小升初英语虚拟语气 三 专项讲解习题

发布 2021-05-14 05:22:28 阅读 9606



that would be fine.那就太好了。(省去了if you should do it或类似条件)

youmightstayhereforever.你可以永远呆在这里。(省去了ifyouwanted协或类似条件)i would not h**e done it.

我是不会做那件事的。(省去了if were you或类似条件)[注]虚拟结构中省去的从句有时并不容易找出。如:

who would h**e thought of it ?谁会想到是这样的呢?2)省去了结果主句的虚拟结构(常用以表示愿望)。

如:if he were here!假如他在这里该多好啊!

if i had never married.如果我从未结婚就好了。这种结构也常用if only开头。

如:if only i could help you!假如我能帮助你,那该是多好啊!if only i were ten years younger!我要是能年轻十岁该多好啊!

if you would only try harder!你如再努力一试就好了。(only亦可置于would等助动词之后)

注]有时if only只表条件,不表愿望。如:

if only i had known earlier,i'd h**e sent you a telegram.我只要知道得早一点,就会拍电报给你了。虚拟语气的其他用法虚拟语气用在主语从句中。


it is quite natural that he should think so.他这样想是很自然的事。

it is strange that he should h**e gone away without telling us.真奇怪,他没有通知我们就走掉了。

it is necessary that the question should be settled at once.必须马上解决这个问题。it is important that we should speak politely.


it is imperative that we should practise criticism and self-criti - cism.应当进行批评与自我批评。





i wish i were a pilot.但愿我是个飞行员。

iwishiknewhowtooperatethemachine.我要是会操作这架机器该有多好啊!(=i'msorryi don't know.)

i wish he hadn't gone.他要是没走该多好!(=i'm sorry he has gone.)

we wish you had come to our new year's party.我们真希望你来参加我们的新年联欢会。(=but you did not)


she wished she knew how to play golf.她但愿会打高尔夫球。(和过去事实相反)i wished i hadn't been so forgetful.

then i shouldn't h**e missed the concert.我要是不这样忘事该多好,那我就不会不去听**会。(和过去的过去的事实相反)

注]有时在宾语从句中可用would或might加动词原形,表示有可能实现的愿望。如:.i wish he,might stay with me.

我希望他和我住在一起。he wishes i would go with him.他希望我和他一起去。

i wish you would be quiet.我希望你安静一些。

2)动词demand(要求),suggest(建议),order(命令),insist(坚持),propose(建议)等后面的宾语从句,用should(用于所有的人称)加动词原形来表示虚拟语气。如:i suggest that we should hold a meeting tonight.


the chairman proposed that we should discuss the question.主席提议我们讨论这个问题。

most students insist that they should h**e more english classes.多数同学坚持要多上英语课。

注]这种结构往往可不用should,尤其在美国,只用动词原形(用于所有的人称)。如上面三例只用hold,discuss和h**e,不用should hold,should discuss和should h**e。又如:

i suggest that we make a new expertinent.我建议进行新的试验。

i propose that the matter be put the vote at once.我提议把这个问题马上付表决。虚拟语气用在状语从句中。

由as if或as though所引导的状浯从句表示比较或方式时,从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气。动词形式用动词的过去式(be用were)或had +过去分词。如:

my mother locked after the orphan as if he were her own child.我母亲照料这个孤儿像自己孩子一样。

you speak as if you had really been there.你谈得好像你真的到过那里似的。注意下面句中的as if从句用作表语。如:

it looks as if it might rain,天好像要下雨似的。



it is time we left.我们该走了。

it is time we went to bed.我们该睡觉了:

it is time we summed up our results.我们该总结我们的成绩了。虚拟语气用在简单句中。

下面是虚拟语气用在简单句中较常见的两种情况,皆表祝愿。如:1)动词原形1ive用在long live…中。如:

long live the communist party of china!中国共产党万岁!long live the people!人民万岁!

1ive在此也是虚拟语气的一种动词形式,不可改为lives)2)may用在句子开头(多用在正式的文体中)。如:may good luck be yours.

祝你顺利。may you be happy.祝你快乐。

may you do even better!祝你取得更大成就!

小升初英语虚拟语气 二 专项讲解习题

不用if的条件从句结构。在笔语中,条件从句有时可以不用连词小而把were,had或should移至主语之前。但如从句没有were,had或should,则一般不能这样做。如 should he come,tell him to ring me up.他要是来了,让他给我打个 were i in yo...

英语重点语法讲解 虚拟语气 三

16.7 比较if only与only if only if表示 只有 if only则表示 如果 就好了 if only也可用于陈述语气。i wake up only if the alarm clock rings.只有闹钟响了,我才会醒。if only the alarm clock had ...

英语重点语法讲解 虚拟语气 一

今天凯撒国际英语的小编教你如何正确使用虚拟语气,虚拟语气是英语语法中的重点知识。只有把基础英语语法学扎实了,再进一步学习可是很轻松的哦!虚拟语气表达的句子意思很丰富的,对于英语口语也有很大的帮助!接下来,一起学习吧!1 概念。虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想,所说的是一个条件,不一定是事实,或...