
发布 2021-04-18 00:45:28 阅读 8120

七年级上英语starter module 2测试题。




1 he is a new学生) here, his name is tony.

2 there are十八) chairs here, please sit down.

3 miss wang is our english老师).

4.--goodbye. see you明天) daming. -goodbye.

5. lucy is my good朋友). she is in class one.

6听) to the teacher, please.

7. please闭上) your books, boys and girls.

8 her**) number is one three six, seven five nine.

9 how old are you? i’m十三) years old.

10 how many书) are there on the desk?


1. 坐下2. 举手。

3. 起立4. **号码。

5. 十二名教师6. 在3班。

7. 下午好8. 明天见。

9. 15名学生10. 关上你的书。


1.“good morning

a. fine b. thank you c. good morning d. goodbye

2are you? i’m 13.

a how b. how old c whatd what’s

3. whatthat boy's name? a. isb. arec. am

4.“good evening, li pingtom.”

a. good evening b. good afternoon c. good morning

and eleven is

a. nine b. nineteen c. twenty d. eighteen.

6. robert isfriendin class one.

a. i, he's b. my, he's c. my, his d. i, he

7. are you a new student here

a .yes, i’m b. no, i’m c. yes, i am d. yes, you are.

8. betty is inclass.

a. miss liu’ b. miss liu c. miss liu’s d.miss’ liu’s

9.“what's her namea. a girl b. a boyc. linda

10.“can youit?”“yes. b-e-e, bee.”

a. meet b. spellc. play

11. this ishand.

a. ib. mec. youd. my

12. there isbook on the desk .

a. a b. an c. /d. two

13.“how many months(月) are there in a year?”“there are

a. ten b. eleven c. twelve d. nineteen

14and five is twenty.

a. twelve b. fifteen c. seven d. sixteen

15. tom and iin the same class. a. isb. amc. are

16chairs are there in your class?”“there are seventeen chairs.”

a. how much b. how c. how many d. what

17. how manyare there in your classroom?

a. chair b. maps c. computerd. desk

18. what'stelephone number? a. sheb. he c. her d. i

19.“your english is very good

a. sorry b. thank c. thanks

20are you, li ming? i’m twelve.

a. how many b. how much c. how old d. what

四用be动词的正确形式填空(用am、is、are填空) (每小题1分,共10分)

1. whather name? her namelucy.

2. how oldyour friend? shetwelve.

3you in grade seven?”“no, inot. iin grade six.”

4you a teacher? no, ia student.

5. how many desksthere? theretwenty desks.

6.“whathis telephone number?”“it183

7.“what classyou in?”“iin class eleven, grade seven.”

8. thisdaming. he __a boy.

9. how __you? ifine, thanks.

10. what classjack in? hein class two.

五翻译句子(每空一词) (每小题1分,共10分)

1. 现在该走了。


2. 你好,大明!这是我的好朋友托尼。

hello, daminggood friend, tony.

3. 请举起你的手。


4. 她是这儿的新老师。

she is ahere.

5. 你在哪个班,lingling?


6. 你多大了?我13岁了。

you? i’m

7. 桌子上有多少个书包?

are there on the desks?

8. 你的**号码是多少?

your9. 你能拼写一下你的名字吗?

your name, please?

10. mike,请打开你的书。




一 根据要求完成句子。ying is from shanghai.划线提问 liu ying from is tom.改为一般疑问句 zhou wei.同义句转换 zhou wei.you from english?做肯定回答 二 用单词所给的适当形式填空。be you from?i be from...


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