
发布 2021-05-04 12:42:28 阅读 7722


it is evening, 1 old cock(公鸡is 2 in a tall tree. a fox comes to the tree and looks atthe cock.

hello, mr cock, i h**e some good news for you. ”says the fox.“oh?

”says the cock. “what is it?”

all the animals 3 good fr iends now. let’s 4 friends, too. please come down andplay 5 me.”

fine!” says the cock. “i’m very glad to hear that.

”then he looks up. “look! thereis something over there.

”6 are you looking at?” asks the fox.

oh, i see some animals over th ere. 7 coming this way.”“animals? ”

yes. oh, they’re dogs.”

what? dogs !”asks the fox. “well . well, i 8 now. goodbye.”

wait, mr fox,” says the cock. “9 go. they are only dogs. and dogs are our friendsnow.”

yes. but they 10 that y et.”

i see, i see,” says thecock. he smiles and goes to sleep in the tree.( b the b.

an c. a d. x

c sit b. sits c. sitting d.

siting( c is b. am c. are d.

be( b are b. be c. is d.

am( d and b. to c. for d.


a what b. how c. whose d. where( b he is b. they are c. she is d. it is

b must to go b. must go c. must going d.

must to going ( c no. b. notc.

don’t d. doesn’t

c aren’t know b. doesn’t knowc. don’t know d. isn’t know1. b an用在发元音音素开头的单词前。

2. c横线前已有is,故选sitting构成现在进行时,它的结构是:主语+be+动词的现在分词+其它。sit的现在分词要双写t再加ing.

3. c主语all the animals为复数。谓语动词用are.

4. b以let开头的祈使句常用来表示说话人的建议、请求、命令等。let后面的不定式必须省去符号to.

5. d play with me表示“和我一起玩。”

6. a what问“什么”how问“怎样”whose问“谁的”where问“哪儿”。

7. b根据前一句:“i see some animals over there”本句应为“它们正朝这边过来。

”8. b must意思是“必须”是情态动词,它后面的动词用原形。9.

c本句祈使句的否定式,其结构为:don’t +v原形+其它。

本句为非be动词的一般现在时结构。其动词的构成是:don’t +v原形。2

xiao ning: mum, could you help 1 , please?mum: certainly! 2 wrong?

xiao ning: something is wrong 3 my 4 worry, let me h**e a look, ning: here you 5 you h**e a knife?

xiao ning: yes. but i can find it.

where is it?mum: oh, there!

i think 6 under your ning: yes, there 7 .here you are.

mum: xiao ning, you must 8 your things. now our watch is 9 .

xiao ning: 10 very that’s ok.

d him b. my c. her d. me

c what’s b. what c. what’s d.

which’s ( c on b. in c. with d.

for( a don’t b. do c. not d.

don’t( c are b. h**e c. do d.

don’t( c its b. it’s c. it’s d.

ita it is b. are c. you are d. is it

d look like b. look at c. look d. look after

b fine b. ok c. broken d. right ( a thanks b. thanks you c. thank

1. d本句属于两人之间的对话,应填第一人称,help为动词,后面的代词用宾格形式。

2. c what’s wrong?意为“怎么啦?

”用于询问对方某人或某物出了什么问题。3. c当叙述某一东西出了毛病时常说something is wrong with….

或there issomething wrong with……

4. a祈使句的否定式结构是在谓语动词前加don’t.

5. c本句考查一般现在时的助动词。当主语是非第三人称单数时,其否定式、疑问式的助动词用do,当主语是第三人称单数时,其否定式、疑问式的助动词用does.

6. c本句横线处缺少主谓所以应填it’s。

7. a以here, there开头的句子一般用倒装形式,但如果主语是代词时,则主语还是位于动词前面。此句用的it指代a knife.

8. d look after译为“照看”。9. b ok=all right.意为“好,可以”。

thanks=thank you.但不能说thanks you.


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