
发布 2021-05-17 04:53:28 阅读 4331

abc classificiation abc分类法

accomplish a bill of lading (to) 付单提货

act of god 天灾

actual displacement 实际排水量

ad valorem freight 从价运费

addendum (to a charter party) (租船合同)附件

additional for alteration of destination 变更卸货港附加费

additional for optional destination 选卸港附加费

address commission (addcomm) 回扣佣金

adjustment 海损理算

advanced b/l 预借提单

advanced shipping notice (asn) 预先发货通知

air express 航空快递

air waybill 航空运单

all in rate 总运费率

all purposes ( 全部装卸时间

all time s**ed ( 节省的全部时间

always afloat 始终保持浮泊

american bureau of shipping ( 美国船级社

anchorage 锚地

anchorage dues 锚泊费

annual survey 年度检验

anti-dated b/l 倒签提单

apron 码头前沿

arbitration award 仲裁裁决

arbitrator 仲裁员

area differential 地区差价

arrest a ship 扣押船舶

assembly 组配

automatic replenishment (ar) 自动**系统

automatic warehouse 自动化仓库

**erage adjuster 海损理算师

**erage bond 海损分摊担保书

**erage guarantee 海损担保书。

货物 goods | freight | cargo

运输 transportation | transit | conveyance

运送 to transport | to carry | to convey

运输业 transportation business | forwarding business | carrying trade

运输**人 a forwarding agent

承运人 a freight agent | a carrier

船务**人 a shipping agent

陆上运输 transportation by land

海上运输 transportation by sea

货物运输 goods traffic | freight traffic | carriage of freights | carriage of goods

货轮 cargo boat | freighter | cargo steamer | cargo carrier

火车 goods-train | freight-train

卡车 goods-van | goods wagon | freight car | truck

货运办公室 goods-office | freight-department

运费率 freight | freight rates | goods rate

运费 carriage charges | shipping expenses | express charges

车费 cartage | portage

运费预付 carriage prepaid | carriage paid

运费到付 carriage forward | freight collect

运费免除||免费 carriage free

协定运费 conference freight | freight rate

运费清单 freight account

托运单 way-bill | invoice

运送契约 contract for carriage

装运 shipment | loading

装上货轮 to ship | to load | to take on a ship

装运费 shipping charges | shipping commission

装运单||载货单 shipping invoice

装运单据 shipping documents

大副收据 mate's receipt

装船单 shipping order

提货单 delivery order

装船通知 shipping advice

包裹收据 parcel receipt

准装货单 shipping permit

租船契约 charter party

租船人 charterer

程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter

期租船 time charter

允许装卸时间 lay days | laying days

工作日 working days

连续天数 running days | consecutive days

滞期费 demurrage

滞期日数 demurrage days

速遣费 despatch money

空舱费 dead freight

退关 short shipment | goods short shipped | goods shut out | shut-outs

赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity | trust receipt

装载 loading

卸货 unloading | discharging | landing

装运重量 shipping weight | in-take-weight

卸货重量 landing weight

压舱 ballasting

压舱货 in ballast

舱单 manifest

船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry

航海日记 ship's log

船员名册 muster-roll

船员,乘客)健康证明 bill of health

光票 clean bill

不清洁提单 foul bill

有疑问提单 suspected bill


一 索尼公司国际化成功的原因?物流 1 每年一度的全球物流洽谈。选择合适的承运人,并且与之建立良好的合作关系。2 长远的物流理念。把物流定位到战略高度,给各级物流公司各司其职区别化管理,同时相互衔接保证国际 链的合理运作。3 独特务实的远洋运输业务处理方式。与集装箱运输公司直接合作以保证运输业务的可...


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