用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 is busy doing the experiment

betterchoose(choose)him as the best one at themeeting.

government encouraged ustoplant(plant)more fact,the tigers in indiaaredisappearing(disappear)muchfaster than pandas now.

talk on studyisgiven(give)at the end of every term atschool.


you know theprice(价钱)of the strawberry? doesn’tpromise(承诺)to fly a kite on runs soslowly(慢地)that everybody can catch him.

feelsnervous(紧张的)when she speaks english in front of thestudents.

h**e a goodmemory(记忆).i can remember all of the newwords.



was very famous for hercourage(勇气)and hard who breaks the laws will bepunished(惩罚).


you are interested in something,your brain will be moreactive(活跃的).

you please tell me the way to the post office?i want to buystamps(邮票).

will theinternational(国际的)meeting be held?ⅵ.20xx浙江杭州13中三模)


father alwaysprefersto ride a bicycle to work rather thandrive a car,because the traffic is too he**y.

you goinganywherepeaceful and relaxing on vacation thissummer?

teenagers nowadays should beeducated/encouragedtotake care of themselves from a young age instead of depending toomuch on their parents.

is important to learn how to use the right language in differentsituations.

the saying goes,look before you should thinktwicebefore you take this step.

high school students go abroad forfurthereducation.

large grassland,reaching out far away,looks really beautifulagainstthe blue sky.

believe china will also get better at ****** high-technologyproductsthat people can buy in all parts of the world.

girl had hereighteenthbirthday is an adultnow.

storymainlytells us if we try our best,we will makeprogress.

中考英语专题复习 词汇复习

以上两个句子中都有if,但是由于if的意思不同,构成的从句也就不同,是宾语从句,是状语从句,的if作 是否 讲,的if作 如果 讲,也就是说if作 是否 讲时,构成的句子肯定是宾语从句,那么句子时态则要跟宾语从句的原则走。if作 如果 讲时,构成的句子肯定是状语从句,那么句子时态则跟状语从句的原则走...

中考英语专题复习 词汇复习

键入文字 中考英语专题复习资料 词汇复习。1.对动词的复习 从历年实测的情况来看,动词或与动词相关题目的考查,占相当的比重。因为。动词的变化多,而且是句子的核心部分,所以同学们在进行单项或知识点复习时,务。必把动词和与动词相关的部分作为复习的重点。首先是动词的时态和语态,不但要把。常见的基本概念搞清...

中考英语分类总复习 词汇运用

2007年中考英语分类总复习 词汇运用。词汇运用 是目前浙江省各地初中毕业升学学业评价的一个重要题型,分值10分。而对于此题的主要失分情况在于 适当形式的变化 上。下面粗略谈谈词汇运用题的解题方法,供大家在今后的运用中实践参考!1 结合所给中文意思,认真阅读文章,填写所给中文意思的英语单词 2 考虑...