
发布 2021-04-17 21:41:28 阅读 9080




1.你最喜爱的科目是什么?what's your

2.你为什么喜欢体育?__do you___p.e.?


4.你什么时候上数学课?__do you

5.数学难但有趣。math isbut


f**orite s___is aftertuesday.

is yourf___teacher? second day of a week is m___

s___teacher usually plays with us.


1.they h**e eightclass)every day.2china)people are friendly.

all likeplay)computer games.4.__she)f**orite color is blue.

usually starts at 8:30 am andfinish)at 4:30pm.

四。 f**orite subject is science.(对画线部分提问yourf**oritesubject?

h**e science on tuesday and thursday.(画线提问)__doscience?

3.anna likes 改为同义句subjectisp.e.

4.he likes art because it's fun.(对画线部分提问)__does he___art?

5.my science teacher is 对画线部分提问)


1.他最喜爱的运动是打篮球。hisis playing basketball.


3.美术课非常有趣。the art lesson is

4.下课后我们打两小时的足球。after class we play soccer

unit9my f**orite subject is science.


)1. what’s your __subject?a. likeb. mostc. f**orited. good

)2. he knows __many aboutb. much aboutc. lot of aboutd. too much

)3is your teacher? -mr. whoseb. howc. whod. what

)4. -do you like music? -because it’s whyb. whenc. howd. who

)5. i don’t like history because it’sa. interestingb. tiredc. excitingd. boring

)6. this is __zhang. he has three sirb. missc. mr.……

)7. why don’t you like because it’s

a interestingb. func. difficultd. exciting

)8. -do you h**e --on monday whyb. howc. whend. who

)9. she likes __teacher, miss gao.

a. her music’s b. her musicc. she musicd. she music’s

)10. we h**e __every a chineseb. chinesec. the chinesed. chineses

)11. -why don't you like english?--because it's __

a. interestingb. func. excitingd. difficult

)12. i am busy __english in my to readb. readingc. readd. reads

)13. mr. zhang teaches __chinese. we likeclass very much.

a. me; herb. me; hisc. us; hisd. us; her

)14it's thursday.

a. what's the timeb. what day is it today

c. is it thursdayd. what's the date

)15. i h**e __the afternoon of tues? inb. atc. ond. for


dear betty,let me tell you (16)__my school life(生活).i go to school(17)__monday (18)__friday. we h**e four (19)__in the morning and two in the afternoon.

on monday(20)__wednesday afternoon we h**e on tuesday morning we h**e music. on thursday afternoon we h**e art. on friday we h**e science.

we h**e (21)__things to do after class. i often play basketball (22)__an hour. then i go to the music (23)__

24weekends i (25)__go to school. i h**e a good rest(休息)。

)16. a. aboutb. ofc. ind. on

)17. a. inb. onc. fromd. to

)18. a. ofb. atc. tod. on

)19. a. classesb. classc. lessond. lessons

)20. a. butb. soc. ord. and

)21. a. sob. manyc. muchd. lot

)22. a. inb. forc. ond. of

)23. a. schoolb. peoplec. clubd. family

)24. a. fromb. atc. ind. on

)25. a. dob. notc. nod. don’t

三、阅读理解 (30分)

d**id and his brother grey don’t go to school in the morning. they go to school after lunch, at one o’clock. they h**e math at one-fifteen, d**id likes math because it’s interesting.

greg doesn’t like math. d**id and greg h**e after math. they like the teacher, mr.

green and they like because it’s fun. but greg’s f**orite subject is art and d**id’s f**orite is music. he plays the piano and the violin.


i.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1.what其他动物 do you like?2.he sleeps白天期间 but在晚上 he gets up and eats le es.3.molly is十二岁 now.4.we h e great salad也,而且 soda and cola.5.i与。打...


一词汇。1镜子2抽屉3椅子4门。5钟6花7键盘8人,人们。9大的,巨大的10花园,果园,菜园。11卧室,寝室12 楼房的 层,地面,地板。13房子,住宅14灯,油灯,光源15桌子,16钥匙,答案,关键17东西,物品,事情。18河,江,水道19窗户20模型,范例,示范。21院子,场地22左,左边23钢...


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