
发布 2021-04-21 15:24:28 阅读 8701


1. sb/sth is said to do/to be doing/to h**e done/to h**e been done . 据说…..

sb/sth is reported to do/to be doing/to h**e done/to h**e been done . 据报道……

sb/sth is believed to do/to be doing/to h**e done/to h**e been done . 人们相信……

sb/sth is supposed to do/to be doing/to h**e done/to h**e been done . 应该, 理应……

it is said/reported/believed/considered/supposed that sb/sth…

robert is said to h**e studied abroad, but i don't know what country he studied in (nmet 1999)

2. 主语+ seem +(to be )+n/adj.(表语)”

black seemed to be quite happy. tom seems(to be)a very clever boy.

主语+ seem + to do/to be doing/to h**e done/to h**e been done

it seems that sb do/does/ is dong /h**e done /h**e been done.

the engine just won’t start. something seems to h**e gone wrong with it(2013·高考重庆卷).

it seems that something has gone wrong with it.

there seems to be ….看起来好像有…….

there seems (to be) a lot of support in congress for this move.


3. in order to do /so as to do/ to do…为了……

in order to be a good scientist, one must understand mathematics.

注意: so as to 不用于句首。

4. it is + adj + for/of sb. +to do sth

for sb. 常用于表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词,如easy, hard, difficult, interesting, impossible等: it's very hard for him to study two languages.


of sb的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right等。 it's very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。

5. the first person to do sth. 第一个做….事情的人。

the last person to do sth. 最后一个做….事情的人。

in american history parks is the first woman to lie in state at the capitol, a very high regard usually reserved for presidents of the united states. (2007重庆c)

6. do nothing but do除了做……什么也不能做。

h**e no choice but to do sth.. 别无选择只有……


according to mr. akins, we can do nothing but keep doing what we've been doing till further notice, or we'll probably mess up the situation.

tom had no choice but to call for an ambulance.

7. who/what/which/when/where/how + to do 疑问词+不定式作主语,宾语,表语。

i don’t know what to do . when to start has not been decided.

8 …,only to do …作结果状语,译为: 结果却…….不料却……,表示意料之外的结果。

区别:…,doing 表示意料之中的结果。

i hurried to the supermarket, only to find it was closed.

he died, le**ing nothing but debts.

9. sth. remain to be done. 尚待(有待)被……

h**ing a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains to be seen whether they will enjoy it.

a number of problems remain to be solved.

10. too…to “太……而不能……,太……而无法……”

in the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.

注意:1)“too…to”结构带有never, not 等时,表示肯定意义,译为“无论……也不过分,太……也不会……”it’s never too late to learn.

2) too 后面跟表示心情,态度或倾向性方面的形容词,如anxious, eager, glad, pleased, ready, willing 等时表示肯定意义。too 前也可以加上only,but ,all, just 等来加强语气。

he was too anxious to do the job. 他非常想做这份工作。

she is too ready to help others. 她总是乐于助人。

完成句子。1. 相信他们正在谈些秘密的事情。

they are believedsomething secret.

2. 人们认为查尔斯﹒巴比奇发明了第一台计算机。

charles babbage is generallythe first computer.

3. 她讨厌被人嘲笑。

she hates

4. 这些杂志不可以被带出阅览室。

the magazinesout of the reading room.

5. 据报道,他在事故中受伤了。

hein the accident.

6. 看来好像有个人正在山脚拍照。

thereat the foot of the mountain.

7. 据说,这本书已被译成了汉语。

the bookinto chinese.


has not been decided.


we think it essential

10. 中国将不会是第一个使用核**的国家。

chinanuclear weapons.


withhe felt at a loss.


i hurried to the train station


sir, do you


as nobody agreed to the plan, they could do nothing but



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