
发布 2021-05-07 18:03:28 阅读 2397

1. how old多在/long多久,多长/often多久一次/soon多快/much(不)多钱,多少/many 多少。

2. as soon as ,until, when ,if 主将从现。 i won’t go as soon as you come back.

3. 宾语从句两个特点:

1. 陈序语序ant to know when we will go.

2. 时态相对一致。she said she would be a teacher in the future.

ask 接宾语从句时后加if. he asked me if i could come.

4. look after=take care of =babysit照顾 look for =find(out)寻找 look up查字典/向上看look out小心。

5. 在完成时肯定句中,for要接延续性动词。 i h**e been here for 5 years.

6. till在肯定句,接延续性动词,until用在否定句中,接瞬间动词not--until

7. 具体日期用on,月,年,季节用in. on a rainy morning

8. he is so young that he can’t go to school.=he is too young to go to school.

=he is not old enough to go to school.


2]enough+名词+to do…有足够的…做某事形容词/副词+enough+to do …足够…做某事。

8. what is the weather like?=how is the weather?天气怎么样?

9. 最高级标志of all, in; 比较级的标志than ,of two。 *两者之间的比较时可用the+形容词比较级+of短语。

10. h**e been to曾经去过 h**e gone to 没在说话的地方,在去别的地方的路上。

11. make在变被动语态时后要加to, make后加动词或形容词原形。

12. keep/stop/prevent(from) doing阻止**


14. 提见意的方式why not =why don't you =shall we =let’s=will you please do=what (how) about doing

15. 人作主语用ed,物作主语用ing.

16. so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语——也……neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语——也不……

17. 关close v 关着的closed adj. 开,开着的open v. adj.

18. (1)it takes sb. some time to do sth.干某事花某人一些时间。

(2)sb. spend some time on sth./(in) doing sth.某人花时间在某事上/花时间干某事。

(3)spend some money on sth./(in) doing sth.花钱在某物上/花钱干某事。

(4)sth. cost sb. some money——某事花某人一些钱。

(5)pay some money for sth.为某事(物)付钱。


19. a few(可) a little(不)有一点 /few (可)little(不)几乎没有。

20. see/notice/watch/hear sb. do看某人做某事(全过程)doing(正在)

21. stop to do停止做原来那件,开始做另一件事doing停止做某事

remember to do记着要去做 doing记着做过。

22. must提问用 . no ,you needn’t.= you don't h**e to .回答。could提问can回答may 提问will回答。

接瞬间动词while接延续性动词 he came in while i was reading.


at到达小地方 arrive in大地方 reach直接加地点 get to


more ,the better.越多越好 taller and taller越来越高。

made of由—制成,看出原材料 be made from由—制成,看不出材料be made up of 由—组成。

to do过去常常 be used to doing习惯于 be used to do=be used for doing被用于做--

and jim’s两人共同的 tom’s and jim’s各自的。

up 无被动语态和进行时,这就是不及物动词的特点。

sb.(not) to do tell your mother not to go .

better (not)do你最好 --

like doing=would like to do =want to do想要--

to do /prefer doing to doing/prefer to do (doing)rather than do 宁愿--

40.反意疑问句let’s***shall we? let us **will you? 祈使句,一般用will you


on 穿,动作 wear 状态dress后接反身代词 try on试穿不。

much太多 much too太 i feel much too tired to do too much work.


matter when wherever=no matter where however=no matter how

接语言 ,say 接内容tell接人 speak english 说英语speak in english用英语说 tell a story

smoking =don't smoke=smoking is not allowed

加名词,so加形容词,都表示如此,53. 在感叹句中,what 加名词,so加形容词,在做题中,尽量选what. what a nice day.=how nice a day

the way 顺便说一下on the way 在—路上in the way阻碍 the way to --通往—的路/方法。

is the population of --人口是多少?人口大小用large /small

that =in order to =to =in order that为了。

to do不得不 h**e do让—做 h**e doing 让某事正在做h**e/get –done让某事被做。

do =help help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事。

落 miss丢失 forget忘记w’.

well 放句尾too 放句尾,前加逗号,用于肯定句。 either否定句中。

62就近原则there be…,either…or…,neither…nor…,not only…but also…

good 不定代词放在形容词前 good enough enough time 放形容词后,名前前。

good quite a small room

/key/ticket to 唯一性的东西用前门钥匙 the key to the front door.

is +adj.+for sb. +to do 对于某人来说做某事怎么样。

good at =do well in =h**e a success in 做的好。

up长大** bring up抚养长大 grow 生长。

大小用 strongly rain/snow 大小用 he**ily traffic大小用 hard

longer=not—any longer时间上不再,接延续性动词

no more =not –any more 次数不再,接瞬间动词。

参加组织,成为一员take part in参加活动 attend参加会议。

75.语气从强到弱的排列fairly –quite—rather/pretty—very

up one’s mind =decide to do 决定。



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