
发布 2021-04-28 02:06:28 阅读 8789


1. how 相关的问句。

1)疑问词 how much

玻璃杯里有多少牛奶?how much milk is there in the glass?

桌子上有多少面包?how much bread is there on the table?

你的新电脑多少钱?how much (money) is your new computer?

这些胡萝卜多少钱?how much (money) are these carrots?

买这本英语语法书,你付了多少钱?how much did you pay for the english grammar book?

你有多重?how much do you weigh?

2) 疑问词 how many

你家有几口人?how many people are there in your family?

你有几本书?how many books do you h**e?

你有几张卡片?how many cards do you h**e?

james 今天有几节课?how many classes does james h**e today?

我们班有多少男生?how many boys are there in our class?

这座城市有多少电影院?how many cinemas are there in this city?

中国有多少传统节日?how many traditional festivals are there in china?

有多少人参加了这次演出?how many people took part in this performance?

有多少人参加下周的**会?how many people will go to the concert next week?


how many people support the suggestion of using ipad in class?

3) how many times 几次、多少次。

你去过澳门几次?how many times h**e you been to macau?

你吃过多少次西餐?how many times h**e you eaten western food?

4) 疑问词 how soon 他要多久才回来? how soon will he come back?

我们多久能知道结果? how soon can we know the results?

我最早什么时候可以来拿我衣服?how soon can i come to pick up my clothes?

5) 疑问词 how often

你多久参加一次**会?how often do you go to the music concert?

你多久去一次高档餐馆?how often do you go to the expensive restaurants?

你多长时间去一次外国? how often do you go abroad?

你多久吃一次无营养食品? how often do you eat junk food?

顺便问一下, 你每隔多久看一次牙医? by the way, how often do you go to your dentist?

2. 疑问词 who

谁是你最好的朋友? who is your best friend?

今天谁值日? who is on duty today?

谁是你最想念的人? who do you miss most/ who is the person you miss most?

今天早上谁迟到了?who arrived late this morning?

谁在公交车上丢了钱?who lost money on the bus?

谁发明了指南针(compass)? who invented the compass?

坐在轮椅上的女孩是谁?who is the girl in the wheelchair?

谁在车祸中受伤了?who was injured in the accident?

在上周的会上,谁受到了惩罚? who was punished in the meeting last week?


1. 疑问词 what

你打算在假期里做什么? what do you plan to do during the holidays?

你午饭通常吃什么? what do you usually eat for lunch?

你在业余时间都干些啥? what do you do in your spare time?


what are the differences between british and american english?

你想申请什么样的工作?what job do you want to apply for?

你会给我推荐什么职位? what job would you recommend for me?

你大学是学什么专业的? what major did you take in university?

你暑假以后有什么计划? what are your plans after the summer vacation?

最危险的交通方式是什么? what is the most dangerous means of transportation?

我该怎么办? what should i do?

什么改变了你的主意? what changed your mind?

我应该记住那些餐桌礼仪呢?what table manners should i remember?


你最喜欢的职业是什么? what is your f**orite occupation?

你最喜欢的是哪个歌手?who is your f**orite singer?

你喜爱的夏季运动是什么? what is your f**orite summer sport?

在高中你最喜欢什么课程? what is your f**orite subject in high school?

3.句型why not do=why don’t you do 表示建议。

为什么不给我打个**?why not give me a call?=why don’t you give me a call?


why don't you tell her the news directly? =why not tell her the news directly?

为什么不直接与他们谈一谈?why not h**e a talk directly with them?=why don’t you h**e a talk directly with them?

为什么不跟我们一起去度假?why don't you h**e a holiday with us? =why not h**e a holiday with us?

4. 如何翻译“难道”

难道你不喜欢她吗?don’t you like her?

你难道就不担心失去工作? don't you care/worry about losing your job?

他难道不知道我很忙吗?doesn't he know i am busy?

难道她看上去不像是**吗? doesn’t she look like a nurse?

难道你不保持规律的营业时间吗?don’t you keep regular business hours?

5. 如何翻译“某某是什么样子的”

你的新房子是什么样子的?what is your new house like?

你的父亲是怎样的一个人? what is your father like?

意大利的气候怎么样 ? what the climate is like in italy?

北京夏天的天气怎么样?what is the weather like in beijing in summer?

6. 如何翻译“打算做”plan to do

你打算什么时候去那儿?when do you plan to go there?

你打算兼职吗? do you plan to do a part-time job?

你为什么打算离开现在的工作? why do you plan to le**e the present job?


1. 疑问词why

你为什么怪我? why do you blame me?

你为什么反对我? why do you argue against me?

你为什么想换工作? why do you want to change jobs

如果你不信任他, 那你为什么聘用他? if you don't trust him, why do you employ him?

你为什么买这么贵的衣服呢? why do you buy such expensive clothes?

你为什么这么拼命干活呢 ? why do you work so hard?

你为什么想当警察? why do you want to be a police officer?

为什么你觉得自己适合这份工作? why do you think you are fit for the job?

你认为我们为何要雇用你? why do you think we should employ you?

你认为有些人为什么抽烟? why do you think some people smoke?

2. 疑问词 how long 最好用完成时 “how long h**e you…”


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