开放英II 1 复习纲要

发布 2021-05-18 05:40:28 阅读 1037


unit one talking about yourself

词汇部分。to :

used to + v. →表示一种过去的习惯、过。


eg. the students used to study english in the morning.

否定式为used not to do sth.

(usedn’t to do sth.)

eg. he usedn’t to like english, but he quite likes it now.


eg. used he to like english?

be ( become, get ) used to + v-ing ( n. )意为“习惯于…”

eg. the students soon got used to school regulation.

she doesn’t work here now, but she used to .她现在不在这工作,但她曾在这儿工作。

there used to be a good pub near here. 这附近曾有一家很好的洒馆。

i’m used to spicy food. 我习惯吃口味重的食物。

i’ll never get used to getting up at four. 我绝不可能习惯4点起床。

i prefer english to law.我更喜欢英语而不是法律。


get up起床, clear up打扫, turn up出现; help sb with sth,在…帮…人 in fact 事实上, enjoy oneself 放松自己,take on 聘用, all day long 一直 , for ages 很长时间, not at all 一点也不, for the weekend 到…周末, at the weekend,在周末 during the weekend 在周末期间, apply for 申请 , be relevant to与…相关, be **ailable for something 方便做…, burst in 闯入, the world cup 世界杯etc.

present tense (一般现在时)

1). affirmative (肯定式)

am be are ( 根据人称代词变化)

is eg. i’m a student.

he is a teacher.

h**e --has

eg. i h**e a very good english book.

he has breakfast at 7:30 every day.

h**e you a watch?

do you h**e a watch?

v. 一般行为动词→v.

第三人称单数→ v.+s

一般v→ +s




eg. a. he works very hard.

b. she teaches english.

c. he studies english very well.

d. she does morning exercises every day.

2).negative (否定式)

1 be → be not / h**e not(h**en’t)

eg. i’m not a student.

i h**e not a very good english book.

2 v.→ don’t v.

doesn’t v. (第三人称单数 )

eg. i don’t like the film.

he doesn’t like the film.


be(h**e) +主 + 表 …?

eg. are you a student ?

h**e you a watch?

do/ does + 主 + v. +

eg. do you h**e a watch?

do you like the film?

does he like the film?

3. the past tense (一般过去时)

1). be, h**e → was / were; had

2). 一般v.

1 规则:a. 一般v.→v-ed

b. 不发音e结尾 v→v-d

c. 以辅音字母+y结尾 v→y=i+ed

d. 重读闭音节结尾。

r音节 → 双写最后一个字母+ed

不规则 4 the present continuous tense(现在进行时)


1. affirmative(肯定句):

eg. he is working.

2. negative(否定句):

eg. he is not working.

3. question(疑问句):

eg. is he working?


eg. a. he is getting up.

b. the train is arriving. (要进站了)

c. he is jumping up and down.



一般→ v-ing

2 以重读闭音节结尾、词尾只有一个辅音。

字母 → 双写辅音字母+ing

以不发音的 e结尾 → 去掉e + ing

特殊变化查字典 ( die → dying ; lie → lying )

3). 现在进行时与一般现在时的区别。

现在进行时 → 此时此刻正在进行。

cf. eg. he is working in the factory.

now he is in the factory.)

一般现在时 → 经常性

eg. he works in the factory.

he may not be in the factory now. maybe he is a worker or an engineer at the factory .

past present continuous tense


form (构成)


1) and

2) but

3) although(尽管,虽然…….但是)


eg. although he is over eighty, but he is very healthy.

4) pron.(人称代词) →避免重复。

eg. i met mary yesterday morning in the street, mary (she) has married for about ten years.

2) conj.(关系代词,关系副词)

what, who ( whom ),whose, which, when where, why, how ( how many, how much )

exercises for unit one


1. 表示经常性的动作或状态,常与always, everyday, never, often, usually 等频率副词连用。说话时人和事物的特性或状态;客观真理等。

i usually go to work at seven in the morning.

is there anything wrong with you? you look pale

i __ping-pang well, but i h**en’t had time to play since the new year.

a. will play b. h**e played c. played d. play

答案选d2. 表示计划或安排中的动作。

the train le**es for beijing at 2:30

3. 在时间和条件状语从句中,表示一般将来时。

__ when will you come to see me, did?

__ i will go to see you when you __the training course.

a. will h**e finish b. will finish

c. are finishing d. finish



my friend worked in beijing for two years. he went to japan last year.

__you h**n’t said a work about my coat, jim. do you like it?

_ i’m sorry i __anything about it sooner. i certainly think it’s pretty on you.

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