
发布 2021-05-11 16:25:28 阅读 3115


who’s that? it’s me.

和 none

no==not any(没有),只作定语,修饰可数名词(单,复数)和不可数名词。

none 相当于名词,作主语和宾语。 none代替不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式; 代替可数名词做主语时,谓语动词可以是单数,也可以是复数,在非正式文体中更常用复数形式。

she has no brother(s).

none of them know(s) english.

none of us is/are afraid of difficulties.

i need some money, but there is none

at hand.

表示 “三个或三个以上都不…”.

none of my friends smoke.


all my friends do not smoke.


sisters are here.姐妹俩都在这里。

both sisters are not here.


neither of the sisters is here


other和 the others

another “另一个,又一个” (泛指,三者以上)

the other “两者中的另一个”

the others “其余的(几个,一些)”

would you like to h**e another cup of tea?

this article is better than the others.


都表示 “每个”.但each强调 “个别”, every强调 “全体”. every只能作定语; each可作主语,宾语,定语和同位语。

each person in turn went to see the


he g**e every patient the same


each of them did his best.

he g**e them each an apple.

one可用来代替前面出现过的可数名词,以免重复。 有复数形式ones. one 还可作 “任何一个人”解,有所有格形式 one’s 和反身代词 oneself.

i h**en’t a notebook. can you lend me

one?you should see her photos. she’s

taken some very good ones.

one must do one’s duty.

one should not praise oneself.


one’s), 美国人则说he(his).

one cannot pass the examination

unless one (he) works hard.


she said she had lost her watch, which was not true.

10.在形容词最高级,序数词和大部分不定代词(all,much,little,any,anything, anybody, something,somebody,nobody,no one, everything等)以及等词的后面,用关系代词。

she is the most careful girl (that) i know.

everything that can be done must be done.

the first boy that came to school was li ping.

i will give you all that i h**e.

he was the only student that didn’s pass the examination.

you may come at any time that is convinient to you.


the characters and events that are describe in this play are taken from history.

choose the best answer:

don’t understand you. _of us can speak german.

a. a little b. a few c. little d. few

h**e a brother and a sister. they are __living in australia.

a. either b. both c. neither d. all

3.__of them can be trusted, because they are not honest at all.

a. both b. either c. neither d. all

factory g**e __worker a bonus(奖金) of 800 yuan at the end of the year to praise their hardworking.

a. either b. every c. all d. both

like tr**elling. this summer my family are __going to qingdao for holidays.

a. each b. every c. both d. all

the exam no one is allowed to ask __questions.

a. some b. any c. all d. a few

notice said that __students and their parents should come to school this afternoon.

a. each b. every c. all d. both

along north street, and you can find a tower at __end of the bridge.

a. both b. every c. either d. any

does not know __of them. she only knows a few of them.

a. all b. none c. both d. any

the teacher asked the two boys, they __offered a solution to the problem.

a. every b. each c. none d. all

is older than __of the other girls in her class. she is not the oldest.

a. some b. any c. no d. either

12.__the three buses will take you to the palace museum. you can take any of them.

a. any b. all c. none d. neither




a big black cat

the round glass table

an interesting english play


two meters high

nine years old

ten feet wide


he often came here.

he came here yesterday.


i met your uncle on my way home.

the people there were very kind to me

choose the best answer

hair turns grey, but he is two years than my father.

a. smaller b. less c. elder d. younger

is the most famous physicist___


第一章时态。英语中谓语动词的时态 tense 是一种动词的形式,不同的时态用以表示在不同的时间完成的动作或保持的状态。英语动词共有十六种时态,这里将重点讲解其中较常用的十种时态。现以动词do为例,将英语十六种时态列表如下 一 一般现在时 the present indefinite tense 1....


语法。1.主语 sb.or sth.2.谓语 说明主语的动作,状态,特征 v.or v.词组 3.宾语 动词行为的对象,及物v后,有n.pron.数词。动不定式。4.表语 系动词be后,说明主语身份,特征,属性及状态 n.pron adj adv 不定式 prep词组 5.补语 说明主语和宾语的特征...


第三部分语法。第1章名词。第2章冠词。第三章代词。第四章数词。第五章形容词与副词。第六章介词。第七章动词。第一节动词的分类及其基本形式。第二节动词的时态。第三节主谓一致。第四节情态动词。第五节非谓语动词。第六节被动语态。第七节虚拟语气。第八章连词。第九章感叹词。第十章陈述句 疑问句 祈使句 感叹句。...