物流英语 UnitEight

发布 2021-05-17 04:51:28 阅读 4327

book i unit eight

text a explanation

1. tele-far, telephone, telecommunication, telegram, telex电传;

2. via prep. /vio/ by way of 通过。

3. at/in the beginning of 在…开始的时候;cf. at the end of 在…的结尾;at the end of the year; cf.

at the end of the desk; cf. in the end=finally最后。

4. means---end手段和目的。

5. trans- across横跨; transport, translate, transmit, transatlantic横跨大西洋的, transcultural communication,

6. overlong distances 远距离。

7. by the middle of 到…中叶的时候。

8. established广为接受了的。

9. the paralympic games残奥会。

10. in order to do sth. 为了。

11. change…into…把…变成…

12. orbitingsatellite轨道卫星。

13. pick …up

14. be capable of doing sth. 能够做… cf.

be able to do sth. 能做… cf. enable sb.

to do sth. 使…能做…

15. not only… but (also)…并列时要平行 i like not only you but also her. /not only i but also he likes her.

/man does not only eat but also works.

16. printedmaterials 印刷材料 cf. printingmaterial印刷材料(eg. white *****)

17. the combination of ….which…, which …,which, can change… into…

18. in theory 理论上说=> theoretically

19. h**e access to 有权接触;有权享用 students should h**e access to the library.学生应该能使用图书馆 h**e access to the internet上网。

20. demonstrate演示。

21. remote偏僻的。

22. for the first time第一次。

23. isolated隔绝的。

24. follow sb.’s instructions on how to do sth.

听从…的做…的指示 follow my instructions on how to do it.照我说的去做。

25. be capable of doing sth.

26. simultaneously同时=at the same time

27. a as well as b =not only b but also a

28. **ailable可得到的。

29. a risk to sth. …的风险。

30. privacy隐私。

31. isolatesb. from sb. 把…和…隔绝开来。

32. do one’s banking 办理银行业务。

33. contact联系。

34. realize意识到。

35. prevent sb. from doing sth.防止…做…

36. it is … that….

37. lead…to…把…领向…

ex. i. cabdd

ex. ii.

1. transmit

2. access (esp. h**e access to有权使用;有权进入)

3. remote

4. demonstrate

5. instruction

6. simultaneously

7. tr**el

8. **ailable

9. privacy

10. application

ex. iii.

1. television broadcasts, telephone calls, printed materials

2. an educational and entertainment center

3. transmits, stores, displays

4. telephone calls

5. a risk to our privacy

ex. iv.

1. over long distances远距离。

2. via经过=by way of

3. to (access to 有权使用)

4. of (be capable of doing sth.能做)

5. for (for the first time第一次)

6. at/in (at/in the beginning of在…的开头)

7. on (give sb. instructions on sth.给…做…的指示)

8. of (at the risk of 冒…风险)

9. from (isolate …from…把…和…隔绝开来)

10. between (contact sb. 联系…;keep/be in contact with sb.

和…保持联系;get into contact with sb. 和…联系上了;h**e contact between a and b a 和b 之间有联系)

ex. v.

1. the information (that is) stored in the computer can be transmitted to users via satellites.

2. now/nowadays, a single satellite is capable of receiving and transmitting over 100,000 telephone calls at the same time.

3. the new and advanced/high technology is harmful as well as f**ourable to us./does us harm as well as good.

/ harms as well as helps us.

4. in order to meetthe 21st century, we must learn well about computer.

5. the purposeof learning new technology is to apply it.


ex. i.

1. established, established rule (成规), establishment

2. signal (发信号), signal(信号灯), sign(标语,标志)

3. a place of entertainment (娱乐场所), entertainer(娱乐明星),entertain himself with (用…自娱自乐)

4. limited (有限的), limit(极限), without limit(没有界限), unlimited(无限的)

ex. ii.

1. displayed(展出)

2. in theory (理论上)

3. established(建立)

4. remote from (远离)

5. visual observation (视觉观察)

6. signaled (signal…to…把…发信号给…)

7. access to(…的入口)

8. channel频道。

9. transmitted传送,播送。

10. transportation运输 (trans---across)

ex. iii.

1. satellites are capable of transmitting not only television broadcasts but also telephone calls.

2. in theory, everyone can be educated.

3. you should follow the doctor’s instructions on how to take the medicine.

4. the computer system is able to transmit/is capable of transmitting sounds as well as pictures at the same time.

5. it is modern technology that leads us to success.

6. the patient should be isolated from others.

7. the soldier displayed br**ery/courage and skills.


1 orc origen recevie charges 本地收货费用 广东省收取 2 thc terminal handling charges 码头操作费 香港收取 3 baf bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费 4 caf currency adjustment fa...


a comprehensive package of services 全面的一揽子服务 a designated manned ship 一艘特定的配备船员的船 abbreviation缩写 缩写词 active voice主动主态 adjustment factors调整因素 advisory ...


物流常用英語辭彙和短語。a comprehensive package of services全面的一攬子服務。a designated manned ship一艘特定的配備船員的船。abbreviation縮寫 縮寫詞。active voice主動主態。adjustment factors調整因素...