
发布 2021-04-20 01:54:28 阅读 6672

1. i always go to school __seven twelve.

a. on b. for c. at d. in

2. i like to play __and he likes to play___

a. football; piano b. the piano; basketball c.

the table tennis; piano d. the basketball; the piano

3. lessonsat 8:00 and___at3:00.

a. finish ; start b. start; finish c. finishes; starts d. starts; finishes

4. the boys are___to swim.

a. learn b. learning c. study d. studying

5. elephants eat___and giraffes eat___

a. grass; leaf b. grasses; le**es c. grass; le**es d. grasses; leaf

6.—where is betty? —she __games over there.

a. is playing b. play c. plays d. is play

7.—who is the woman?

___our new teacher. _name is green.

a. she’s; her b. her’s; she c. her; her d. she’s; she’s

8. —let’s go to the cinema this evening

a. that’s right b. good idea c. i don’t d. i’d love

9. —what color is the shirt

a. they’re red b. it’s black c. it’s new d. they’re old

10. —how are you? —i’m

a. well b. fine c. good d. a and b

答案:cbbbc aabbd


always(adv.总是;一直) card(n. 卡片)

present(n. 礼物) usually(adv. 通常)

often(adv. 经常) never(adv. 从不)

get(v. 得到) ticket(n. 票)

pair(n.双;对) trainer(n. 软运动鞋)

concert(n. **会) magazine(n. 杂志)

novel(n. **) choose(v. 选择)

clothes(n. 衣服) singer(n. 歌手)







print (v. 打印) connect (v.连接)

finally (adv. 最后) document (n.文件)

use(v.使用) s**e(v.保存,挽救)


online(adj. **的) download(v.**)

internet(n.网络) grandchild(n.外孙)

check(v.检查) timetable(n.时刻表)

laptop(n.笔记本电脑) website(n.**)

london(n. 伦敦) kind(n. 种类)


a pair of一双;一对。

a lot of许多。

get a card收到卡片。

be different from与…不同。

welcome to欢迎来到……

many more还有许多其他……

come from = be from从……来。

let sb. do sth让某人做某事。

like to do sth. =like doing sth喜欢做某事。

would like to do sth想做某事。

all over the world遍及全世界。

in the world在世界上。

in the wild在野地里。

in the open air在户外。

stay healthy保持健康。

= keep healthy = keep in good health = keep fit

write one’s homework 写作业

open a new document 打开一个新文件。

s**e the document 保存文件

click “s**e” 点击“保存”

in the box 在方框里

print the document 打印文件。

on the computer 在电脑上

send emails 发送电子邮件。

visit one’s website 浏览某人的**

make tr**el plans 制定旅游计划。

the train timetable 火车时刻表

connect…to… 把……和……连接起来。

go online 上网

play games 玩游戏。

switch on 接通,打开

on the internet 在互联网上。

download music from the internet 从互联网上****。


welcome to beijing zoo欢迎大家到北京动物园。

let’s go and see a tiger我们过去看看老虎吧。

would you like to see lingling你想看看玲玲吗?

look,there she is瞧!她在那儿!

what’s your f**orite animal你最喜欢什么动物?

how do i s**e the document我怎样保存这个文件?

you click “s**e’’ and write a name for it你点击“保存”,并给它起个名字。

where do1write the name我在哪写名字呢?

write it in the box把它写在方框里。

do you make tr**el plans on the internet你在互连网上定旅游计划吗?

do you often go online你经常上网吗?

what kind of music do you download你**什么**?,



一)be 动词的一般现在时有三种形式am/is/are,后接名词,形容词或介词短语作表语。






变一般疑问句时,将助动词do提前到句首,句末用问号。 在回答时,用do/don’t来协助回答。



在回答时,用does/doesn’t 来协助回答。


规律:变否定句时,构成can not, 缩写为can’t。



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