物流英语 UnitTen

发布 2021-05-17 04:50:28 阅读 4073

book i unit ten

review of unit nine

1. 你什么时候认识她的?when did you get acquainted with her?

2. 一个有教养的人喜欢用庄重文体讲话。a well-educated man tends to speak in an elevated style.

3. 理论联系实际是我们成功的重要秘诀。the key to our success is to put theory into practice.

4. 关于环境污染,你能拿出什么好方法治理吗?as tothe environmental pollution, what good idea can you come up with?

5. 第一种情况下,前者而不是后者,对我们来说更为重要。in the first case, the former rather than the latter is of greater importance to us.

6. 专心学习,你就会忘记烦恼。apply yourself toyour study, /concentrate on your study, and you will forget your boredom.

7. 新到一个城市后,你可以从**本上查找你朋友的**号码。when you first get to a city, you may look up the telephone numbers of your friends in the phone book.

8. 首先,在具体的上下文中,书面词汇也可能变成普通词汇。first of all, in the concrete context, learned words may change into popular words.

text a.

1. man 人类 cf. a man 一个人。

2. wonder 想知道=> 不知道 i wonder whether you can do me a f**or.不知道能不能帮个忙。

3. an answer to a question, a solution to a problem, the key to success, key to exercises练习答案, introduction to oneself 自我介绍;

4. seek an answer, cf. look for an answer; seek the truth,

5. not + all, both, every, always, entirely, …表示部分否定:并非…都… both of them are not right.

=not both of them are right.并非两个都对。

6. did/do/does + v. =的确… you do look nice.

你真的好漂亮。i did do the homework, but i forgot to hand it in.我的确做了作业,但是忘交了。

7. lay…aside 把…放在一边;放弃 cf. set …aside 留出来;储蓄 lay your bags aside and let’s go on with our work.

/ lay those talks aside and let’s go down to business.把那些谈话丢一边去,我们干正事吧。

8. be curious about …对…好奇 how you are curious about the secret of adults.你对**的秘密很好奇哦!

9. take …apart 拆开;set …apart 使…与众不同 cf. put …together 组装。

10. wonder about 对…感到惊讶 he wondered about our intimacy. 他对我们的亲昵感到很吃惊。

cf. wonder at …对…感叹 never wonder at the force of nature.

11. combine …with…把…和…结合起来 combine your experience with theory.把经验和理论结合起来。

12. carry out 做;执行 carry out an experiment 做实验;carry out a plan 执行计划。

13. help (sb.) to) do sth.

有助于做… your involvement helps improve our work.你的参与有助于我们提高工作质量。

14. stimulate: 刺激=encourage

15. advance: 促进。

16. believe sb.相信(…的话) believe in sb.

相信(…人);信仰i believe you but i don’t believe in you. in one god we believe, under one sky we live.我们信仰同一个上帝,我们生活在同一片蓝天下。

17. scientifically minded, n. +ed 有;a white bearded man 一个白胡子老头;a long-legged rabbit, 一个长腿的兔子;a walled garden 带围墙的花园;strangely shaped designs奇形怪状的图案;equally sided ******** 等边三角形;open-minded 思想解放的;narrow-minded狭隘的;******-minded头脑简单的;large-sized大尺寸的;red-faced红脸的;a three storied building一幢三层的楼。

18. perfectly完全地;completely, entirely, wholly, every bit,

19. phenomenon =phenomena,

20. in cases where…在…情况下 in the case of sth. 在…情况下;cf.

in case of 万一;如果 in the case where/in which 在…情况下/条件下 in the case where there is no water, all plants will die.没水的情况下,所有植物都会死。more:

under conditions where there were no gr**ity an object would stop easily.没有重力的情况下,人不容易停下来。in the situation whereyou keep asking question, no one can come up with a good answer.


21. attitude toward(s)/to sth. 对…的态度;cf. altitude 海拔高度。

22. face 面对 the room faces the south. 房间朝南。

you should learn to face the problem. 你应该学会面对问题。cf.

be faced with (problems) 面对(问题);look …in the face 正视。

23. as they are 实事求是的 state the fact as it is. 按照事实讲。

love him as he is. 他是什么样,就怎么样去爱他。

24. regardless of 不顾,不管 i will do whatever it takes to serve my country, even at the cost of my life, regardless of fortunes and misfortunes to myself.苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。

regardless of anything (that will happen), i will stay with you.

25. disagreeable 令人不愉快的=unpleasant

26. science worker =the worker in science 科学工作者。

27. expect 预料。

28. be willing to do sth. 愿意做。

29. thousands of times 几千次。

30. before 才。

31. succeed in doing =manage to do 做成了。

32. real problems现实问题;真正的问题。

33. in advance 提前。

34. adapt…to…使…适应… adapt oneself to sth. =be adapted to sth.

适应 are you adapted to the new environment?适应新环境吗?

35. make up one’s mind (to do sth.) 下定决心。

36. once and for all = once for all 一劳永逸地;永远。

37. make …necessary使…成为必要。

38. less than perfect 不太完美 if your language study is less than successful 不太成功的话。

39. relatively相对 --absolutely绝对; concrete具体---abstract抽象;

40. in the light of = with the help of =considering =in view of = given 鉴于;根据;按照。

41. show respect for尊重…; respected leaders尊敬的领导;be respectful tothe teacher 尊敬老师;lead/live a respectable life 过一种体面(或者受尊重的)生活;in other respects 在其他方面;let’s do it respectively. 我们分别作吧。


1 orc origen recevie charges 本地收货费用 广东省收取 2 thc terminal handling charges 码头操作费 香港收取 3 baf bunker adjustment factor 燃油附加费 4 caf currency adjustment fa...


a comprehensive package of services 全面的一揽子服务 a designated manned ship 一艘特定的配备船员的船 abbreviation缩写 缩写词 active voice主动主态 adjustment factors调整因素 advisory ...


物流常用英語辭彙和短語。a comprehensive package of services全面的一攬子服務。a designated manned ship一艘特定的配備船員的船。abbreviation縮寫 縮寫詞。active voice主動主態。adjustment factors調整因素...