翻译资格英语初级口译考试习题 2

发布 2021-05-05 08:50:28 阅读 7550


21. i met a fairly unfair affair upstairs.我在楼上遇到一件颇不公平的事。

22. at the breakfast, the steak leaked from the break.早餐时,肉片从缺口处漏出来。

23. the weak speaker made a speech on the bleak peak.虚弱的讲话者在荒凉的山峰上发表了演说。



25. we beat (defeated) the cheat who heated the wheat.我们打败了给小麦加热的**。

26. he created the great creature with concrete for recreation.他用混凝土创造了这个伟大的创造物作消遣。

27. in the theater i threatened to treat the treaty with retreat.在剧院里,我威胁要以退却来对待条约。

28. the man in neat sweaty sweater seated himself in the rear.穿整洁的汗湿毛衣的男子在后面就坐。

29. flags.


30. the ragged man drags a waggon of rag fragments.


31. the lawyer’s son-in-law likes hawk’s claws and jaws.律师的女婿喜欢鹰爪和下颌。

32. the drawer put the strawberries and raw paws into a drawerin the saw-mill.


33. i had appetite for inviting the man who bit me despite i hadspite against him.


34. on the exciting kite site, the excited reciter cited my verse.在激动人心的风筝现场,激动的朗诵者应用了我的诗句。

35. geometry.


36. the telegram says that the diagrams show the grammar of theprogram.


37. with gratitude he congratulated me on the celebration.他怀着感激向我祝贺庆典。

38. the rational operator started a new era of opera cooperationin ad 2000.


39. i can’t tolerate the acceleration in decorating the refrigerator.我不能容忍对冷库装饰的加速。

40. the fateful up-to-date data of the gate h**e a fatal error.大门的决定性最新数据有一个致命错误。

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