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中学英语教学资源网→英语教案→ (河北+加拿大)八年级英语期末专题辅导——含有动词不定式的句式归纳2006-02-27




ime(money)to do sth.


e half an hour to watch tv every evening.


uan to buy the book last week.

本书。take them to finish the work?


的是:sb.如果代词表示用宾格;take随时态改变;句中的时间用段时间,对此提问用how long。

e than two hours to do our homework every day.

n two hours to do our homework yesterday.

e than two hours to do our homework tomorrow.

e you to do your homework yesterday?

o sth. 该做某事了,同义句为:

doing sth. 例:



p. 该起床了。

tting up.)

s time for sb. to do sth.


o work.

to go to school.

adj.+enough to do sth.


gh to go to school.

龄。reach the top of the tree.


hat he can go to school.

can reach the top of the tree.


h to go to work.

he can’t go to work.

go to work.再如:

t enough for me to carry.

动。y for me to carry.

that i can’t carry it.

to do sth.(某人乐意做某事)

to help others.

人)o make new friends.

友。or / of sb. to do sth.

例:children to play football in the street.


o take more exercise.

有益的。you to say so.

you to help me.


clever, careless, foolish等,应用of;如果形容词仅仅是描述事物,不是对动词不定式的行为者的品质进行评。

icult, easy, hard, important, dangerous等。

to do it.

to be a lawyer.

难。love to do sth. 喜欢(想做某事)

re with you.

help you study english.

b. to do sth.

事。”ay here.

elp me.


side, you’d better put on your coat.

上大衣。ht now.

否定式为had better not do. (在better后加not即可)例:

peak when your mouth is full of food.

讲话。动词原形+?(why not+动词原形?)你为什么不?


hard, why not read something easier?

y don’t you take off your coat?


y not sit down?

下?could you please+动词原形+?


ing some water with you?

p her with her maths?

o sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿也不愿。

home rather than go out.

不愿出去。oor rather than get money in such a way.


turn to do sth.


on duty.

rn to clean the blackboard.

o the cleaning.

to give a talk.

了。容词+to do sth. 做某事如何。例:

that.u again.


ally makes them __very tired.

c. feeling d. feel

rls are made __what they’re not __

d b. to do, interested in

n d. doing, interested

_ to his birthday party.

oes d. went

the students __in class.

t talk

not to talk

bed until i finished __my homework.

did d. do

likeanything today.

c. eat d. ate

___the building and go upstairs.

b. enter

redng in the street. i saw a plane __over my head.

c. flew d. to fly

o much noise! father is working at the desk.

g c. to hear d. hearing

y tired. why not __a rest?

b. to stop h**ing

stop h**ing

___my homework at home.

don’t forgetit to school this afternoon.

b. forget, bring

left, to bring

etter, mum?


et __it.

to post d. posting

know __about it.

w tow can i do

___his computer. mine is broken.

o use d. using

___football inthe street.

ing c. not to play d. play

ke to go shopping with me?

will, will like

e d. would, would love to

n tells him __more exercise.

g c. taken d. take

e tell kate __my best wishes to everybody.

to give d. gives

feng __some shopping for her.

do d. did

asked me __to the zoo with her.

ent d. going

en tells jim and john __too much time playing video games.

to not spend

doesn’t spend

herin bed.

to read

o not read

ldren enjoycomputer games.

c. played d. to play

enjoy __picture-books.

c. reading d. reads

da few minutes?

c. waited d. waiting

___me with my english.

c. helping d. helped

t. don’t forgetwhen you __

**e b. to wear it, le**e

**e d. putting it on, will le**e

d __his class.

atch up with

h up with

___so we need your help.

b. what should we do

what to do it

make his kitehigher in the sky.

to fly d. flying





cadcar not read in bed.

ours to do housework yesterday.

g to understand this.

s to learn english well.

sk the teacher?

ay at home rather than go to the movie.


动词不定式重点考点句式复习及练习。1.sb sth is said to do to be doing to h e done to h e been done 据说 sb sth is reported to do to be doing to h e done to h e been done ...


高考英语语法专讲 动词不定式。1 有些有动词 宾语 不定式的结构。例如 例如 father will not allow us to play on the street.父亲不让我们在街上玩耍。the officer ordered his men to fire.长官命令士兵 注意 有些动词如m...


动词不定式在中学英语中应用非常广泛,一方面在句中可起名词 形容词或副词的作用,同时也可在句中作主语 宾语 定语 状语和宾语补足语。动词不定式的形式一般是to 动词原形,但to有时要省去。而动词不定式在具体运用时用不用to,取决于谓语动词的用法。现就以下几方面介绍如下。一 不定式结构。1.带to的不定...