
发布 2021-05-07 11:07:28 阅读 4867



some newsbe) from him.

he gives me someadvice).


1 一般名词,词尾加s::pens;

2 以s、x、ch、sh、o结尾的,词尾加es:potato, tomato, hero;

3 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,y变i再加es:dictionaries;

4 以f或fe结尾的名词,f或fe变为v,再加es;

5 不规则:man, woman, child, foot等。

6 单复数同形:chinese japanese deer fish sheep


名词后加y:(表天气的形容词:rain, snow, wind, cloud, sun)

抽象名词加ful:(care, use, thank, help)

国家名词加ese, ish, n:(china, japan, england, america, india)

名词后加ly:(friend, love)


有生命的名词,在这个名词后加“’s”:the boy’s name

以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,在这个名词后加“’”the boys’ names

特殊:表示时间,国家,城市的名词也可以用“’s”表示名词所有格:today’s news***** the city’s name

动词变化:⑴一些动词词尾加er或or变为从事该动作的名词:(work, teach, sing, play, learn,)

以不发音的e结尾,直接加r:(drive, write)

辅音加元音加辅音结尾的动词,双写最后一辅音字母,再加er:(run, swim, begin, win)

变为动名词,即动词后加ing:(常用于现在进行时中,有标志:now, look, listen等;也用于一些动词之后:

like, enjoy, finish, gorget, remember, stop, mind, miss)

变动词不定式:(位于一些动词的后边:ask, want, tell, come, hope, help, learn等)

仍用动词原形:(加动词原形的动词:let, make, see, hear, help)

变第三人称单数形式:(在一般现在时中,当主语为第三人称单数时)my teacher helps me.

变过去式:(当出现过去时的标志时:yesterday, last night, in 2012, 2 days ago)

变将来时be going to/will + 动词原形(当句中有将来的标志时:tomorrow, next week, in 3 days, the day after tomorrow, this evening,)

祈使句中,用动词原形开头help) him quickly.

位于句首做主语时,用动名词help) him takes me one day.


修饰一些动词时,位于动词后边用副词,要将形容词加ly变为副词:(quick, slow, loud)

he runsquick) home after school.

注意:以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词,将y变i,再加ly:(happy, angry, lucky, easy)


this ishe) friend.


please look athe). i givehe) a gift.


this is a book ofyour).


he has hisnine) birthday today.


there arehundred) of students in my school.

针对训练:1. can i h**e __a) orange?

2. she __like) to play the flute.

3. he __h**e) got a skipping rope.

4. please give __i) a cup of tea.

5. let's go __shop) with my mother!

6. da ming comes from china,he is __china).

7. how many __hour) are there in a day?

8. lucy __look) like her father.

9. "here you arethank)."

10. she __watch) tv every evening.

1. what __do ) liu tao __h**e)? he __h**e) a pen.

2 .what is jack __do) ?he’s __listen) to music.

3. don’t __draw) on the desk.

4. there __be) some chicken in the plate.

5not make) a model plane.

6. they like___fly) kites after class.

7. _you __like) milk?

8. look, the bird is __sing) in the tree.

9. can kate __ski)? yes. look, sheski) over there.

10. my parents like __drink) tea.

now, theydrink) tea in the room.

11. what can your brother __do

he can __write) in english.

what __your brother __do) now? hecopy) words.

12. what __the children __h**e)? theyh**e) some cards.

13. what __the woman __h**e)?

she __h**e) a storybook.

14. the boy __a yo-yo and his parents __some books. (h**e)

15. let’s __make) a cake now.

1. mary’s mothercook) rice every day.

2. i’mwatch) tv now.

3not) draw on the wall, please.

4. i cansee) some boats on the river.

5. therebe) some birds in the tree,6. my mother oftendo) the housework in the evening.

7. tony and tom __like) playing football very much.

8. maryclean) her bedroom now.

9. today is my best friendmike) birthday.

10. thetwo) day of a week is monday.

11. a birdfly) now.

12. therebe)a fish in the bowl.

13. the mother monkeylook) at the duck now.

14. kangaroos canjump).

15. what are theanimal) doing? they’re playing beside the river.

16. are youh**e) a picture.

17. whatdoes) ants like to eat?

18. look. sarah isrun) to us.

19. today is asun) day.

20. the baby panda canswim) in the river.

21. mother and ilisten) to music now.

22. peter is a lazy boy. henot clean) his bedroom every day.

小升初英语题型详解 句型转换方法

小升初英语题型详解 句型转换方法。小学英语的句型转换就只有那几种类型,只要掌握了方法,就不怕不会做啦。一 肯定句改否定句的方法 1.在be动词后加not 如 is not,are not,am not 2.在can,should,will等后加not 如 cannot,should not,will...


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