
发布 2021-05-08 18:02:28 阅读 1771



考点对接(unit 3,book 2)


read this story, _you will realize that not everything can be bought with money. (2013四川)

a. orb. andc. butd. so


3)祈使句与并列分句之间常用的连词有and, or, otherwise, or else等,根据句意使用不同的连词,也可以用破折号;

4)祈使句的动词原形前可加副词just, always或助动词do表示强调,也可用名词词组代替。如:

don’tlet your parents down over and over again, or they will lose sound andyou’llbe try andyou’llfind you can do it.

实例对接】get to know your flaws and you too can be successful. (p34)【考例答案】b


withsome animals are facing the danger of dying out. (cut) (2012湖北)


比较级+and+比较级”意为“越来越……”如:our country is getting stronger and weather is getting warmer and warmer.【实例对接】

you’llget better at it as time goes by andyou’llgrow more and more confident. (p43)

考例答案】more and more trees / forests (being) cut down


walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to __his courage. (2012湖北)a. hold upb.

keep upc. set up



d. take up【知能进阶】


take up拿起;占用;对……产生兴趣;开始从事take over接管,获得对……的控制take out取出,拿出。

take in吸收;包括;理解;欺骗;接待某人留宿take on接纳;呈现;雇用。

take off脱掉;起飞;开始成功;开始受欢迎take apart拆开。

实例对接】take up singing or even try karaoke. (p43)【考例答案】b

强化训练】(unit 3, book 2)

1. briggs will __as general manager when mitchell retires. (2013辽宁)a.

get awayb. take overc. set offd.

run out

2. close the door of fear behind you, and you __the door of faith open before you. (2012湖南)

a. saw

b. h**e seenc. will seed. are seeing

3. you had better __some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic. (2012福建)

a. set asideb. take upc. put awayd. give out

4. rod loves __clocks. however, he never manages to put them together again. (2012辽宁)

a. taking apartb. giving awayc. ****** upd. turning off

5. some insects __the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves. (2011陕西)a.

take inb. take offc. take ond.

take out

6. bring the flowers into a warm room __they’llsoon open. (2011辽宁)a. orb. and



c. butd. for

7. find ways to praise your children often, _you’llfind they will open their hearts to you. (2011山东)

a. tillb. orc. andd. but

8. computers and mobile phones, though they are indeed ****** our life __and more __h**e reduced the need for face-to-face communications. (2010江西)

a. easily; efficientb. easier; efficientc. easy; efficientlyd. easily; efficiently

key:1-4 bcaa 5-8 cbcb

考点对接(unit 4,book 2)

考点考例一】pick up

it’ssurprising that your brother __russian so quickly—hehasn’tlived there very long. (2012四川)

a. picked upb. looked upc. put upd. made up【知能进阶】

pick up是一个多义短语,其含义有:(1)拿起;提起;拾起;捡起。

tom picked up the pen and g**e it to lucy.(2) (跌倒或被击倒后)使(自己)慢慢站起。

the man picked himself up and went on walking along the street.(3) (通常指开车)在半路上接(载)人。

i will pick you up at 8 tomorrow morning.(4) (偶然)获得,学会。

many students pick up smoking in high school, never to le**e it again.(5)接收到(信号或声音)

ican’tpick up the radio signals in this small village.(6) (健康等)好转,恢复。

taking proper exercise will help you to pick up.

实例对接】one evening we went out and picked up four people from the street. (p46)【考例答案】a




if he takes on this work, he will h**e no choice but __an even greater challenge. (2012陕西)

a. meetsb. meetingc. meetd. to meet【知能进阶】

如果but前的谓语动词是do或help,则but后面的动词不定式可省略to。常见的表达有:cannot but, cannot help but, do nothing but。

如:she did nothing but but be sorry.

实例对接】i could not help but examine my conscience beforeher…(p46)【考例答案】d


it rained cats and dogs this we took an umbrella.—yeah, we would h**e got wet all over if we __2013重庆)

知能进阶】1)与现在事实相反,if条件句的谓语动词用过去式(be动词的过去式用were),主句谓语动词用“should(would, could, might)+动词原形”。如:

if you started right now, you might get to the airport on time.

2)与过去事实相反,if条件句的谓语动词用过去完成时(had+过去分词),主句谓语动词用“should(would, could, might)+h**e+过去分词”。如:

if i had been warned not to touch the machine, iwouldn’th**e been injured.

3)与将来事实相反,if条件句的谓语动词用过去式(be动词的过去式用were),主句谓语动词用“should(would, could, might)+动词原形”。如:

if jim should come tomorrow, i would show him around our city.

实例对接】…andi asked what i would say if i was in her place. (p46)【考例答案】a

强化训练】(unit 4, book 2)

1.—do you think george has passed the driving test?

no. if so, he __his car to our college yesterday. (2013福建)a. would drive

b. drovec. would h**e drivend. had driven

2. if we __a table earlier, wecouldn’tbe standing here in a queue. (2013北京)a. h**e booked

b. bookedc. book



d. had booked

3. gracedoesn’twant to move to new york because she thinks if she __there, she wouldn’tbe able to see her parents very often. (2012安徽)

a. lives

b. would livec. has livedd. were to live

4. sorry, i am too busy now. if i __time, i would certainly go for an outing with you.


a. h**e had

b. had hadc. h**ed. had

5. if we __adequate preparations, the conferencewouldn’th**e been so successful. (2012山东)

b. wouldn’

6. if my car __more reliable, i would h**e driven to lhasa instead of flying last summer. (2012陕西)

a. wasb. had beenc. should bed. would be

7. sam __some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. (2010山东)

a. brought upb. looked upc. picked upd. set up

8. when i see or hear stories of animal affections, i __by theanimal’slove and loyaltyfor its owner.

but to be but being touched

but but be touched

key:1-4 cddd 5-8 dbcd



2013年的高考来自 也已经离我们的高三学子越来越近,很多家长都称,孩子高考,压力最大的不是孩子,而是他们,特别是一些工薪阶层的父母,因为自己没有上好的大学,没有许到一个好的前程,所以大半辈子都过得特别的辛苦,更加的把希望寄手在了孩子身上。一位来自湖北宜昌的家长张先生说,自己是从农村里走出来的,上的...


2015高考语文备考 2014年高考考点 语文科。附录。按部就班循序渐进。同 都有按一定的顺序 步骤进行之意。异 前者侧重于按一定的条理,遵循一定的程序 后者指学习 工作按照一定的步骤逐渐深入或提高。爱财如命一毛不拔。同 都形容极其吝啬。异 前者偏重于性格上的吝啬,语意重 后者偏重于行为上的自私吝啬...


2015高考语文备考 2014年高考考点 语文科。附录。按部就班循序渐进。同 都有按一定的顺序 步骤进行之意。异 前者侧重于按一定的条理,遵循一定的程序 后者指学习 工作按照一定的步骤逐渐深入或提高。爱财如命一毛不拔。同 都形容极其吝啬。异 前者偏重于性格上的吝啬,语意重 后者偏重于行为上的自私吝啬...