
发布 2022-09-09 16:57:28 阅读 6938

joe wanted a computer. he asked his (1)__for the money and they said he must get it himself. but how did he get it?

he (2)__about this when he walked home. not many people wanted to asked children to work for them. maybe he could take away snow for the neighbors.

but this was not (3)__he had to wait a long time for that. he couldn't cut grass for their gardens(4)__he had no tools to do the work with.

then he saw one of his classmates, dick .delivering (5i could do that, he thought. maybe i could even get the computer (6)__away.

i could pay (7)__it a little each week. he ran to (8)__up with dick. joe asked him a lot of questions.

he learned that it was (9)__to get twenty-five dollars each week. he learned that the job took (10)__three hours each night. dick (11)__him the phone number of the news***** manager.

joe almost flew home. after he told his mother (12)__he thought, she (13i think it is a (14)__idea.” she said, 'i'll call the news*****…”

“wait, mum,” joe said, “i'll call. after that. i'm gong to be a businessman now.'

joe's mother smiled (15)__

( )1. a. teachers b. parents c. classmates d. friends

( )2. a. said b. told c. thought d. spoke

( )3. a. spring b. summer c. autumn d. winter

( )4. a. because b. when c. while d. after

( )5. a. news*****s b. bikes c. computers d. tools

( )6. a. now b. right c. just d. only

( )7. a. on b. to c. of d. for

( )8. a. take b. catch c. carry d. get

( )9. a. friendly b. kind c. possible d. wrong

( )at b. about c. before d. after

( )taught b. g**e c. made d. asked

( )that b. when c. what d. where

( )smiled b. shouted c. cried d. worried

( )big b. large c. great d. bad

( )sadly b. happily c. politely d. angrily

这是一篇记叙文,文章介绍的是joe 想通过自己挣钱的方式买电脑的想法。


think about是一个固定短语,意思是”考虑”。


“he had no tools to do the work with” 是前面he couldn't cut grass for their gardens.的原因。


right away是一个固定短语,意思是“立刻,马上”。

pay for 是一个固定搭配形式。

catch up with是一个固定短语,意思是“赶上,跟上”。





听到儿子自己能挣钱的话时,joe's mother一定会高兴的。


听到joe的回答后,joe's mother 会更加高兴的。


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