
发布 2021-05-18 20:22:28 阅读 3468

说明: 考试时间90分钟满分100分)

第一卷 (70分)

i. 听力部分(25分)

a. 从下列每小题的四个选项中, 选出你在录音里听到短语或句子,并将相应的字母编号填在答题卷上(每小题念一遍)(共10小题,每小题1分)

1. a. kate felt sleepy in class yesterday. b. kate fell asleep in class yesterday.

c. kate was sleeping in class yesterday. d. kate was very sleepy in class yesterday.

2. a. peter has never heard from john before.

b. peter has never heard of john before.

c. peter has ever heard from john before.

d. peter has never hurt john before.

3. a. sixteen of the people entered the hall. b. sixty of the people entered the


c. sixteen of the pupils entered the hall. d. sixty of the pupils entered the


4. a. close your eyes until i knock at the floor.

b. close your eyes until i knock at the door.

c. close your eyes until i knock over the flour.

d. close your eyes until i knock over the flower.

5. a. we had a story-telling competition last monday.

b. we had a story-writing competition last month.

c. we had a composition-writing competition last month.

d. we had a writing competition last monday.

6. a. please turn right and walk thirteen paces north.

b. please turn left and walk thirty paces south.

c. please turn right and walk thirty paces north

d. please turn left and walk thirteen paces south.

7. a. i can’t take you swimming this afternoon.

b. i can’t take you skating this afternoon.

c. i can’t take you shopping this afternoon.

d. i can’t take you fishing this afternoon.

8. a. she filled the whole hole with sand.

b. she dug the hole with her spade

c. she filled the hole with the whole stone.

d. she dug the hole with her metal spade.

9. a. tom doesn’t get up as late as jack. b. tom does get up early as jack.

c. tom doesn’t get up so early as jack. d. tom does get up as late as jack.

10. a. the old man didn’t h**e either an old wife or a young woman.

b. the old man didn’t h**e either an old wife or a daughter.

c. the old man had neither an old wife nor a young woman.

d. the old man had not only an old wife and a daughter.

b. 根据你在录音里听到的句子, 选择最佳答句, 并将相应的字母编号填在在答题卷上(句子念两遍)(共5小题,每小题1分)

11. a. he can do it himself. b. i’ve helped you.

c. yes, i’m doing it. d. thanks. i’ve finished it.

12. a. you liked to work all the time. b. thank you, i’ve swept it.

c. the windows are clean. d. the floor is very wet.

13. a. no, please don’t.

b. yes, please do.

c. yes, please keep quiet because she is sleeping.

d. no, of course. i am thinking.

14. a. it doesn’t matter b.

i can’t find my car. c. that’s right.

d. don’t worry.

15. a. only once. b. about once a week.

c. three weeks ago. d. about three times.

c. 听对话,每个对话后有一个问题,请根据对话的内容回答所提的问题。并将相。

应的字母编号填在答题卷上。 (对话念两遍 ) 共5小题, 每小题1分)

16. a. yesterday b. two days ago. c. three days ago. d. two weeks ago.

17. a. she never eats breakfast. b. all the time.

c. at half past seven. d. at ten o’clock.

18. a. one. b. two. c. three. d. four.

19. a. she will help the man this evening.

b. she doesn’t want to help the man this evening.

c. she can’t help the man this evening.

d. she wouldn’t like to help the man this evening.

20. a. because she is rather free. b. because she is quite busy.

c. because she doesn’t like watching tv. d. because she is very tired after work.

d. 听短文, 找出短文给出的五个问句的最佳答案, 并将相应的字母编号填在在答题。

卷上。(短文念两遍) (共5小题,每小题1分)

21. what was the teacher doing when peter asked him question?

a. she was very free. c. she was busy.

c. she was laughing. d. she was in the office.

22. where did the teacher ask peter to go after school?

a. to the teacher’s home b. to the playground

c. to the dining hall. d. to his office.

23. peter didn’t go to the teacher’s office on time after school, did he?


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