
发布 2021-05-03 06:59:28 阅读 5727



am i am

is he/she/it is 单数时用is

are you/they/we are 复数时用are

以上句型意思为:sb(某人) is/are ……eg: you are a nice man 你是个好男人。

否定句的话:sb is/are not ……is not =isn't are not =aren’t

h**e i/you/they/we h**e 复数。

has she/he/it has单数。

以上句型意思为:sb has/h**e ……eg: you h**e a nice outlook 你有一个漂亮的外表。

否定句的话:sb has/h**e not ……has not =hasn’t h**e not =h**en’t

can 有 will 将要 may能够

sb(某人)can/will/may + do +sth(某事)

以上句型意思为:sb can/will/may do sth(某事)… eg: you can eat this apple 你能吃这个苹果。

否定句:sb can/will/may not ……can not =can’t will not=won’t may not=may not 哈哈。

like 喜欢 want 想要

i like apple .

i like eating apple.喜欢做某事那么需要在动词后面加ing

i want a apple.

i want to eat apple.想要做某事那么固定搭配是 sb want to do sth.



eg:i walk to company everyday.我每天步行至公司。

i like drinking milk.我喜欢喝牛奶

如果主语是it/he/she 这些单数人称时那么需要在动词后面+ s

eg:he walks to company everyday.他每天步行至公司。

he likes drinking milk.他喜欢喝牛奶。

如果主语是i/we/you/they 复数人称和我时那么动词还是原形不+s

否定词 do not=don’t 复数人称用 does not=doesn’t 单数人称用。

否定句:i/you/they don’t do sth he/she/it doesn’t do sth


eg:i will walk to company.我将步行至公司。

he will eat lunch.他将要吃中饭。

在将来时中,不论主语是什么固定搭配都是sb will do sth

否定句:sb will not do sth will not =won’t


eg:i saw the news.我看到过那则新闻。

he broke the glass.他打破了玻璃杯。

看到这里你会发现这些东西为什么你不认识,因为在过去式中,所有的动词都有它的一个变形,我们称之为动词的过去式。eg:see —saw 看见 play— played 玩。


除了这些特殊的过去式,一般都在动词后面+ed eg:looked


sb do(+ed) sth or sb do (直接变形为特殊过去式) sth

eg:i played football yesterday.我昨天踢过足球了。

i saw the football game yeaterday.我昨天看了足球比赛。


否定词 did not =didn’t

否定句:sb didn’t do sth

所以在否定句中有了didn’t 动词就不要变形啦只要原形就行了


eg:you are late. 你迟到了。

are you late?

当谓语是are is 的时候,主语和谓语倒一倒就变成了疑问句。

eg:they eat the breakfast.他们吃了早饭。

do they eat the breakfast?

she likes red.她喜欢红色。

does she like red?

当谓语是一般动词的时候,在主语前面加do / does 则构成了疑问句。

you /they /we 这些复数人称一般用do

she/he/it 这些单数人称一般用does


what 什么

eg:what are these?这些是什么?

what are you doing now ?你在做什么呢?

已上是:what +is/are +sth 的句型。

what hurt you ?什么伤到了你?

what smells so nice?什么闻起来那么香?

what do you want/like?你想要/喜欢什么?

以上是:what +do/does +sth 的句型。

where **

eg:where wil you go ?你将要去**?

where is our new company?我们的新公司在**?

when 何时特殊(what time is it now 现在几点钟)

eg:1when will you finish your task?你何时完成你的任务?


when will he eat lunch?他什么时候吃午饭?

2when did you see this movie?你什么时候看过这个电影?


when did she clean the table?她什么时候擦的桌子?

which 哪一个。

eg :which one do you like?你喜欢哪一个?

which aplle do you choose?你选择哪个苹果?

which sth +do/does +sb ……


still 仍然

i still love you so much . you still like reading.

always 一直

often 常常。

i always see movies on the net.我一直上网看电影。

he often plays football in the school.他常常在学校踢足球。

in 在…里面。

on 在…上面。

in front of 在…前面。

behind 在…后面。

beside 在…旁边。

near 在…附近。



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