高考英语一轮复习 语法讲解 非谓语动词

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不定式(todo)、动名词( doing)、现在分词(doing)、过去分词(v-ed)


1. 表示将要发生的动作或即将要做的事。


iexpect him to arrive tomorrow. 我预计他明天到达。

i hope to catch an early train. 我希望赶上早班火车。


who heard him say that? 是谁听到他这样说的?(say 与heard 几乎同时发生)


washing the car seems to be your main hobby. 擦洗汽车似乎是你的主要爱好。

none of her many lovers seemed to want to marry her. 在她的许多情人中似乎没有一个愿意娶她的。


一、使役动词后省略 to的情况。

在let,make, h**e 等使役动词后用作宾语补足语的不定式必须省略to。如:

my mother wouldn’t let me go to the film. 我妈妈不会让我去看电影的。

i don't like milk, but mother made me drink it. 我不喜欢牛奶,可是母亲强迫我喝。


二、感觉动词后省略 to的情况see, hear, observe, notice, feel, watch


i watched her get into the car. 我看着她上了车。

i saw the woman enter a bank. 我看见这个女人进了一家银行。

注意:1. 用于被动语态时,其后的不定式必须带to。如:

the woman was seen to enter a bank. 有人看见这个女人进了一家银行。

2. 类似地,动词look at和 listen to后用作宾语补足语的不定式也不带 to。如:

we listened to the old man tell his story. 我们听这位老人讲述他的经历。

3. 若不定式为完成式,通常应带to。如:i noticed her to h**e come .我注意到她了。

三、动词 help后省略 to的情况。


cani help (to) carry this he**y box? 我可以帮忙扛这个重箱子吗?

注意:在当help用于被动语态时,不定式前的to 不能省略。如:

the boy was helped by a woman to collect his scattered coins. 那男孩由一个妇女帮他捡拾散乱一地的钱币。

四、why(not)…后省略 to的情况。


why go with him? 为什么要同他一起去? why not ask theteacher? 为什么不去问问老师?

五、介词 except / but后省略to的情况。

用作介词except,but 宾语的不定式有时带to,有时不带to。其大致原则是:


i had no choice but to wait. 除了等,我没有别的选择。

she can do everything except cook. 除了做饭之外她什么都会。

六、主语带 do表语省略 to的情况。


allyou do now is (to) complete the form. 你现在要做的只是把这张表填好。

the only thing to do now is (to) go on. 前进是现在唯一的出路。

七、并列不定式省略 to的情况。

当两个或多个作用相同的不定式并列时,通常只需在第一个不定式前用to,其余不定式前的to 可以省略。如:

he told me to stay there and wait for him. 他叫我在那儿等他。

it is easier to persuade people than (to) force them. 说服人容易,强迫人难。


to try and fail is better than not to try at all. 尝试而失败总比不尝试好。



i shall go if i want to. 如果我想去就去。

don't go till i tell you to. 等我叫你走你再走。

注意:1.若被省略的不定式为to be短语,则通常应保留 to be。

如:he is not the man he used to be. 他已不是原来的那个样子了。

2.有时省略不定式时,同时也可省略to。如:she may go if she likes (to). 她想去就可以去。

动名词。1. 与主要动作同时发生。如:

my shoe laces keep coming undone. 我的鞋带老是松开。

try to imagine being on the moon. 设法想象你是在月球上。

2.后于主要动作发生:当动名词用于 advise, suggest, insist on等动词后作宾语时,它所表示的动作常发生在主要动作之后。如:

i advise waiting till proper time. 我建议等到适当时机。

he insisted on seeing us home. 他一定要送我们回家。

he suggested moving to the country. 他建议搬到乡下去。

3.先于主要动作发生:当动名词用于 admit, deny, forget, regret, remember等动词后作宾语,表示的动作通常发生在主要动作之前。如:

i admit breaking the window. 我承认窗子是我打破的。

she denied seeing me. 她否认看见过我。

i'll never forget meeting you that afternoon. 我永远不会忘记那天下午见到你的情况。

4.视相关词的意义而定:当动名词用于介词 before, after, since之后作宾语时,动作的先后依介词before, after 的意义而定。如:

don't bathe immediately after eating. 不要吃饭后就游泳。

she waited a little while before ****** up her mind. 她等一会儿才做出决定。


being lost can be a terrifying experience. 迷路有时很可怕。

it's hard work climbing mountains. 爬山是费劲的事。


getting up early is a good habit. 早起是个好习惯。

finding work is difficult these days. 现今找工作可不容易。


it's nice seeing her again. 再次见到她很好。

句首的it就是形式主语,真正的主语是后而把动名词seeing her again 和saying any more about it。


seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

her hobby is growing roses. 她的爱好是种植玫瑰。

the problem is getting to know the needs of the customers. 问题是了解消费者的需要。



i don't mind being poor. 我对贫困不在乎。

they kept talking about it. 他们一直在谈论此事。

he suggested moving to the country. 他建议搬到乡下去。


can we call this serving mankind? 这能叫为人类服务吗?

i call this robbing peter to pay paul. 我管这叫做拆东墙补西墙。


we need a new working method. 我们需要一种新的工作方法。

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