初一英语 代词讲解与练习

发布 2021-04-18 00:46:28 阅读 9740


1 .人称代词。




单数形式(2,3,1) you, he and i

复数形式(1,2,3) we, you and they

:::who is it?-it’s me. if i were him, i would not do that thin

2 .物主代词。




he is a friend of mine. 他是我的一个朋友。

3 .反身代词。


1. my classmate, li ming, made a card forjust now.

2. bad luck! i cutwith a knife yesterday.

3. they tell us they can look aftervery well.

4. my cat can find food by

5. helpto some beef, boys.

6. jenny enjoyedin the park yesterday afternoon.

7. we can finish our homework by

8. the blind girl lostin the beautiful music.

9. xiao hui, can you introduceto us ?

10. bill wants to teachfrench from now on.


works in a bookstore. likes work very much.

and i are in the same school. go to school together.

is a friend of . we got to know each other two years ago.

sister makes all own dresses.

5 i h**e many friends. some of are good at english.

6. may i use bike? is broken.

7. everybody is here except ann and __friend jane. _are in the library now.

选择题。may come to my house __this week __next week.

a. neither; or b. from; to c. either;or d. either; nor

don't think we can do it all __

a. by ourselves b. by myself c. by ourself d .by yourselves

don't want this shirt. please show me __

a. others b. the others c. another d. the other

can't repair the model ship __can you help __

a .me; me b. myself ;myself c .myself ;me d. me ; myself

your brother often wash clothes __

a. he b .himself c. herself d .him

6. we study chinese, english, maths and some __subjects.

a .the other b. one c .other d .another

h**e two sisters. _of them are doctors.

a. both b. all c. either d. neither

book on the shelf is___she wrote___name on its cover __

a .hers ; her ;herselfb. her; hers; herself

c. herself; her; hersd .her; herself; herself

9. “don't worry. there's __much wrong with you.” said the doctor.

a. nothing b. everything c. something d. very

shoes are too small. you may buy some __shoes.

a. another b. other c. the others d. others

asked jim and bob to come to my house for dinner, but __of them came.

a. another b. other c. the others d. others

are___the same size , so you may take __half of the cake.

a. at; each b. in; both neither d. in; either

and john h**e come back , but __students in the class aren't here yet.

a. the other b. others c. another d. the others

mother is kindness __

a .itself b. herself c. oneself d. himself

stayed there longer than __

a. anyone b. anything else c. anybody d. anybody else

this her bike? no, it isn't. it's __

a. mine b. my c. me d. he's

17. _li ping's brother.

a. her b. his c .he's d. she's

is a boy . name is wang bing.

a. he b. his c. her d. he's

s this? _

a. it's a bread b. it is a bread c. it's bread d. this's bread

bowls are on the table .there are some eggs in __

a. the b. them c. it d. he

a meeting . a. me b. you c. us d. me

22. mother often sees __on sunday .

a. her all friends b. all her friend c. her friends d. her all friend.

you see tom and his sister, tell __that __mother is waiting at the gate.

a. his; his b. her; hers c. them; their d. his; her

wants you to talk __about china.

a .anything b .nothing c. thing d .something

seems ill. are you sure it's __

a .nothing serious b. anything serious c. serious nothing d. serious anything


is a girl.__name is lily.

is wang fang.__is twelve.

___a girl.__name is wang hong.

lei __a boy.__is in class

5.--is the cat __friend?--yes

isn’t is is isn’t

is a bird. i don’t know __name.

7.--how old is spottyfive.

this? it’s __pencil.

my the

think __mrs wang.his


一 人称代词。1.人称代词的形式。2.人称代词的句法功能。3.人称代词的排列顺序 单数231,复数123 当两个以上的人称代词一起作主语时,单数按。二 三 一人称排列 即you,he she,i 复数按。一 二 三人称排列 即we,you,they 但是如果做错了事需要承担责任时,要把说话人 i 放...


一 两者 与 三者 有些不定代词只用于表示两个人或两个事物,它们是both,either和neither 而有些不定代词则只用于指三个或三个以上的人或事物,它们是all,any,none和every。在使用时千万不要弄混了。如 我的父母都喜欢运动。误 all of my parents like s...


代词。一 人称代词。一 概念。人称代词是表示我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们和 他 她 它 们的词。人称代词有人称 格和数的变化,具体见下表 人称代词口诀 i 是主格 me 是宾,请你一定记在心 主格用在动词前,动词介词后用宾。you 是主格,也是宾,he 是主格 him 是宾,she 是主格 her...