
发布 2021-05-14 09:42:28 阅读 5663





2)在v后:“v+ ”的形式,填宾格(me/us, you 或him/her/it/them)。

2、在介词prep后:“prep+ ”题目,填宾格(me/us, you 或him/her/it/them)。

3、有时候此类题目也会填写名词性物主代词(mine/ours, yours或his/hers/its/theirs)。


1、在名词前,即“ +n”形式,表示所有关系,用one’s(包含形容词性物主代词和所有格),答案通常为my/our, your或his/her/its/their。

2v”的形式且在v前带有of,比如 of us/ofthem的情况,往往答案会是both(两个都)和neither(两个都不);either(两个中任何一个都是或者都不是);all(全部都有)和none(全都不)等等。

3、在名词前,即“ +n”的形式,则表示数量或排除关系(与冠词与名词用法部分内容有重叠),考察内容通常如下:

(1)表数量关系:one“一个”—ones(复数);either“两个中任何一个”,常与or两用,还可表示“也不”;both 两个都,常与and连用;neither“两个都不”,常与nor连用;all(全部都有)和none(全都不)。


another 通常意思为“另外一个”,是指2个以上的另外一个,通常后跟单数如would you like another cup of coffee?we can do another time.后跟时间时可以带复数,意思为“另外,又”,如another two days。

还有习惯用法:another day 改天;another day or two 再过一两天;one after another 一个接一个的(三者以上)。

other 意思是“其他的”;others “其他的人或物”,可理解为other的复数形式;the other 表示“两者中的一个”(常与one连用);the others=the other + n表示“其余的几个或其余的所有人或物”。习惯用语:the other day几天前;every other + day/week/month/year 每隔一天/周/月/年;one from the other 区分;of all others 所有的当中。

(3)常用词组:one … the other 意思是两个中的“一个,另一个”; one … another表示两个以上的其中的“一个,另一个”;both … and 两个都,既……又;neither …nor 既不……也不;either……or 或者……或者,要么……要么。

(4)each和every通常后跟单数名词,表示“各个,每个”;each能单独使用,而every不能。注意区别everyday“每天的”和every day 每天。



1. (她)teaches (我们) biology.

2. my little brother often asks (我)a lot of questions.

3. (我) often meet (他) in the library.

4. will (你们) discuss (它) tomorrow.

5. (我们) often help (他们) in the summer harvest every year.

6. his mother invited (我们) to dinner with (她).

7. these books are very useful to (我). 我) want (它们) very much.

8. look, how nice these pictures are! (它们) were drawn by (他)

9. the nurses take good care of the children. (他们) like (她们) very much.

10. (你) shouldn’t laugh at (她) for (它).


1. you may come to my house___this week __next week.

a .neither; or b .from; to c .either; or d. either; nor

2. i don’t want this shirt. please show me __

a .others b .the others c .another d .the other

3. we study chinese, english, mathsand some___subjects.

a .the other b. onec .otherd .another

4. i h**e two sisters.__of them are doctors.

a. bothb. allc .either d. neither

5. these shoes are too small. you may buy some___shoes.

a .another b .otherc .the others d. others

6. frank’s parents were teachers.

7. the people you invited are coming.

8. she is blind in eyes.

gloves are too small for me. would you show me pair?

10. i don’t know which book is the better one, i shall read .

11. horses are animals, but not animals are horses.

12. there are shops on sides of the street.

13. there was an armchair at end of the long table.

14. of us is perfect ,and we all make mistakes.

15. i don’t agree to of the two proposals.

16. i wrote to john and henry, but of them has replied.

17. he can’t play guitar. i can’t, .

18. i h**e two pencils is long, is short.

19. in two weeks it’ll be finished.

20. you may continue on side of the *****.

21. i study chinese ,english and some subjects.

22. he goes on a visit to his home village every year.

are you alone? where are all ?

24. i met some tourists in the c**e besides members of our group.


三 代词 定义 为了避免重复而用来代替名词的词,多数代词有名词和形容词的功能。1 代词的作用 严格地讲,代词是代替名词的,在句子中起名词的作用,可用作 1 主语例如 this is our new homewho is on the phone?2 宾语例如 take good care of yo...


一 人称代词。二 物主代词。形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our their 名词。而名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours theirs则相单于形容词性物主代词 名词,故其后不必加名词。如 is this your book?no,it...


代词。一 人称代词。一 概念。人称代词是表示我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们和 他 她 它 们的词。人称代词有人称 格和数的变化,具体见下表 人称代词口诀 i 是主格 me 是宾,请你一定记在心 主格用在动词前,动词介词后用宾。you 是主格,也是宾,he 是主格 him 是宾,she 是主格 her...