
发布 2021-05-18 05:31:28 阅读 4658

复习方法。1. 对照每单元的小结,看自己掌握程度如何。

2. 形成性考核作业册。

3. 期末复习指导(样题)

4. 尽量背多点单词和做阅读理解。


article( 10)冠词。

a /an 表示某个/一个/并非特别有所指的。

polly goes to a gym twice a week with her friends.



what’s your job? –i’m an accountant.


the 特指,说话双方都知道的,如:

…he gets off at the station and walks to the gym.


she works at a bank in the city centre.

she sends an email. here is the email.



a/anpl – s

how many

too many



how much

(too) much

some /any

how many/how much

how many bottles of wine will we need?

how many oranges would you like?

how much wine do you need for the party?

how much mineral water is there in the bottle?

plural form of a noun名词的复数。


辅音字母+y – i +es

f/fe – ves

特殊:man – men; woman – women

foot – feet; tooth – teeth

child – children;

who are those men? do you know their names?


whose dog is it?

it’s our dog. its name is rex.

would you like to come to my shop one day?

that’s his wife there with the three children.

who is that man over there? do you know his name?

i like cooking for my friends in my free time.

on his way to the gym…

7 they are buying themselves a nice house near here.

i like working with franco. he is nice and friendly.

i’m hungry, could you get a sandwich for me, please?


…then they decide to go back to li lin’s flat.

i’ll borrow my parents’ car.

注意一些店铺的表达, 如:

the greengrocer’s / the chemist’s /the newsagent’s /butcher’s

其他代词。they’re talking to each other. 相互。

someone/somebody else 别人。

疑问词。who 谁。


what…like 象什么。


when/what time 什么时候。

why 为什么。

how…(like) 怎样。

how many/how much多少。

how long 多久。

how was the meeting like?

- it was very exciting.

where is d**id from?

- i think he’s american.

what time do you h**e lunch?

how long will the meal take?

- it will take two hours.

why do you like london?

-because the parks are lovely.

tell me about london. what is it like?

whose bike is this? –it’s mine.


they stay at the gym all morning. (在某地点)

i work for an it company. (为)

i work with (与)d**id at (在某地点)the same hospital.

i work in insurance. (从事某行业)

i usually go to the office by train.

she usually goes to work by bus. (乘**通工具)

she sometimes works on saturdays. (在某天)

liu fan is working on tv advertisement, but right now he is on holiday.(处于某状态)

they are a lovely couple with two kids. (与)

verb + prep. /adv词组。

arrive at /in 到达。

be interested in 对感兴趣。

be keen on 有兴趣。

be good/bad at (不)擅长于。

be (not) experienced at (不)有经验在。

be responsible for 对负责。

get to 到达。

get up 起床。

get on 上车。

listen to 听。





not) as adj(原形) as 和(不)一样。

it is not as exciting as london.

not adj(原形) enough

it is not quiet enough

a is adj(比较级) than b

which city is colder, beijing or london?

this watch is more expensive than that one.

mary is less interested in maths than john.


i’m bad at spelling, but jane is worse than me.

frank is better at french than me.

modifiers修饰语/限定词: a lot/much/a bit

james is a bit better at french than polly.

rose is much more easy-going than frank.

so do(h**e)/am i/neither do(h**e)/am i





me too则适合所有肯定的情况。

me neither适合所有否定的情况。

i prefer watching tv. so do i .

i’m keen on football. so am i.

i’m not interested in football. neither am i.

i don’t h**e tea in the morning. neither do i.

i like using the computers. so do i.

h**e/has got表示拥有。

注意两者在构成否定句和疑问句时使用不同的助动词(前者用do/does, 后者用h**e/has)

my grandfather hasn’t got a car.

has your grandfather got a car?

my grandfather doesn‘t h**e a car.

does your grandfather h**e a car?


****** suggestions建议。

1 why don’t we/you do(动词原形) sth?

why don’t we h**e a barbecue?

why don’t you take a holiday?

2 how /what about + doing(现在分词形式)

3 would you like (sb) (to do) sth?

would you like a cup of tea?

would you like me to come?

what would you like to drink?

4 shall i/we do (动词原形)sth?

shall i come ?

5 i’ll do sth.

i’ll call your boss.

6 let‘s + do (动词原形)


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开放英语I 1 总复习

开放英语i 1 期末总复习。自本学期 06春 起,英语i 1 课程的期末考试题型将做大的调整,具体题型及分值请参看下表 英语i 1 考试样题。第一部分交际用语 10分 1 5小题 阅读下面的小对话,从a b c三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。每题2分,共10...