
发布 2021-05-15 11:23:28 阅读 8387

一、 through, across, over

1. they walkedthe forest.

2. please gothe street.

3. the birds fly __the city.

答案】1. through 2. across 3. over

点拨】through, across, over 均表示“通过,穿过”,但有区别。through表示从森林、建筑物中间通过、穿过,强调动作是在里面进行的。across表示从一定范围内的一边到另一边,表示动作是在表面进行的。


二、 get to, arrive, reach

1. i oftenthe school at 7:50 in the morning. 我经常在早上7:50到校。

2. they areat the airport in the afternoon. 他们在下午要到机场。

3. jimbeijing last monday. 吉姆上周一到了北京。

答案】1. get to/ arrive at/ reach 2. arriving 3. got to/ arrived in / reached

点拨】 get to, arrive, reach 都表示到达的意思。 get to常用于口语,后面可以接任何地点,但是当表示“到家,到达这里,到达那里”时,就必须去掉to。arrive强调某种交通工具到达。

后面如果要接地点,则必须加介词,即arrive in 后接大地点,如城市等,arrive at后接小地点,如学校等。arrive也和get一样,当表示“到家,到达这里,到达那里”时,就必须去掉介词in或at。reach则没有限制。


三、 take a taxi, by taxi.

1. mr. greento work every day.

2. we usually go to school

3. can ithere?

答案】1. takes a taxi, 2. by taxi, 3. take a taxi

点拨】take a taxi 和by taxi都是“乘坐出租车”的意思。take a taxi 是动词短语,在句中做谓语。by taxi 是介词短语,在句中做状语。

表示“乘坐出租车去某地”可以用take a taxi to … 或go … by taxi。

四、in front of, in the front of

1. there is a deskthe classroom.

2. there is a treethe classroom.

3. wu peng sitsme.

答案】1. in the front to 2. in front of 3. in front of

点拨】in front of 意思是“在…前面”,是相对于事物的外部来说,表示另一事物位于此物的前面。

in the front of 的意思是“在……的前部”,是相对于某一空间的内部而言。

9 6易混词语精练与点拨

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9 5易混词语精练与点拨

一 both,all twins go to school by bus.parents are fine.don t worry about their john and i are good friends.4.the books in the shop are sold out.答案 1.bo...


一 看拼音写词语。x n sh ng zh f ch o xi otu ti an wi k ng k i n c w i xi m d h i k q n sh n yu d n sh ng ji n p mi n ti n ch b n tng xi l n li j j ng u r l zh...