
发布 2021-03-03 03:09:28 阅读 6523

1, if were you,i would/could/should do study hard 如果我是你,我就努力学习。

2, if i had a chance ,i would/could/should study hard 如果我现在有一个机会,我一定要努力学习。


3, if i had finished my work ,i would/could/should h**e been better 如果我以前完成我的工作,我就能更好。(与过去事实相反)

4, if it rained tomorrow,i would/could/should stay at home 如果明天下雨,我将会待在家里。

5, if it should rain tomorrow ,i would/could/should stay at home

6, if it were to rain tomorrow,i would/could/should stay at home


7, were it to rain tomorrow,i would/could/should stay at home 如果明天下雨,我将待在家里。

8, had it rain yesterday,i would/could/should h**e stayed at home 如果昨天下雨,我将待在家里。

9, should it rain tomorrow,i would/could/should stay at home 如果明天下雨,我将待在家里。

10, if i were you ,i would h**e stayed at home yesterday 如果我是你,我昨天就在家待着。(混合虚拟语气)

11, it is + 形容词(命令,要求,建议,决定,主张)that +从句(should+动词原形,should可以省略)例如:insistent坚持的,adamant坚定的,imperative必要的,preferable更好的,compulsory必修的,vital 至关重要的 ,等等形容词)

it is important that you( should)study hard 你应该好好学习是多重要。

12, 在宾语从句中,表示命令,要求,建议,主张时也用虚拟语气,(常用动词有:propose建议,command命令,urge 催促 ,等动词),从句中的should 可以省略。

i advise that you (should )study hard 我建议你应该好好学习。

13,i wish i hadn’t promised 我希望当初我没有许愿。

14,i wish i had money 我祝愿现在就有钱。

15,i wish it could /would/might rain tomorrow,我祝愿明天下雨。

16,would rather,would sooner,would (just)as soon, would prefer 宁愿。

i would (just)as soon you were to beijing 我宁愿你去北京。

17,在表示建议,命令,主张,目的,计划和愿望的同位语从句中,要用虚拟语气,从句通常是should+动词原形,should 可以省略。


my proposal is that we should study hard every day 我的提议就是我们应该每天努力学习。

18,he talked about beijing as if he had been there 他谈论北京感觉自己好像去过。

19,he speaks as if he were a local man 他说话好像自己就是当地人一样。

20,he opened his mouth as if he would say something他张开嘴好像他想要说什么。

21, he started doing his homework lest he should be punished 他开始做他的作业,以防被惩罚。

22,he ran away for fear that he should be seen 唯恐被人发现,他逃跑了。

23,but for water= (if it were not for water),nothing should be survived 要是没有水,没有生物能存活。

24,without you(if you hadn’t been with me),i wouldn’t h**e done my work 以前要是没有你,我就不能完成我的工作了。

25,i could carry the box but i am so fat 我可以搬动这个盒子,但是我太胖了。

26,they would h**e resisted but that they lacked courage 要不是缺乏勇气,他们会抵抗的。

27,it’s high time that you should take your temperature 该你量体温的时候了。

28,if only i were you 要是我是你就好了。

29,if i had finished my work last week 要是我上周完成了我的工作就好了。

30,he had a cold ,otherwise he would h**e been the party last night 他昨天感冒了,否则他就会参加昨晚的聚会了。

英语重点语法讲解 虚拟语气 一

今天凯撒国际英语的小编教你如何正确使用虚拟语气,虚拟语气是英语语法中的重点知识。只有把基础英语语法学扎实了,再进一步学习可是很轻松的哦!虚拟语气表达的句子意思很丰富的,对于英语口语也有很大的帮助!接下来,一起学习吧!1 概念。虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想,所说的是一个条件,不一定是事实,或...

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英语重点语法讲解 虚拟语气 二

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