2019届高考英语专项训练 完形填空分类练

发布 2021-05-27 12:15:28 阅读 8044



一) 记叙文 a卷。

a2018·广州模拟)grady threw down his backpack and slammed the car door shut.

this is going to be a really __1__ week,” he said unhappily to no one __2__.he looked around the campground. hundreds of bluegreen fir trees, some as tall as church towers, _3__ the mountainside, giving it the appearance of a lush green carpet.

the sun would be setting soon. then, grady thought, maybe the __4__ wouldn't feel so bad. even up here in the __5__,the hot stickiness of july clung to him.

grady hated camping, but it was something his family __6__ every summer. his father liked cooking over an open fire, telling stories about how to __7__ things like bear attacks and swarms of bees. his mother and younger brother jared liked to hike and take __8__ of animals.

jared had a collection of bug pictures that he'd __9__ to the walls in his half of their room. grady thought they were just scary and considered them proof that jared was a __10__ kid.

they set up camp — two __11__,one for his parents and one for himself and jared. while everyone else started __12__ dinner, grady, looking for some place to cool down, set off for the nearby stream, which was deep enough to __13__ in.

as he __14__ the stream, something caught his eye. there was a(n) _15__ black bear cub — no more than two feet tall with a lovely face. it was playing __16__ at the water's edge, _17__ its surroundings.

grady moved closer to get a __18__ look. then grady heard a sound behind him. he __19__ his father saying that bear cubs would never be __20__.

then he turned around and saw the cub's mother moving swiftly towards him ..


c.peaceful d.risky

解析:选a 根据空后的“unhappily”可知,此处应用long表示这一周会很漫长。long“漫长的”;interesting“有趣的”;peaceful“和平的,平静的”;risky“危险的,冒险的”。

2. advance b.in brief

c.in particular d.in silence

解析:选c 他不高兴地自言自语道:“这将是很漫长的一周。”grady并没有特别地对某个人说,因此,c项符合语境。in silence“安静地,无声地”。

3. b.covered

c.reflected d.scarred

解析:选b 数以百计的蓝绿色冷杉树,有些像教堂塔一样高,覆盖着山坡,使山坡呈现出一个郁郁葱葱的像绿色地毯的外观。从下文的“carpet”可知,数以百计的冷杉树覆盖着山坡。


4. b.campground

c.heat d.sun

解析:选c 根据上文中的“the sun would be setting soon.”及下文中的“the hot stickiness of july clung to him”可知,grady认为太阳下山后就不会那么热了。


5. b.river

c.sky d.tower

解析:选a 即使在山上,7月的炎热依旧如影随形。根据上文中的“mountainside”可知,作者的野营地在山上。故选a项。

6. in b.insisted on

c.came across d.lived through

解析:选b grady讨厌野营,但是这是他家人每年夏天坚持的事情。根据空前的转折词but可知,grady的家人和他的想法相反。

believe in“相信”;insist on“坚持”;come across“偶遇”;live through“经历过”。故选b项。

7. b.explore

c.recognize d.survive

解析:选d 他的父亲喜欢在户外的火上做饭,讲关于如何在类似熊和蜜蜂的攻击下生存下来的故事。根据空后的“bear attacks and swarms of bees”可知,这些故事是关于如何在类似熊和蜜蜂攻击下生存的。


8. b.control

c.pictures d.examples

解析:选c 根据后一句中的“jared had a collection of bug pictures”可知,本空指给动物拍照。take pictures of“拍……的**”,为固定搭配。

9. b.pinned

c.taken d.thrown

解析:选b 根据空后的“to the walls”可知,这些**是被钉在墙上的。guide“指导,引导”;pin“(用钉等)钉住”。

10. b.smart

c.tough d.strange

解析:选d 根据语境可知,grady认为这些(虫子的**)非常吓人,并且把它们当作证明jared是一个奇怪的孩子的证据。sensitive“敏感的”;smart“聪明的”;tough“坚强的”;strange“奇怪的”。

11. b.rooms

c.tents d.plates

解析:选c 根据空前的“camp”可知,此处是搭起两个帐篷。故选c项。

12. b.hunting

c.ordering d.preparing

解析:选d 根据空后的“dinner”及常识可知,此处表示准备晚餐。alter“改变”;hunt“打猎”;order“点菜”;prepare“准备”。

13. b.swim

c.hide d.sink

解析:选b 当其他人都在开始准备晚餐的时候,grady想要寻找清凉的地方,于是动身去附近的小溪。这条小溪足够深,可以在里面游泳。

根据本句中的“looking for some place to cool down”可知,grady想在小溪里游泳凉快一下。

14. b.imagined

c.left d.neared

解析:选d 根据上文中的“set off for the nearby stream”可知,grady朝小溪走去,因此此处表示离小溪越来越近。near“靠近(某地方)”符合语境。

15. b.aggressive

c.injured d.large

解析:选a 根据空后的“no more than two feet tall with a lovely face”可知,小黑熊很可爱。adorable“可爱的”;aggressive“侵略性的,好斗的”;injured“受伤的”。


16. b.joyfully

c.forcefully d.nervously

解析:选b 小黑熊在水边快乐地玩耍,忽视了它周围的环境。cautiously“小心地,谨慎地”;joyfully“高兴地”;forcefully“强有力地”;nervously“紧张地”。


17. b.destroying

c.hating d.ignoring

解析:选d 参见上题解析。attack“攻击,进攻”;destroy“破坏”;hate“讨厌”;ignore“忽视,不顾”。

18. b.brighter

c.fixed d.lasting

解析:选a grady走近了一点,想看得更清楚一些。get a better look“看得更清楚”。

19. b.learned

c.remembered d.misunderstood

解析:选c 这时grady听到后面传来一阵声音,grady记起父亲说过熊的幼仔不会单独出行的。find“发现”;learn“学会,了解到”;remember“记得”;misunderstand“误解”。

20. b.awake


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