
发布 2021-05-17 03:26:28 阅读 3387


导游工作tour guide work

导游员的素质tour-guide diathesis

导游职业准则tour guide occupation norms

导游职业道德tour guide occupation morality

导游行为规范criterion of tour guide beh**ior

导游服务质量quality of tour guide service

导游服务的国家标准national standard of tour guide service

导游个人魅力tour guide charm

导游的组织技能tour guide organizing skill

导游语言tour guide language

导游知识化konwledgeable 科技化technological艺术化artistic

导游讲解技巧techniques of presentation and explanation

导游实践guide practice


导游旗tour guide banner

导游种类。国际导游international tourism

地陪local guide 全陪national guide 领队tour leader

景区导游员resort representative

专任导游full time guide

特约导游part time guide

初级导游primary guide

中级导游intermediate guide

高级导游senior guide

国际旅游international tourism

国内旅游domestic tourism

入境旅游inbound tourism

出镜旅游outbound tourism

边境旅游border tourism

特殊服务specific service

入境签证 entry visa

强迫消费compulsive consumption

个性化服务individualized service

自主(散客)旅游independent tour

散客旅游者independent tr**eler

旅游团队tour group

标准/豪华团standard/luxury group


包价旅游产品package tour product

经济价值economic values

社会文化价值social and culture values

口碑宣传word of mouth

文化差异cultural differences

相关信息relevant information

交通方式modes of transportation

导游人员资格考试exams for tour guide qualifications

导游资格qualifications of tour guide

等级考核制度tour guide rank system

服务技能service techniques

导游培训tour guide training

资格培训qualification training

岗前培训pre-post training

岗位培训post training

年审培训annual check training

年审管理annual check system

服务态度service attitude

旅行社tr**el agency

组团旅行社 domestic tour wholesaler

接待旅行社domestic land operator

可持续发展sustainable development

可持续旅游sustainable tourist

风景名胜区scenic area

自然保护区nature protection units

文物保护单位cultural relic protection units

历史文化名城historical and cultural city

历史意义 historical significance

物品准备material preparation

心理准备mental preparation

准备工作preparation work

迎接服务meeting service


认找旅游团identify the tour group

核实实到人数check the arrival figure

清点行李check the luggage

停车位置packing-coach place

首次沿途导游first on-the-way guiding

叫早时间morning call/wake-up time

叫早服务morning service

接待计划reception program

陪同日志accompanied log

领队日志leader log

确认细节 confirm detail

延长extend 转移transfer in

欢迎词welcome speech

欢送词farewell speech


旅游者个别要求tourist individual request

旅游者越轨行为tourist impermissible beh**ior

等距服务equidistant service

超常服务extra service

主要职责 main obligation

技术性事故technical accident

安全性事故security accident

非责任性事故non-liable accident

责任性事故liable accident

突发性事故sudden occurrence

旅游安全事故tourist safety standards

严重事故serious accident

一般事故general accident


防御工作preventing work

飞机班次变更alteration of fight number

第一印象first impression

态势语言body language

规范化服务standradized service

个性化服务individualized service

主导动机dominant motivation

次要动机subordinate motivation

个性心理特征individual orientation and character

气质temperament 美感aesthetic feeling 艺术美aesthetic of art

审美需求aesthetic needs

审美动机aesthetic motivation

审美意识aesthetic consciousness

美学价值aesthetical value

游览主题sightseeing theme

观光路线sightseeing route

护照pasaport 签证visa

有效期限period pf validity

安全检查safety inspection

边防检查frontier inspection

海关检查customs inspection

海关申报customs declaration

再确认手续recomfirmation of reservation

电子票electric ticket 外汇foreign exchange 合同contract

履行合同责任fulfil the contract obligations

景点tourist resort/scenic spot

自然旅游资源natural tourism resources

人文旅游资源man-made tourism resources

重点旅游区域the key of tourist regions

国家级历史文化名城state-list famous historical and culture cities

规划开发layout and development

其他事项other issues

一/二/三类社china's catagory a/b/c tr**el agency

服装仪表clothes,bearing and appearance

淡季low/off season 旺季on/peak season 平季shoulder season

最低旅游**minimum tour price

健全build and improve 游览sightseeing

言辞婉拒graciously decline

相关条例relevant regulations

组合客房combined type rooms

典型旅游线路classic tr**el route

**旅游点hot tr**el route

星级宾馆star grate hotel


误机machine by mistake

退票return a ticket

海关手续the costoms formality

急救first aid

免税品duty free

卧铺票 berth ticke

旅游相关:旅游保险tourism insurance


旅游专业人员professional (staff)

旅游接待国receiving country

旅游安排tour arrangement

旅游小册子tour brochure

旅游团目录tour catalog

旅游代号编码tour code number

旅游团陪同tour escort/conductor/director

旅游业务tour operation

旅游路线tour route

旅游活动tourism activities

旅游界tourism circles

旅游俱乐部touring club

旅游协会tourist association

旅游委员会tourist council


重庆山水之都导游词范文3篇精选5篇重庆磁器口导游词5篇有关重庆金刀峡的导游词范文。金刀峡位于重庆市北碚区金刀峡镇,华蓥山西南麓,海拔880米。距重庆市中心90公里,距北碚城区62公里。金刀峡是国家4a级旅游景区,主要景点有藏刀洞 中峡天然浴场 狮头峡 弥勒佛等。景区有峡险 山雄 水秀 瀑多 潭碧等特...


英语导游试题重庆版。08年导游外语外语试题。请把下面词组翻译成你所报考的语言。包价旅游packagetour10.把下列句子翻译成你所报考的语言。1我想给朋友带一些物美价廉便于携带的纪念品。2对不起,我必须通知你们,你们乘坐的航班由于天气的原因已被取消。3黄河中下游地区被人类学家和考古学家称为 中华...

