物流英语 UnitFive

发布 2021-05-17 04:52:28 阅读 5064

book i unit five

text a.

1. [c] /u] fallacy 谬误;food [u]; foods 各种食品。

2. people人们;a person/a man; two persons /two people /two men; the chinese people is a great people, the american people is a great people.

3. primitive 原始的 cf. original 原来的。

4. make sb. do sth. make them run as fast as

5. a deer, two deer; cf. a sheep, two sheep; take every means to make up the loss; all means h**e failed.

/an iron and steel works; public works; deng xiao ping’s selected works; statistics show that we are going ahead./statistics is a complex science.

6. eating…. would make them br**e.

7. may h**e started 也许开始出现…

8. be eager to do sth. /be eager for sth.

渴望/急切地想 we are all eager to succeed. /we are all eager for success.我们都很想成功。

9. site=>city=>civil: civil war; civil works; =cizilize文明化;civilized people

10. *it was once thought that …人们曾经认为… =people once thought that sb. did sth.

=it was once thought that sb. did sth. =sb.

was once thought to do sth.

ex. iii. (page 147.)

a. it was thought that the earth was flat.

b. it is reported that the new government has been formed.

c. it was believed that the sun tr**eled around the earth.

d. it is believed that living things exist on mars.

e. it is said that the world temperature is growing higher.

a. the earth was thought to be flat.

b. the new government is reported to h**e been formed.

c. the sun was believed to tr**el around the earth.

d. living things are believed to exist on mars.

e. the world temperature is said to be growing higher.

he is knownle**e) last month. (to h**e left)

11. people thought that eggs made the voice pretty. =it was thought that eggs made the voice pretty.

=eggs were thought to make the voice pretty.

12. man believed that tomatoes had magical power.=>it was believed that tomatoes had magical power.

=tomatoes were believed to h**e magical power.

13. tomatoes were supposed to make people who ate them fall in love. =people supposed that tomatoes made people who ate them fall in love.

=it was supposed that tomatoes made people who ate them fall in love.

14. grow up长大;逐渐形成;cf. grow 成长 cf.

everyone knows that he is growing fast. =it is known that he is growing fast. =he is known to be growing fast.

15. would be…if…could know…

16. overseas (adj.) soldiers=soldiers overseas (adv.

) cf. indoor (adj.) activities; play indoors (adv.

);work outdoors (adv.);outdoor (adj.) work

17. world war two = the second world war ii cf. lesson one = the first lesson; page 113=the 113th page

18. 许多:+ c]:

a great many, many, a number of, quite a few; +u]: much, a large amount of, a good/great deal of, quite a little; +c]/[u]: a lot of, lots of, plenty of, (large) quantities of;

19. widespread

20. fish鱼肉[u];

21. just as正如。

22. prove 证明。

23. any better 稍微好一点;有任何好处。

24. such 这样的。

25. as 作为。

26. substitute for …的替代品;substitute a for b用a代替b; cf. substitute water for oil 用水代替油;water is not a substitute for oil.


27. make …flow …

28. digest 消化;digestive 有益于消化的 digestive juice 消化液;digestible 容易消化的digestible food 易消化食品 digestion 消化。

29. help (to) do sth. 有助于…

30. foundation 理由;cf. find vt.

发现,找到;it is a real find. 真地发现了宝物。found vt.

建立 the prc was founded in 1949. /baitai education institute was founded 10 years ago. the year 1998 saw the foundation of baitai.

柏泰教育机构成立于2024年。lay a firm foundation for sth. 给…打下坚实的基础。

31. h**e to do with 与…有关;my life has nothing to do with you.我的生活与你无关。

32. food [u]; foods 各种食品。

33. the reason given 所给的理由。

34. indigestible 不可消化的。

35. as a matter of fact 事实上。

36. mixing foods把食品混合起来;cf. mixed foods 混合起来的食品。

37. think of sth. as sth. 把…看成是…;认为…是…

38. contain 包含。

39. in the same way 同样地。

40. just as…as…和…一样…

ex. i. dddcc

1. br**ery

2. eager

3. civilized

4. overseas

5. substitute

6. foundation

7. combination

8. belief

9. protein

10. contain

ex. ii.

1. pianos, violins

2. firemen

3. data (-um=> a: datum, maximum, minimum; medium)

4. deer (cf. sheep, means, fish, etc.)

5. potatoes, tomatoes (-o: photos, pianos, radios, studios, zoos; cf.

potatoes, tomatoes, heroes, echoes, negroes, etc. a negro hero picked a potato, threw away a tomato and heard an echo.)

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