
发布 2021-02-10 08:35:28 阅读 4010




1. i got a letter from my brother last weekend.

= i heard from my brother last weekend.

little sister could dress herself when she was three years old.

= his little sister was able to dress herself at the age of three.



children are h**ing a good time in the park now.

b. the children arein the park

spent thirty minutes in finishing his homework. my god.

bhimfinish his homework.

soon the baby started crying.

b. inthe babycry.

do you think of the movie you saw last week?

bdo youthe movie you saw last week?

is only an old chair in the room.

b. there’san old chair in the room.

the matter with you, young man?

b. what’swith you, young man?

you h**e any problems in working out the math problem?

b. did you h**einthe math problem?

come to my birthday soon after he finishes his project.

b. he’ll come to my birthdayhis project is finished.


failed the english exam last time.

= she didn’t pass the english exam last time.

house is near the school.

= his house isn’t far from the school.

= his house is close to the school.



don’t think the pig is beautiful.

bthe pig is

10.. of the questions are easy.

bthe questions is

11.. didn’t find anything under the desk..

b. theyunder the desk.


mr. king went to new york by air.

= mr. king flew to new york yesterday.



12..a. helen always goes to school on foot.

b. helen alwaysschool.

used a brush to clean his shoes.

b. tomhis shoesa brush.

manuel usually goes to work by subway, sometimes he rides his motorcycle.

b. manuel usually __the subway to work, but at times he goes to work __motorbike.


found him a very clever student.

she found that he was a pretty clever student.

gate is quite wide. two cars can go through it at the same time.

the gate is so wide that two cars can go through it together.

此类题目需要熟悉一些重要的句型和短语。例如:too… to …;so …that…; not… until…等。

还要注意了解相关转换类型,如:without短语与if/ unless条件状语从句的转换;enough to …与so …that …的转换;too…to…,not…enough to…, so…that …not…的相互转换等。


green doesn’t like tr**eling by plane at all, i think.

mrs. greentr**eling a lot.

boy is too young to go to school.

b. the boy isyounghedo to school.

c. the boy isn’tgo to school.

can’t live if there’s no water.

b. fish can’t livewater.

c. fish can’t livethere __water.

seemed tired last night.

bthat __was tired last night.

book is so difficult that none of us ca read it.

book isdifficultusread.

c the bookfor us to read.

can’t finish the work on time if you don’t help me.

can’t finish the work on time

can’t finish the work on timeyoume

think it easy to work out the physic problem.

think i __work out the physic problem

ceasyme __work out the physic problem.


.he promised to help us.

= he made a promise to help us.



总所周知,语言是思想 情感交流的载体。相同的意思有时可以用不同的方式表达。了解并学会多种表达法,能更好地适应交际的需要。同义句转换也是中考常考题型。此类题型考生失分较大。现归纳以下解题方法与思路。一 总所周知,语言是思想 情感交流的载体。相同的意思有时可以用不同的方式表达。了解并学会多种表达法,能更...


同义词 组 间同义句转换训练。letter a 1 a litter a bit a bit of 一点儿,少许。她可以和你一起去,因为她懂一点儿法语。she can go with you because she knows french.虽然我比他年龄小,但我比他高一点。i m younger ...


同义词 组 间同义句转换训练。letter a 1 a litter a bit a bit of 一点儿,少许。她可以和你一起去,因为她懂一点儿法语。she can go with you because she knows french.虽然我比他年龄小,但我比他高一点。i m younger ...