不定代词讲解 初中英语语法

发布 2021-05-14 09:38:28 阅读 9326


some 的用法。

1)some 通常指不定数量“一些”修饰代替可数名词复数或不可数名词,即可以指人,又可以指物。常用在肯定句中。

he has some chinese paintings.

some like sports, others like music.

2)some 也可以用在表示“请求,建议,反问”的句子中,期待得到对方的肯定回答。

would you like some coffee?

didn’t he give you some books?

3) some 有时可以修饰单数可数名词,表示“某个”

this morning, some boy asked for you.

there must be some reason for what he’s done.

4) some 也可以修饰数词,表示“大约”

it took me some twenty days to get there.

any 的用法。


ask me if you h**e any questions?

do you h**e any questions to ask?

i don't know any of the students.

do you h**e any questions? if you h**e any, don' t hesitate to ask me.

there isn't any tea left. i'll go and make some for you.


i don't know any of you.

any child can answer that question.




no parking!


i am no teacher.

i am not a teacher.



none of us are / is afraid of difficulties.

none of them has a bike.

none of the machines is/ are working.

we none of us can sing this song.



none of the students has ever read the book.

neither of my parents has ever read me book.


both 的意思是“两个都”, 具有名词和形容词的性质,可做主语、宾语、同位语和定语。做主语时谓语动词用复数。

both would like to h**e a try.

both are very honest.

we asked both to put forward their suggestions.

these two pictures are very beautiful. i like both.

give us some bread. we both want to try a bit.

they both skate well.

you can take both of them.

both men were interested in the job.

a. both后常跟of短语,of+名词,代词(复数),接复数名词时of常省略,接复数代词时of则不省略。

both(of)the films were very good.

both of them are good teachers.



we both had a haircut.我俩都理了发。


the children were both too young.



my parents h**e both been invited.

you must both come over some evening.

they told us both to wait.

i've met them both before.


(1)当all做主语时,常代表三个以上的人,谓语动词用复数形式;指事物或情况时。往往表示“—切”、“所有的”意思,常被看作单数意义,谓语动词用单数形式。当 all做定语时,既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词 。


all are here.

all is known.

she has told me all about it.

bill visited all of us.

that's all.

is that all you can help me?

all the apples in that box go bad.

they h**e all gone to america.

we all want to h**e a try.

he is all excited.

she was all wet.

(2)当all用做主语时,如果后面跟有人称代词。须在它们之间加上of;如果后面跟的是名词,它们之间可 of,也可不加。

all of them are from beijing.

all (of) the books are here.


they all know the answer.

they are all students.

you can all go home.

4) 当all 用做人称代词宾语的同位语时,all 放在宾语后面。如 you all, them all, us all

i’ll h**e to think about them all again.

each 的用法。


each of the boys has a bike.

there are flowers on each side of the river.

two men came can i g**e a book to each.

the teacher g**e the pupils four textbooks each.

we each h**e a new school bag now.

基础训练 一、用所给汉语提示填空。

1. we want他们) to help us.

不规则动词表2. this is我的) book. that is你的).

beat 击打 beat beaten3. this doesn’t look like my dictionary, it must be你的)

4他)often helps我们) with我们的)lessons.

5. is this book你的)? no, it isn’t mine我的). it is她的).

know 知道 knew known6. i’ll work out the problem我自己).

lean 倾斜 leant / leaned leant / leaned

arise 出现 arose arisen二、选择括号中的词填空。

擦亮 shined shined1of them knows japanese. (both, neither)

2. we study chinese, english, math andsubjects. (the other, other)

不定代词讲解 初中英语语法

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不定代词讲解。1.some,any 1 some多用于肯定句,修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词,作 一些 解。i want some story books to read.我想要一些故事书来读。some people are early birds.有些人起得很早。2 any通常用于否定句 疑问句或条...

初中英语语法 代词讲解 1

代词 为了避免重复而用来代替其他词的词。种类 1 人称 2 物主 3 反身 4 指示 5 不定6 疑问。7 相互代词 each other,one another互相,其所有格加 s 8 关系代词 which,who,that,whom,whose等引导定语从句。9 连接代词 who,whom,wh...