
发布 2021-05-18 03:44:28 阅读 6283


j k l m n u

l n j k m u



) 1. a. cat b. cake c. lion

) 2. a. teacher b. student c. mother

) 3. a. ball b. kitec. kangaroo

) 4. a. pencil b. school c. crayon

) 5. a. sixteen b. two c. bear

)6..a.boy b.girl c.teacher d.milk

) b.student c.brown d.green

) b.apple c.ruler d.eraser

) b.bird c.panda d.egg

四、 情景问答。(24分)

)1. 当你想让别人和你一起做事,应说:

a. come out! b. come in! c. come on!

)2. 欢迎别人来到你家时候,可以这样说:

a. welcome to my home.

b. welcome to our school.

c. welcome back.

)3. 当你提醒别人要小心的时候,应该这样说:

a. ok! b. watch out! c. good!

)4. 你第一次见到时,感到十分高兴,应该说:

a. nice to meet you. b. hi! c. goodbye!

)5. 别人称赞你的mum 非常漂亮,你应该这样说:

a. you`re right! b. sorry. c. thank y

)6. h**e __apple,please.

a. a b. an

)7.i am __america.

a. from b. to

)8.guess! boy __girl?

a. and b. or

)9.we __a new friend today.

a. h**e b. has

)10.__back to school.

a. welcome b. welcome

)11.how many __

a. ducks b. duck

)12.come and follow __

a. me b. i


1. i`m sorry. a. thank you.

2. who`s that boy? b. nice to meet you.

3. where are your fromc. he is my brother.

4. welcome back to schoold. it`s ok.

5. this is my friend, mike. e. i am from china.

六、今天是星期天,我们一起去john家去玩,看到了他家的全家福,john 介绍了他的家庭成员。读句子或对话,根据句子的内容把人物出现的顺序写在括号内 。 9分)

1.this is my mum. she is very beautiful.

2.this is my grandma. she is old (老了),but she is strong.

3.this is my father. he is a teacher.

4.this is my brother. he is a student.

5.this is my grandpa. he likes hamburgers.

6.this is my sister. she likes dolls.


a: i h**e a happy family. there are five people in my family.

my grandpa and my grandma are very old, they like cakes very much. my father is a teacher. my mother is a nurse (**).

they work hard. i am a student in grade three. i love my family!

)1.there are three people in my family.

)2.my father is a teacher.

)3.my mother is a doctor.

)4.my grandpa likes watching tv.

)5.danny is a student in grade four.

b: hello!my name is mary.

i'm a girl. i'm eleven years old. i h**e three friends.

they are fred, stan and sun lei. fred is a boy. he is twelve years old.

he is from canada. stan is a girl. she is thirteen years old.

she is from america. sun lei is a boy. he is ten years old.

he is from china ..

)1. mary has two friends.

)2. fred and sun lei are boys.

)3. stan is from america.

)4. fred is 20 years old.

)5. mary and stan are boys.

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