
发布 2021-05-08 02:29:28 阅读 8773

小学 elementary school; 初中 middle school or junior high; 高中 high school. 大学是 college or university, 二者区别在于 university 是大学,大学由几个学院组成,这些学院叫 college。本科是 undergraduate, 研究生院是 graduate school.


step 系列一:take baby steps 缓慢的,逐步的。she is taking baby steps towards recovery after the surgery.

手术后,她慢慢恢复。step by step 一步步地。i'll show you how to do it step by step.

我一步步教你怎么做。晚上天黑,送客人出门,要提醒客人,watch your step. 小心脚底下。

step 系列二:step inside/step outside. 进来/出去。

step inside my office please. i need to h**e a word with you. 到我办公室来,我有话跟你说。

i need to step outside for a smoke. 我出去抽根烟。let's step outside for a moment.

i want to show you something. 出去一下,我给你看点东西。

step 系列三: step on someone's toes 踩到某人的脚趾头,干涉到别人的事,得罪人。that's his territory.

i don't want to step on his toes. 那是他的权限范围,我可不想管太宽,得罪他。step on the gas/step on it 快点!

joan, we're gonna be late. step on it! joan,我们要晚了,快点。

step 系列四。step up to the plate 准备好做某事。it's time for the government to step up to the plate and ensure food safety.

**应该采取行动,保证食品安全。thank you for stepping up to the plate and volunteering at last week's event. 谢谢你在上星期的活动中无偿贡献自己的时间。

pull 系列一。pull for someone 支持某人。go for it.

i'll be pulling for you. 加油,我支持你。most people in the stadium are pulling for the home team.

体育馆里大多数人都为主场球队加油。i am pulling for the underdog. 我替处于劣势的一方加油。

pull 系列二。pull oneself together 振作精神。i know it's hard for you, but you h**e to pull yourself together and get through this.

我知道你现在很难,但你还是要振作起来,渡过难关。don't give up so easily. pull yourself together and try again.


pull 系列三。pull a muscle 肌肉拉伤。i pulled a muscle in my back doing yard work yesterday.

我昨天在园子里干活的时候把后背肌肉拉伤了。pull someone's leg 故意逗某人。don't believe what he said.

he was just pulling your leg. 别信他的话,他逗你玩呢!

pull 系列四。pull a fast one on someone 骗某人。i can't believe she pulled a fast one on me.

我不敢相信她居然把我骗了。don't try to pull a fast one on me. i'm not stupid.

别想骗我,我不傻。 you've got to trust me. i'm not trying to pull a fast one on you.


pull 系列四。pull a fast one on someone 骗某人。i can't believe she pulled a fast one on me.

我不敢相信她居然把我骗了。don't try to pull a fast one on me. i'm not stupid.

别想骗我,我不傻。 you've got to trust me. i'm not trying to pull a fast one on you.


belt 系列一。tighten one's belt 勒紧裤腰带。joe had to tighten his belt after he was let go.

joe 被解雇后,只好勒紧裤腰带,节省开销。things are costing more and more these days. we h**e to tighten our belt.


belt 系列二。under one's belt 做过某事,有某种经验。she has 15 years of teaching experience under her belt.

她有15年的教学经验。with three award-winning commercials under his belt, it'll be easy for him to find a new job. 他制作的三个广告都拿过奖,找个新工作对他来说应该不在话下。


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课程结业考核包括两部分内容 结业 及课堂报告。一 结业 1 以群共享中的课程结业 封面为第一页,除此页外,篇幅4 6页,建议采用小四字号 2 请参考学术 的结构,结业 需包括中英文标题,中英文摘要,正文的结尾处需列举5篇以上参考文献 3 结业 内容只要是跟图像处理 信息隐藏相关内容均可 4 结业 打...