
发布 2021-05-15 11:20:28 阅读 3328


一、discover / find / invent

1. a new kind of animalin guangxi province this year.2. i lost my necklace last night.i h**en’tit.3.

bell is considered to h**ethe telephone.

4. at first, we didn’t know clearly about the matter, but we soon __the truth.key: 1.

was discovered 2. found 3. invented 4.


简析】discover表示偶然或经过努力发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误,即指发现原来客观存在但不为人所知的事物,也可表示发现已为人所知的事物的新的性质或用途(如);find指找到或发现自己所需要的东西或丢失的东西,着重指找到的结果(如2);invent指通过劳动、运用聪明才智发明或创造出以前从未存在过的新事物(如3)。二、scene / scenery / sight / landscape / view

1. thefrom the top of the hill is very beautiful.2.

this painting represents theof a good harvest.3. the two hills and the valley formed a beautiful4.

the region is remarkable for its

5. the grand canyon is one of the most breathtakingof the world.6.

the firstof the play is the king’s palace.

key: 1. view2. scene3. landscape4. scenery5. sights6. scene



一 看拼音写词语。x n sh ng zh f ch o xi otu ti an wi k ng k i n c w i xi m d h i k q n sh n yu d n sh ng ji n p mi n ti n ch b n tng xi l n li j j ng u r l zh...


1 turn down turn off turn down意为 把 电视 收音机等 关小 turn off意为 把 电视 收音机等 关掉 例如 my sister is sleeping.please turn down the tv 我妹妹正在睡觉,请把电视机的声音调小一些。it s time ...


易混词辨析。安闲安适 安闲 重在 闲 心中无所牵挂。安适 重在 适 舒适,惬意。安置安顿安排 安置 重在 置 使工作 生活 物品等有适当的位置,或指对人或物的处置各得其所。安顿 重在 顿 妥当安排使有着落。安排 重在 排 分轻重缓急 先后主次,有条不紊地处置人或事物,多指人 事 任务等的处理。包含饱...