
发布 2021-05-04 23:31:28 阅读 5764




从下列各组单词中选出所听句子里含有的那个选项, 每句只读一遍。

1. a. drivesb. drinksc. dreams

2. a. foreignb. finallyc. fever

3. a. personsb. presentsc. parents

4. a. buyingb. bringingc. boring

5. a. languageb. teenagec. sandwich


根据所听到的问句,从下列各组句子中选出相应的答语, 每句只读一遍。

6. a. it's january 13, 2007. b. it's saturday today. c. it's a fine day today.

7. a. it’s easyb. yes,i know. c. it’s next to the post office.

8. a. some cakes,please. b. no, thanksc. here you are.

9. a. it's so beautifulb. by planec. it took me about 3 hours.

10. a. i'm glad to hear that. b. good ideac. that’s all right.

. 对话理解(共5小题,计5分)


11. a. a basketball game. b. a volleyball game. c. a baseball game.

12. a. this weekendb. last weekend. c. this monday.

13. a. at 8:30b. at 8:15c. at 8:45.

14. a. tomb. aprilc. alice.

15. a. playing football. b. riding bikes. c. flying kites.

.短文理解 (共5小题,计10分)


16. jack’s school work was __

a. poorb. goodc. excellent

17. jack usually hurried to school in the morning because he often___at night.

a. studied lessons late

b. had a good sleep

c. watched cartoons or sports games for a long time–

18. jack’s mother tried to make him __

a. work harder b. watch cartoons c. sleep in class

19. jack got a hundred in __

a. readingb. spelling c. reading and spelling

20. from the story, we can know __

a. jack got ten dollars at last

b. jack’s mother was not happy at his words

c. jack was good at reading and spelling


i. 选择填空(vocabulary and structure)(共25小题,计25分)


1. -you dropped __s” in the word “profesional”.

--oh, _letter “s” should be doubled like this “professional”.

a. a, a b. an, a c. an, the d. the, the

2. i’m sorry. there is __relish in the fridge.

a. a few b. a little c. few d. little

3. two days __enough for me to finish the work. i need a third day.

a. isn't b. is c. aren't d. are

4. sandy is glad to help allstudents in her class.

a. other b. others c. the other d. the others

5. we went to the country __a very cold morning.

a. at b. inc. with d. on

6. could you pleasethe window? it’s very cold outside.

a. not open b. open c. not to open d. don’t open

7. -oh! i came here in a hurry and forgot to bring any food.

-- don't worry. you can h**e___

a. us b. himc. ours d, yours

8. the art exhibition will me rich and famous.

a. do b. h**ec. helpd. make

9. i didn’t seefor there wasn’t

a. enough clearly, light enough b. clearly enough, enough light

c. enough clearly, enough light d. clearly enough, light enough

10. -you didn’t join us for dinner yesterday evening.

i had to look after my mother. she was ill in bed.

a. yes, i didn’t. b. yes, i did c. no, i did d. no, i didn’t

11are you le**ing here? -in half a month.

a. how long b. how much c. how soon d. how often

12. joe didn’t h**e much fun __last sunday.

a. to skate b. skates c. skated d. skating

13. in those days, few people liked taking a bus, _

a. didn’t they b. did they c. don’t theyd. were they

14. what can they dofamous pop stars?

a. to become b. becoming c. became d. becomes

15. there are many tall buildings onof the busy street.

a. both side b. all sides c. each side d. every side

16. his father looked___at my medal. he looked

a. happy; happy b. happy; happily c. happily; happy d. happily; happily

17. go to see a movie with us tonight

a. shall we b. will you c. don't you d. aren't you

18. -look! the man at the gatebe our headmaster.

he is always standing there every morning.


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