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七年级上册 units1~5

考点一日常问候 greetings

1) good morning /afternoon/evening!早上/下午/晚上好!

2) hello!/hi! 你好!

3) how are you?你好吗?

4) nice/glad to meet you!见到你很高兴!

5) welcome to…欢迎来到……

_how is everything going in the hospital, dear?

a. i’m all right ,thanks b. not too bad, i guess

c. not at alld. that’s all right

_hello, jack. how are you doing?

a. reading a magazine b. ok

c. that’s all right d. it’s nice


_what do you think of the movie by zhao wei?

_terrific. i like( )very much

a. it b. him

b. her d. you

the lovely girl is from class 6. (name is alice.

a. her b. his

b. your d. its


冠词是虚词,没有词义,用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。冠词分为三种,定冠词(the)、不定冠词(a ,an)和零冠词。

i think it’s really ( hard work for me to finish the job in twenty minutes.

a. a b. an

c. the d./

_what do you think of ( film about zhao tianyou?

_it’s( )good film.

a. the; the b. a; the

b. the; a d. a; a

考点四动词h**e 和 there be 的区别。

h**e 作为实义动词时,意为“拥有”,表示某人拥有某物。

be 与 there 连用时,构成 there be 句型,意为“有”,表示某物存在某物或某人。

_there( )an exciting soccer game on tv last night, but i missed it.

_ oh, what a pity!

a. is b. was

b. has d. had

there ( a sports meetings this afternoon .let’s go and h**e a look.

a. is going to h**e b. is going to be

c. hasd. is h**ing

考点五what color

_what is miss gao’s f**orite (

_she is always in pink . don’t you know?

a. color b. book

b. song d. movie

_what color is your mother’s scarf?

_it is (

a. kind b. black

b. nice d. her

考点六this is…


_( your first visit to chongqing, nina?

_no, i’ve been here three times.

a. this is b. is this

c. this d. is

_dad, (my chinese teacher, mr wang.

_nice to meet you, mr wang

a. he is b. it is

c. this is d. that is

易混辨异。1. take, bring, carry, get ,fetch

1)lucy, please ( the news***** to your father. he is there.

2)waiter, please ( me a cup of water.

3)mom, can you ( me something to eat?

4) the box is too he**y. can you help me to ( it?


take 意为“带走”, 常与there连用,常用结构有take sb/ sth. to sp.,表示“带某人/某物去某地”,常用短语有:take away “拿走”。

bring 意为“拿来”,常与here连用。

get意为“得到”,常用短语有:get back “拿回来”。



2. good well

she is a ( singer, and she sings (

辨异提示。good 形容词,意为“好的”,修饰名词,或作表语。

well 副词,意为“好地”,修饰动词,副词或形容词。

good 和well 的比较级和最高级一样,比较级better,最高级best。相关短语:be good at=do well in 意为“擅长、、、在、、、方面干得好”。

3. many ,much, a lot of (lots of), a lot

1)( children don’t h**e jobs in their free time.

2) don’t worry .we h**e ( time to do it.

3) there arepeople in the park.

4) we can learn ( if we go tr**eling often.

辨异提示。many 表示有“许多;很多”的意思,与可数名词的复数形式选用。

much 有“许多;很多”的意思,只能修饰不可数名词。much还可以修饰比较级。

a lot of/lots of 既可以用来修饰可数名词复数,又可以用来修饰不可数名词,但常用于肯定句中,用法同plenty of 。

a lot 副词短语,修饰动词,意为“许多”。

4. look ,see, watch, read, notice

1)the old man ( at the board carefully ,but he can’t ( anything.

2)i like to ( the football match on tv.

3)do you like ( magazines on the bus?

4) he ( a purse lying on the road just now.

辨异提示。look 为不及物动词,意为“看着”,强调看的动作,表示有意识地集中精神去看,但并不一定能看见,多用来唤起别人的注意。其后接宾语时,要加上介词at。


watch 为及物动词,意为“**”,指非常仔细地,有目的地,集中注意力地看。“看电视,看比赛”习惯上用这个词。

read 意为“读”,常用它来表达“看书,看报,看信,看杂志,看地图”等。


5. excuse me, i am sorry

1is this your pen?

2i’m late.

excuse me! 意为“打扰了!对不起!”一般是为了与陌生人搭话,或者要打断对方所说(做)的事。

i’m sorry !意为“对不起!”表示道歉。


一. 名词。

名词可分为专有名词和普通名词。专有名词是指某人,地方,机构等的名词,如paris, kate等;普通名词是指一类人或东西是一个抽象的名称,如chair, egg等。名词还可分为可数名词和不可数名词。


1. 名词复数的构成规则。

1) 一般在词尾直接加-s,如:pen---pens。

2) 以s, x, sh,ch名词,通常在词尾加-es。如bus---buses,box---boxes。

3) 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,把y变成i,再加-es.如baby---babies。

4) 以f,fe结尾的名词,把f,fe变为v,再加-es。如knife---knives,wolf---wolves。

5) 以o结尾的名词,有生命的加—es,无生命的加-s。如tomato---tomatoes,photo---photos。

6) 名词复数的不规则变化。如man---men,woman---women,child---children,foot---feet,tooth---teeth。

7) 单复数形式相同的名词。如sheep,chinese,japanese。


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