
发布 2021-05-11 03:22:28 阅读 2560


独立主格结构(the nominative absolute stucture)在句中起状语作用。


1) n. (pron.)+n.

charlie a good boy, his parents feel relaxed le**ing himself alone at home.

charlie 是个乖孩子,所以他父母把他一个人放在家里很放心。

2)n. (pron.)+adj.

everything quiet in such deep night, a bark could be heard in the distance once while.


3)n. (pron.)+adv.

nobody in, i had to nail a note on his door and left.


4)n. (pron.)+prep-phrass

the farmers were returning from the fields at sunset, hoes on their shoulders.


5) n. (pron.)+infinitive.

this is the first volume of the book, the second to come out next season.


6)n. (pron.)+participle

hunters searching around, the fox had nowhere to hide itself.


everything prepared ahead of time, the boss nodded with satisfaction.




class over, some students went to the playground, and some others stayed on in the classroom, doing their homework.



the public paying more attention to the environment, our surroundings are becoming cleaner and cleaner. 由于公众的环境意识提高了,我们的周围也变得越来越干净。


the guide leading the way, the group successfully got through the jungle.



more trees h**ing been planted, the soil would not h**e been washed away.



the great fire lasted half a month, everything burnt down.



our plan approved by the government, there are still many obstacles ahead to our destination. 尽管**批准了我们的计划,通往目的地的路上还会有许多障碍。

7) 背景。

snow falling, children are chasing, and playing in the street.


链接]with 复合结构(with+名词或代词+宾语补足语)也是一种独立主格结构。这种结构除可以做状语外,还可以充当定语。如:

she came to a brook with trees and grass on both banks.



1. there no enough food for everyone, we had to s**e every mouthful to last long.

a. was b. were c. being d. left

2. after a day’s hard work, she slept soundly, all lights

a. were on b. been on c. be on d. on

3. knocked down by a car

a. 120 was called immediately to ask for help

b. an ambulance was called for to take him to hospital

c. he died halfway when being carried to hospital

d. all his clothes were torn open and blood was trickling

4. many peopleat him, so he felt a bit too nervous.

a. stared b. staring c. were staring d. had stared

5. afterto the countryside, he has never written to us.

a. being sent b. sending c. sent d. h**ing sent

6. jerry saw her name at the end of the list

a. her face turned red b. her face red

c. her face was red d. turning red face

7. with trees and grass35% of the area, our city has taken on a new look.

a. covering b. covers c. covers d. has covered

8. the enemy set off a burning bomb, and the little soldier was burnt to death, .

a. a gun was in his hand b. a gun in hand

c. gun in held in hand d. gun in hand

9. as modern agriculture and industry quickly, more and more waste is produced.

a. develops b. develop c. developing d. developed

10. he recounted his experience in vietnam

a. with all seated listening b. with all seating listening

c. with all seated listened d. and all seated listening

11yesterday, we went out for a walk.

a. as was a fine day b. it was a fine day

c. it being a fine day d. for it was a fine day

12. all thingsthe plan trip will h**e to be called off.

a. be considered b. there is no time left

c. considering d. h**ing considering

13. weatherwe’ll go outing.

a. permit b. permitted c. will permit d. permitting

14. the boy stood there still

a. his eyes fixed on the toy b. his eyes were fixed on the toy

c. he fixed his eyes on the toy d. his eyes fixing on the toy

15. the old man lay on his back at the corner of the street, his eyes and his hands

a. dose; tremble b. closed; trembling

c. closing; trembling d. dosed; trembled

16. his feature story opens and closes with description of two news reports, each one major point in contrast with the other.


一 名词。1.名词的种类 专有名词 普通名词。国名 地名 人名 团体机构名称。可数名词 不可数名词。个体名词 集体名词 抽象名词 具体名词。2.名词的数。1 规则名词的复数形式。名词的复数形式一般是在词的末尾加上 s或者 es。规则如下 1 一般情况下在词尾加 s。如 day days boy bo...


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